Tracing Comets
Made for Pursuing Pixels James Jam Game Gam #3
Use the arrow keys (left and right) to adjust the angle of your crosshair.
hold O to move the crosshair slower.
press X to confirm the selection.
Try to align the crosshair with the blue comet that just passed. Try to get it as close as possible to parallel. Deviating will accumulate an error score.
Gamemode 1 is 10 levels, with the goal to make the least errors.
Gamemode 2 lasts until you have accumulated 3.0 errors. The score will be the number of levels completed.
the theme of the Jam is: PARALLEL
Currently there this game has no audio.
All the art and programming was done by me.
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What a clever game :)
I just wonder, is it a bug, that it said “0 Error” and then add 0.01 anyway? because once it said i made a 0.01 error and then added 0.02
Suprising interpretation of the theme for the jam, that I’d have never thought of!
Gameplay is satisfying all it needs is a little background track (and comet varations for longevity? idk brainstorming).
Comets are coming at varied enough patters that you need to keep your focus, missed a few due to blinking, but that is on me! Always a pleasure to find another PICO-8 game on jams! Well done!
Gamemode 1: 9.08 Gamemode 2: got to 53
Really well done!
9.8901 out of 10, same as guy bellow me I guess haha fun game
9.8901 out of 10, very cool
Had an absolute blast! Great interpretation of the theme and a fun game concept!