Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Social Work
There is one change in our physical world that we still don't understand: gravitational force. What causes the feeling of gravity, the feeling of weight? What is the real foundation of this force that we experience every second of our... more
- by Ruud Loeffen
Einstein Field Equations seem to be extremely difficult to understand and consist of many different tensors. The LHS and RHS of the equation are governed by the "Einstein Coupling Constant "Kappa". In this paper I present a much more easy... more
The knowledge regarding the biological basis of human behaviour has grown explosively in recent years. We know that feelings and emotions are based on biochemical substances, and we know that our behaviour is largely controlled by... more
In our solar system and in the universe exists a Root Mean Square Velocity (VRMS) This velocity is the basis for all motions of the planets around the sun. The value of VRMS equals: 1.2278E+04 m/s or about 12.3 km/sec. The Root Mean... more
The equation for the Lorentz Transformation of Mass-Energy (LTME) can be directly related to the expansion of the universe as seen by Hubble. The LTME is based on the change in Mass-Energy if a Mass is accelerated or if it is moving in... more
The coupling constant "kappa" in the Einstein Field equation is mostly explained in very difficult to understand equations. In this paper you find a much more easy to understand explanation.
In Einstein Field Equations we find the Coupling Constant "kappa". This constant is very complicated and consists of many parameters. The explanations that I found are extremely difficult. If you follow the traces of the EFE in Wiki, you... more
Perhaps you are interested in my paper "Why the stone is falling". “If we pick up a stone and then let it go, why does it fall to the ground?” Albert Einstein, The Special and General Theory. I split the Gravitational Constant in two... more
The equation for the Lorentz Transformation of Mass-Energy (LTME) can be directly related to the expansion of the universe as seen by Hubble. The LTME is based on the change in Mass-Energy if a Mass is accelerated or if it is moving in... more
The knowledge regarding the biological basis of human behavior has grown explosively in recent years. We know that feelings and emotions are based on biochemical substances, and we know that our behavior is largely controlled by... more
Here you find the summary of 4 video’s that are related to my book: CON-FUSING GRAVITATION. Applying the Lorentz Transformation of Mass-Energy http://bit.ly/2CFGDIh You can download this book for free. For a quick idea about the content... more
In this paper “A Fair Tale about Expansion”, I tried to catch the most important ideas from my book Con-fusing Gravitation. It is about my conviction that all matter is expanding. I am a firm supporter of Expansion Tectonics, a geological... more
We find a lot of data about exoplanets in "The Masses and Orbital Dynamics of Exoplanets" One of these properties is: the Orbital Period. This Orbital period is directly correlated with the orbital radius and the orbital velocity. In this... more
In this paper, I gathered indications and information to determine the properties of the Primordial Elementary Particle (PEP), derived from the VRMS, the Root Mean Square Velocity of the planets in our solar system, and from the... more
The pictures of the James Web Space telescope are astonishing. Such thrilling progress in technology! We peer into the deep universe by going back in time. We come close to the beginning of the universe, mostly considered to be a “Big... more