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Since 1976 work has been carried out towards the development of a microcomputer-controlled set of equipment for displaying pitch contours of sentences. The aims were to produce a practical set-up in which target sentences recorded on tape... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsSpeech Communication
In this article the effects of modality on the processing in the bilingual lexicon will be explored. Therefore, two parallel repetition priming experiments were conducted, an auditory and a visual one. The subjects were Dutch-English... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsPsycholinguistic
Weinreich (1953) distinguished three types of bilingualism: the compound, the coordinate, and the subordinative. In this article, we use his partition to describe the effects of a small typological distance on the organization of the... more
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      AppliedApplied Psycholinguistics
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Bilingual lexicon will he c~vp/ored. Therc:/bre, two parallel repetition priming experiments were conducted, an auditory and a visual one. The .vub/ectm were Dutch English bilinguals. They had to petJorm a lexical decision ta.vk. There... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsPsycholinguistic
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      LinguisticsCurriculum and PedagogyModern Language
Since 1976 work has been carried out towards the development of a microcomputer-controlled set of equipment for displaying pitch contours of sentences. The aims were to produce a practical set-up in which target sentences recorded on tape... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsSpeech Communication
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      SystemEducation Systems
... Furthermore, the factors that appear to play a role in their case marking behavior and, more ... Van de Berg, Buursen & Claassen 1985) on the loss of a second language in children ... In particular,idiomatic expressions... more
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      PathologyDevelopmental PsychologyEpistemologySpanish
The meetin g wa s organise d i n conjunction wit h ANéLA, the Dutc h Associatio n o f Applie d Linguistics . A t th e conference, 8 4 session papers an d 4 plenaries were presented. From th e 3 0 papers tha t were subsequentl y submitted... more
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Deze bundel beva t d e tekste n va n 12 van d e 16 voordrachten gepresenteer d tijden s de ANéLA-studieda g di e o p 26 november 1993 plaatsvond aa n d e Universitei t va n Amsterdam. De dag werd bezocht door 103 geïnteresseerden,... more
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      LinguisticsBilingualismSecond Language Studies
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