Papers by emmanuel munemo
International journal of research and innovation in social science, Dec 31, 2022
International journal of research and innovation in social science, 2024

International Open and Distance Learning Journal, 2017
The thrust of this study was to determine the barriers faced by voters with visual impairment in ... more The thrust of this study was to determine the barriers faced by voters with visual impairment in the electoral and voting process in Zimbabwe. The study was carried out in five provinces of the Zimbabwe. The qualitative research paradigm was used. The interpretive research design was used in line with the research philosophy identified. Opportunity sampling procedures were utilised and data were generated using interviews. The study established that voters with visual impairment feared for their lives because law enforcement agencies did not provide safety guarantees in the event of politically-motivated violence erupting. It also established that contrary to provisions of the constitution, privacy was not provided for in the voting process. The study also found out that where voters with visual impairment needed assistance, the choice of who should assist them needed to come from them, and not any other person. Specialised assistance during voting was also not forthcoming. The stud...

International Open and Distance Learning Journal, 2018
The study sought to interrogate the nature of mobility difficulties experienced by people with vi... more The study sought to interrogate the nature of mobility difficulties experienced by people with visual impairment in the central business district of Harare. It also sought to determine the extent to which these difficulties negatively impacted on the independent mobility of people with visual impairment. Independent mobility for people with visual impairment in Harare is threatened by a number of obstacles. The study used a qualitative paradigm. The interpretive design was used in line with the paradigm selected.Interviews were used to gather data for this study.Opportunity sampling was deemed the best due to the nature of the study.The study found out that several dangers confronted people with visual impairment by way of pot holes, broken pavements,open drainage systems, and food stalls along thestreets. Vendors selling various wares on shop verandas and pavements,vehicles parked in undesignated areas were also a serious challenge. It was also found out that people with visual imp...
The purpose of this research is about determining poverty, specifically the role of physical capi... more The purpose of this research is about determining poverty, specifically the role of physical capital represented by education and health in the autonomous regions of Central Java. The regression panel for data analysis is the analytical tool in this study. An interesting finding in this study was the physical model that had an important role in poverty assessment in the autonomous regions in Central Java during the observation period. Based on the regression results of the data panel, education and health which are the proxy of capital show a significant negative effect on the poverty level, while economic growth does not affect.

International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention, 2015
The purpose of the study was to analyse the extent to which disability has been mainstreamed in w... more The purpose of the study was to analyse the extent to which disability has been mainstreamed in water and sanitation programmes that were implemented by both state and non-state actors in Madziwa community under Shamva district in Zimbabwe. Enhancing the wellbeing of people living with disability in relation to water and sanitation was the overarching aim of the study. The researchers applied the Transformative Social Policy conceptual framework. This conceptual framework emphasises that social policy programmes and projects should be protective, preventive, promotive and transformative. Water and sanitation programmes are components of social policy in Zimbabwe. An analytical research design based primarily on qualitative research methods was applied. The researchers aimed to go beyond statistics on geographical and population coverage, which often shrouds the situated meanings and lived experiences of the often marginalised groups such as people living with disabilities. This focu...

International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research, 2015
Parks and wildlife facilities are intended to contribute people's wellbeing socially and economic... more Parks and wildlife facilities are intended to contribute people's wellbeing socially and economically. This aim puts parks and wildlife management in policy. Appropriate management of parks and wildlife for wider social wellbeing is essential. This paper brings out the issues in compliance behaviour of fishers in Zimbabwe's state-run lakes. The underlying aim of the study is to create policy options that sustain both the fish resources and the wellbeing of the fishers. Zimbabwe's Parks and Wild Life Management Authority (ZPWMA) administers all state-run lakes in Zimbabwe in order to prevent their over-exploitation. Despite its strict management regulations, the following rather disturbing developments continue to be observed: a) An increase in disregard for the regulations among licensed fishers and an influx of unregistered fishers (poachers). b) A growing incapacity on the part of ZPWMA to contain the worsening non-compliance with management regulations among fishers. c) An increase in the number of illegal fishers entering the fishery. d) An increase in the amount of fish being sold illegally on open markets in Harare and neighbouring towns. The growing non-compliance with regulations could be a result of many factors. Firstly, the worsening economic problems, the rising unemployment as well as the ever-spiralling prices of beef mean that some people are finding fish to be the next cheaper substitute. Secondly, the rather narrow and state centrist approach to fisheries management little considers the practical concerns of fishers giving them no incentive to comply with the regulations. Thirdly, because of the above, the regulations are low in legitimacy, making them less self-enforcing and costly to enforce. At a policy level, the study attempts to find ways of making the existing fisheries management structures, policies and practices at the fishery command more respect and acceptance among fisheries, whilst creating a conducive environment for the fishers to enhance their wellbeing through fishing. The following main recommendations were made: a) Greater attention be paid to the legitimacy aspects of the regulatory institutions as well as the regulations;

International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research, 2015
The researchers set out to identify the gaps between the Republic of Zimbabwe National Water Poli... more The researchers set out to identify the gaps between the Republic of Zimbabwe National Water Policy and its implementation. A qualitatively-oriented desk review provided the step-by-step process of identifying and analysing the gaps. The desk review was informed by the observation that no scholar has engaged the Water Policy and the performance of the water sector in terms of gaps between policy and implementation. The existing literature focuses on, and is influenced by quantitative and linear analyses. A lacuna therefore exists in Zimbabwean literature on qualitative policy analysis. The desk review was aimed at creating a platform for conducting a qualitative empirical study on the policy and its performance in urban areas. The desk review produced three major findings. Firstly, that the aim, objectives and principles of the policy are stated in qualitative terms. Secondly, that the gaps between the policy and its implementation are largely qualitative. Thirdly, that the available analyses of the water sector have been influenced solely by technical and linear models. Accordingly, two main recommendations are proffered. Solid empirical qualitative analyses of the gaps between the policy and implementation should be done against the provisions of the policy. Interactive models of policy analyses should be used as substitutes to, or in conjunction with linear models. The aim of such studies should be to attain the overall goal of social policy, that is, creating and sustaining wellbeing.

Greener Journal of Social Sciences, 2013
In Zimbabwe there are no comprehensive programmes to assist visually impaired school leavers to f... more In Zimbabwe there are no comprehensive programmes to assist visually impaired school leavers to find employment. The problems faced by visually impaired people in getting employment were the thrust of this study. The study was carried out in Mashonaland East, Mashonaland West, Masvingo and Harare provinces. Using questionnaires, data were collected from 20 unemployed and 20 employed visually impaired persons respectively and also from 10 employers of visually impaired persons. The data collected were analysed by using descriptive statistics. The study proved that visually impaired people were productive, loyal and capable of doing a number of jobs. It was further established that gender was not a factor in the employability of visually impaired people. The study revealed that lack of information by employers about visual impairment was a major cause of the problems faced in the labour market by visually impaired people. The general scarcity of jobs in the country had very little to do with the unemployment of visually impaired people. Recommendations on the employability of the visually impaired were made. The conclusion summarised the findings of the study.

In the Zimbabwe education system, there are comprehensive programmes in the area of supervision. ... more In the Zimbabwe education system, there are comprehensive programmes in the area of supervision. These programmes are offered by different institutions. Regrettably, none of these programmes has been extended to cover supervision of specialist teachers teaching in special schools, resource units and special classes. Determining the effectiveness of supervision of these teachers was the thrust of this research study. The study was carried out in two provinces of Mashonaland East and Harare. A qualitative descriptive survey was used to collect data from a sample of fifty teachers. Results indicated that supervision of specialist teachers left a lot to be desired. It was revealed that supervision by supervisors who were not trained in the area of special education was not benefiting the teachers. The study also found out that supervision was regarded as a way of finding faults and destroying the confidence of supervisees. On the whole, it was established that supervision of specialist ...

The study set out to determine the accessibility of public and private amenities for people wit... more The study set out to determine the accessibility of public and private amenities for people with disabilities in the central business district of Harare. People with disabilities like everyone else also needed to access various amenities and services in the city. A quick look in the city seems to suggest that access to many buildings, appears to favour the able bodied at the expense of people with disabilities. Some buildings appear to have “cosmetic” adaptations in a bid to accommodate people with disabilities. This study was informed by the quantitative paradigm. The descriptive design was chosen in line with the quantitative paradigm. Random sampling was employed. Data was collected through questionnaires . The study established that many buildings in the city were not user friendly to people with disabilities. Most buildings had stairs, but no rumps, most doors could not fit wheelchairs. Inside elevators, buttons were too high for some people using wheelchairs or ...

The major thrust of this study was to establish the electoral and voting needs of voters with vis... more The major thrust of this study was to establish the electoral and voting needs of voters with visual impairment. The study also intended to determine the extent to which these needs have been met by electoral authorities in Zimbabwe as well as suggesting ways through which the outstanding concerns could be addressed. The study was carried out in five provinces of Zimbabwe (Bulawayo, Masvingo, Mashonaland East, Mashonaland West and Harare). The qualitative research paradigm was applied. The interpretive research design was also used in line with the research philosophy and opportunity sampling was utilised. The study revealed that voters with visual impairment were excluded from the electoral and voting processes due to the use of only ordinary print to present information. Not all voters with visual impairment can access information presented in normal print. Many of them prefer formats such as Braille, computer based software, desktop screens and enlarged print. The study also foun...

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2018
The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which safety and security concerns of pe... more The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which safety and security concerns of people with visual impairment were catered for when politically motivated violence erupted. High stakes in elections, render the electoral process to serious risks of politically motivated violence. People with visual impairment may get maimed, killed or left with multiple disabilities. Politically motivated violence exposes voters and potential voters with visual impairment to serious safety, security and health concerns. For people with visual impairment especially the blind finding a safe place to take refuge can be a daunting task. This study used the qualitative paradigm, and was accordingly informed by the interpretative design. Opportunity sampling was made use of. Data was generated through interviews. The study found out that the safety and security of people with visual impairment was highly compromised in the event of violence. It was established that people with ...

Greener Journal of Educational Research, 2013
In the Zimbabwe education system, there are comprehensive programmes in the area of supervision. ... more In the Zimbabwe education system, there are comprehensive programmes in the area of supervision. These programmes are offered by different institutions. Regrettably, none of these programmes has been extended to cover supervision of specialist teachers teaching in special schools, resource units and special classes. Determining the effectiveness of supervision of these teachers was the thrust of this research study. The study was carried out in two provinces of Mashonaland East and Harare. A qualitative descriptive survey was used to collect data from a sample of fifty teachers. Results indicated that supervision of specialist teachers left a lot to be desired. It was revealed that supervision by supervisors who were not trained in the area of special education was not benefiting the teachers. The study also found out that supervision was regarded as a way of finding faults and destroying the confidence of supervisees. On the whole, it was established that supervision of specialist teachers was not being carried out effectively. Recommendations made included the following: that teacher education colleges should offer a supervisory component in special needs education, that school heads needed staff development in supervision of specialist teachers and that there was urgent need to invest in financial and material resources to realize effective supervision. Attitudes of mainstream teachers and supervisors towards special needs education also needed to change for the better, since these were found to be a major factor in impeding effective supervision. The appointment of Education Officers and District Education Officers who are trained in special needs education also needed to be attended to as a matter of urgency.
Inclusion as Social Justice, 2020

Greener Journal of Educational Research, 2013
In the Zimbabwe education system, there are comprehensive programmes in the area of supervision. ... more In the Zimbabwe education system, there are comprehensive programmes in the area of supervision. These programmes are offered by different institutions. Regrettably, none of these programmes has been extended to cover supervision of specialist teachers teaching in special schools, resource units and special classes. Determining the effectiveness of supervision of these teachers was the thrust of this research study. The study was carried out in two provinces of Mashonaland East and Harare. A qualitative descriptive survey was used to collect data from a sample of fifty teachers. Results indicated that supervision of specialist teachers left a lot to be desired. It was revealed that supervision by supervisors who were not trained in the area of special education was not benefiting the teachers. The study also found out that supervision was regarded as a way of finding faults and destroying the confidence of supervisees. On the whole, it was established that supervision of specialist teachers was not being carried out effectively. Recommendations made included the following: that teacher education colleges should offer a supervisory component in special needs education, that school heads needed staff development in supervision of specialist teachers and that there was urgent need to invest in financial and material resources to realize effective supervision. Attitudes of mainstream teachers and supervisors towards special needs education also needed to change for the better, since these were found to be a major factor in impeding effective supervision. The appointment of Education Officers and District Education Officers who are trained in special needs education also needed to be attended to as a matter of urgency.

This study focused on access and support of assistance technology for people with visual impairme... more This study focused on access and support of assistance technology for people with visual impairments in open and distance learning (ODL) institutions in Zimbabwe with particular focus on Zimbabwe open University (ZOU). Access to education and support for people with visual impairments in open and distance learning institutions in Zimbabwe appears to be a relatively grey area. The aim of the study was to analyse access and support of visual impairment in ODL for the improvement of ODL through assistive technology. The study was done through a qualitative design which composed of questionnaires to get data from people with visual impairments. Convenience sampling was used to identify respondents from among visually impaired individuals. Assistive technology refers to gadgets and devices such as modern computer software, magnification software, video and audio presentations, audio descriptions, verbal description of visual content, Braille embossers, large print word processors, screen...

International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention
The purpose of the study was to analyse access to potable water by people living with disabilitie... more The purpose of the study was to analyse access to potable water by people living with disabilities in Nyakatondo and Foya villages in Mount Darwin district. This district is located in Mashonaland Central Province in Zimbabwe. The study was influenced by the lack of empirical studies on water and disability and the acute potable water problems in the two villages. The researchers applied ethnography to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the problem. The study aims to improve the access to potable water by people living with disabilities in the two villages. This overall aim can only be achieved through appropriate understanding of the factors constraining access to potable water by people living with disabilities. The study shows that access to potable water is a serious development problem in the two villages and generally the northern and north eastern parts of the district due to low rainfall levels, low underground water levels and salty water. These problems imply that po...
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, Jun 1, 2013
Papers by emmanuel munemo