Zanjan University
Agricultural Extension and Education
With the emergence of the Internet, e-learning has increasingly become the promising solution that continues to grow day after day. Considering students' perception toward e-learning is important in successful development of... more
The Internet as a universal network maybe considered as the most important opportunity for policy makers and planners in agricultural organizations. Now a day's internet is used in various forms at academic centers. The purpose of... more
The purpose of this research was to study desired characteristics of faculty members and students in E-Learning in higher education of Iran from virtual students' viewpoint. A descriptive-correlation survey approach was used in this... more
Agricultural professionals play an important role in informing and educating farmers about biofuel through teaching or extension work. One of the questions commonly asked is if they are knowledgeable and possess positive attitude towards... more
The purpose of this research was to design a model for e-learning in higher agricultural extension and education in Iran. A descriptive–correlation survey approach was used in this study. Responds filled in a web-based closed questions... more
The main goal of this study was to identify the information needs of Agricultural Faculty Members in Iran. A descriptive method using a web-based survey was conducted to gather the data. The validity of the tool was verified by a panel of... more
Вступ. У статті представлено огляди сучасних літературних даних про біологічно активний пептид – нейропептид Y(NPY), систему його рецепторів, їх роль в організмі людини і досліджень з вивчення їх терапевтичної та профілактичної... more
Organic farming is one of strategies for sustainable agriculture. It is based on natural methods of the control of agricultural pests and diseases and any application of chemical pesticides and herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones... more
Organic farming is one of strategies for sustainable agriculture. It is based on natural methods of the control of agricultural pests and diseases and any application of chemical pesticides and herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones... more
The aim of the current study is to consider farmers' perceptions regarding the impacts of climate change on water resources and their intention toward adaptation in southwestern Iran. To this end, this study applied the theory of reasoned... more
This study had been conducted with the aim to investigate the role of managerial, technical and structural factors on the success and stability of plant clinics from the perspective of farmers in southern county of Tehran province. The... more
- by Masuod shahi