Bioimpedance by Łukasz Przeniosło
Development of electrochemical measurement system using cyclic voltammetry method
In the paper the results of development of measurement instrument dedicated to electrochemical bi... more In the paper the results of development of measurement instrument dedicated to electrochemical biosensing are presented. The document covers the most important aspects of the hardware and software solutions used with presented device. Sample measurement results using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) method are also shown, in comparison with similar measurements made with commercially available, professional measurement system Autolab from Metro hm.
IFMBE Proceedings
In the paper the results of research on electronic measurement and control systems designed for
... more In the paper the results of research on electronic measurement and control systems designed for
a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented. Design of different types of biosensing electrodes and work on electronic circuits based on two microcontroller platforms are discussed. Comparison of measurement results using both systems in electrochemical biosensing techniques (EIS - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy) is also presented.

Innowacyjne prohekty w inżynierii biomedycznej i robotyce, 2013
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono postępy oraz założenia projektowe w pracy nad scalonym skanerem ... more W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono postępy oraz założenia projektowe w pracy nad scalonym skanerem bioimpedancji. Wyjaśnione zostały różne zagadnienia programowe oraz sprzętowe, takie jak sposób komunikacji głównego mikroprocesora z peryferiami czy automatyczna kalibracja układu pomiarowego. Głównym założeniem projektu jest to, aby budowana platforma była uniwersalna i posiadała możliwości rozbudowy. Daje to możliwości sprecyzowania wymagań sprzętowych dla urządzeń dedykowanych do konkretnych celów, które będzie można szybko wprowadzić na rynek, na którym będą konkurencyjne pod względem funkcji oraz ceny. Ważne jest, aby ze skonstruowanej płyty ewaluacyjnej mogły bez przeszkód korzystać osoby, które także działają w obszarze pomiarów BIA, lecz nie mające zaplecza elektronicznego lub informatycznego. Wymusza to stworzenie przejrzystego i prostego w obsłudze interfejsu użytkownika.
Due to its biological structure and electrical properties, living tissue can be
characterized by... more Due to its biological structure and electrical properties, living tissue can be
characterized by the Bioelectrical Impedance (BI). Bioimpedance measurements are used
in medicine for diagnostic purposes, including the so-called Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis (BIA), which is a noninvasive method of body composition analysis [1-3]. This
method is increasingly popular also in sports medicine, aesthetics medicine and dietetics.
Several manufacturers offer specialized electronic equipment for professional body
composition measurements based on bioimpedance analysis [3]. However, the use of
such popular, cheap systems is rather restricted to the dedicated area, and – as a result –
in more universal studies one has to adapt the equipment to the particular purpose, which
could be difficult, or to purchase much more sophisticated system at much higher price.
This paper presents a microprocessor system, working with integrated electrical impedance scanner... more This paper presents a microprocessor system, working with integrated electrical impedance scanner AD5933 (Analog Devices). The device was built as an universal evaluation board, which should aid in development of bioelectrical impedance measurement instruments that can be used in a practical, commercial field. Besides that, an analysis and review of electrical devices used in bioimpledance measurements were made (directed onto tissues, including fluids, tissue to electrode interfaces, human body in general).
IFMBE Proceedings, May 28, 2015
In the paper the results of research on a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented.... more In the paper the results of research on a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented.
Project of a mobile device is described for Point-of-Care (PoC) diagnostic tests based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Bioelectrical Impedance (BI) technique, using integrated impedance scanner AD5933 (Analog Devices). Design of a biosensing electrode, a control circuit based on XMEGA microprocessor, and results of preliminary experiments and simulations are also presented.
Papers by Łukasz Przeniosło

The recent rapid improvement of nautical equipment functionality allows one to better observe and... more The recent rapid improvement of nautical equipment functionality allows one to better observe and predict the dangers related to seamanship. However, these new features come with added complexity, and large amounts of information can overwhelm vessel crews and fleet operation centers, and the current state-of-the-art tools cannot filter out only the most important data for a given time and location. This paper presents the concepts and the algorithms of a software suite that provides a user with problem-oriented advice about a particular risk endangering a vessel and its crew. Based on the calculated navigational dangers and their predicted development, actionable guidance is proposed in an easy-to-understand human language. The quality of good seamanship is improved by a holistic approach to vessel installation, automated fleet operation center priority queuing, and the evaluation of crew performance during simulator training and daily operations. Both the software user interface, ...
IFMBE Proceedings, 2015
In the paper the results of research on a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented.... more In the paper the results of research on a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented. Project of a mobile device is described for Point-of-Care (PoC) diagnostic tests based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Bioelectrical Impedance (BI) technique, using integrated impedance scanner AD5933 (Analog Devices). Design of a biosensing electrode, a control circuit based on XMEGA microprocessor, and results of preliminary experiments and simulations are also presented.
2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2016
In the paper the results of development of measurement instrument dedicated to electrochemical bi... more In the paper the results of development of measurement instrument dedicated to electrochemical biosensing are presented. The document covers the most important aspects of the hardware and software solutions used with presented device. Sample measurement results using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) method are also shown, in comparison with similar measurements made with commercially available, professional measurement system Autolab from Metro hm.
IFMBE Proceedings, 2015
In the paper the results of research on a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented.... more In the paper the results of research on a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented. Project of a mobile device is described for Point-of-Care (PoC) diagnostic tests based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Bioelectrical Impedance (BI) technique, using integrated impedance scanner AD5933 (Analog Devices). Design of a biosensing electrode, a control circuit based on XMEGA microprocessor, and results of preliminary experiments and simulations are also presented.
Bioimpedance by Łukasz Przeniosło
a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented. Design of different types of biosensing electrodes and work on electronic circuits based on two microcontroller platforms are discussed. Comparison of measurement results using both systems in electrochemical biosensing techniques (EIS - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy) is also presented.
characterized by the Bioelectrical Impedance (BI). Bioimpedance measurements are used
in medicine for diagnostic purposes, including the so-called Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis (BIA), which is a noninvasive method of body composition analysis [1-3]. This
method is increasingly popular also in sports medicine, aesthetics medicine and dietetics.
Several manufacturers offer specialized electronic equipment for professional body
composition measurements based on bioimpedance analysis [3]. However, the use of
such popular, cheap systems is rather restricted to the dedicated area, and – as a result –
in more universal studies one has to adapt the equipment to the particular purpose, which
could be difficult, or to purchase much more sophisticated system at much higher price.
Project of a mobile device is described for Point-of-Care (PoC) diagnostic tests based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Bioelectrical Impedance (BI) technique, using integrated impedance scanner AD5933 (Analog Devices). Design of a biosensing electrode, a control circuit based on XMEGA microprocessor, and results of preliminary experiments and simulations are also presented.
Papers by Łukasz Przeniosło
a multifunctional graphene-based biosensor are presented. Design of different types of biosensing electrodes and work on electronic circuits based on two microcontroller platforms are discussed. Comparison of measurement results using both systems in electrochemical biosensing techniques (EIS - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy) is also presented.
characterized by the Bioelectrical Impedance (BI). Bioimpedance measurements are used
in medicine for diagnostic purposes, including the so-called Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis (BIA), which is a noninvasive method of body composition analysis [1-3]. This
method is increasingly popular also in sports medicine, aesthetics medicine and dietetics.
Several manufacturers offer specialized electronic equipment for professional body
composition measurements based on bioimpedance analysis [3]. However, the use of
such popular, cheap systems is rather restricted to the dedicated area, and – as a result –
in more universal studies one has to adapt the equipment to the particular purpose, which
could be difficult, or to purchase much more sophisticated system at much higher price.
Project of a mobile device is described for Point-of-Care (PoC) diagnostic tests based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Bioelectrical Impedance (BI) technique, using integrated impedance scanner AD5933 (Analog Devices). Design of a biosensing electrode, a control circuit based on XMEGA microprocessor, and results of preliminary experiments and simulations are also presented.