Monika Fleischmann
Monika Fleischmann is a pioneer of new media art and new paradigms in interface design. Since the mid-1980s, her practice has reflected an increasingly digital world. She is concerned with the transformations that digital media bring to our environment. Fleischmann's artistic goal is to illuminate the contradictory characteristics of digital media. The two main concepts of her artistic research are Thinking Space and Performative Interfaces. She has founded or co-founded artistic-scientific research labs such as ART+COM (The Billion Dollar Code. Netflix) in Berlin, the MARS Exploratory Media Lab at GMD Sankt Augustin, and the eCulture Factory at Fraunhofer in Bremen. As an artist duo with their partner Wolfgang Strauss, they work on artistic and scientific projects ranging from architecture to media art - from the Berlin headquarters of Hewlett Packard to "Home of the Brain" (1989-91), the world's first VR artwork.
For this project, they received the Golden Nica for Interactive Art at the 1992 Prix Ars Electronica. In 2017, Monika Fleischmann was named one of the "25 Women Whose Inventions Are Changing the Way We Live" by Edition F. In 2018, she received the ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art for her pioneering work in the field of new media art through research projects based on interface design and new paradigms. The ZKM Center for Art and Media exhibits and houses the works of Fleischmann & Strauss. "Liquid Views" (1992) was acquired for the ZKM Collection in 2023. "Home of the Brain" will be recreated as an audiovisual mixed-reality version using tools such as a philosophical AI language model, once a sponsor and the right technicians are found.
Supervisors: or better partners: Edouard Bannwart, Wolfgang Strauss, Wolfgang Krueger, and ART+COM
For this project, they received the Golden Nica for Interactive Art at the 1992 Prix Ars Electronica. In 2017, Monika Fleischmann was named one of the "25 Women Whose Inventions Are Changing the Way We Live" by Edition F. In 2018, she received the ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art for her pioneering work in the field of new media art through research projects based on interface design and new paradigms. The ZKM Center for Art and Media exhibits and houses the works of Fleischmann & Strauss. "Liquid Views" (1992) was acquired for the ZKM Collection in 2023. "Home of the Brain" will be recreated as an audiovisual mixed-reality version using tools such as a philosophical AI language model, once a sponsor and the right technicians are found.
Supervisors: or better partners: Edouard Bannwart, Wolfgang Strauss, Wolfgang Krueger, and ART+COM
Related Authors
Ryszard W . Kluszczyński
The University of Lodz
Monika Fleischmann
ZKM / Center for Art and Technology Karlsruhe
Jean Dubois
Université du Québec à Montréal
Franc Solina
University of Ljubljana
Salif Silva
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Ursula Frohne
Westfalia Wilhelms University
InterestsView All (56)
Books by Monika Fleischmann
This article explores the transformative potential of digital technology and its interface with human perception and interaction. Reflecting on the evolution of media art since the early 1990s, the authors highlight missed opportunities for social empowerment with the rise of centralized platforms and corporate control. They confront pressing global crises such as social inequality, climate change, and mass migration, urging a reevaluation of societal values and a shift toward sustainable living. Amid the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), the essayists emphasize the importance of critical engagement and public discourse, and advocate media art as a means of exposing and revealing hidden truths. They introduce the concept of the "performative interface," which goes beyond traditional notions of interactivity to engage users in a cognitive and sensory encounter that invites participation in the unknown. Using examples such as their groundbreaking Semantic Map, Fleischmann and Strauss demonstrate the potential of the performative interface to reveal hidden realities and encourage collaborative thinking. They envision a future where natural and artificial intelligence coexist, creating augmented thinking spaces that empower humans to explore new meanings and create knowledge. See the article on page 91 in "Humanities and Artificial Intelligence" by Freddy Paul Grunert. The biography of Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss highlights their pioneering work in digital media and their commitment to empowering individuals through interactive art experiences.
Living in mixed realities
What does it mean to live, work and play in a world that is shaped and perceived by digital media, networks, and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces, living environments, and economic models be designed as an interplay of technological, social, and artistic forces as Mixed Realities of Art, Science, and Technology?
The design of a mixed reality architecture that connects processes in virtual space with the social surroundings and everyday cultural practice poses challenges for technicians, scientists, and artists alike. Basic design elements are networked structures that enable new collaborative forms of work and knowledge discovery, people-oriented interaction and awareness, media rooms, room ware, and progressive interfaces.
cast01 scientists will present innovative technologies, tools, and research projects from the Information Society Technologies (IST) program of the European Commission. Artists show aesthetic concepts of digital culture and new interactive media formats.
Some of the topics that symbolize the influence of information technology on life and work patterns in a networked society are agents, avatars, semantic web, poetic interfaces. cast01 explores new ways in which the next generation of cultural techniques can be understood, researched, and supported by creative interdisciplinary strategies.
cast01 shows outstanding examples from research, technological development, and artistic production in the form of research work and artistic presentations as well as drafts and posters on ideas that are still being developed. More than 400 researchers, artists, theorists, practitioners, and entrepreneurs submitted interdisciplinary projects and critical concepts on mixed reality. The highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet Media Lab “netzspannung.org” and the “digital sparks” initiative.
The proceedings of the conference "cast01 - living in mixed realities" (403 pages) appeared in print and online in the second issue of the netzspannung.org/journal
ISSN Number:
1617-6855, german /1618-1379, English (Print)
1617-6863, german / 1618-1387, English (Internet)
Vor diesem Hintergrund erteilte das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung 1999 dem GMD-IMK-MARS den Auftrag, einen webbasierten, interdisziplinären Informationspool - ein Online-Kompetenzzentrum - zu aktuellen Themen der IT-Forschung, Medientheorie, Medienkunst und -gestaltung aufzubauen, der von 1999 bis 2004 über fünf Jahre gefördert und von 2005 bis 2008 als eCulture Factory vom MARS Lab am Fraunhofer Institut für KI und Robotik in Bremen weitergeführt wurde.
Die Studie wurde als Antrag beim BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in Bonn eingereicht und bewilligt. Damit wurde in den folgenden Jahren die Internetplattform netzspannung.org aufgebaut.
Die CAT-Studie Band I und II kann bei netzspannung.org heruntergeladen werden. http://netzspannung.org/version1/journal/issue0/cat-history/index.html
Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss from the Fraunhofer IAIS Research Institute show an intersection of the body and immaterial digital data. From Body Space (Virtual Striptease) to Knowledge Space (Semantic Map): Interactivity as an extension of touch is a central strategy of their work – interactivity with its complex relationship to reality, re-presentation and presence.
The body as interface and intersections to the disembodied digital information. Immersion in data flow causes productive moments of disturbance and suspension, and consequently – a feeling of real physical presence.
The exhibition Performing Data includes works from the early 1990s, when the artists/scientists were co-founders of the ART+COM collective in 1987 in Berlin. Since 1992 they developed their work as research artists at KHM and GMD – the German National Research Center for Information Technology, since 1997 as directors of the Media Art & Research Studies (MARS) department and since 2001 at Fraunhofer Society, in the Institute for Media Communication (IMK) and the Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems in Sankt Augustin, Germany.
What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces, life environments and economic models be designed as an interplay of technological, social, and artistic forces, as Mixed Realities of Art, Science and Technology.
The design of a Mixed Reality Architecture, which connects processes in virtual space to the social environments and everyday cultural practice, poses challenges to technologists, scientists and artists alike. Basic design elements are networked structures, which allow new collaborative forms of work and Knowledge Discovery, human-oriented interaction and Awareness, media spaces, Room ware and advanced interfaces.
cast01 artists and scientists will present innovative technologies, tools and research projects from the European Commission Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). Artists will show aesthetic concepts of digital culture and new interactive media formats.
Some of the topics that symbolize the influence of information technology on patterns of life and work in a networked society are Agents, Avatars, Semantic Web, poetic interfaces. cast01 explores new ways in which the next generation of cultural techniques can be understood, explored and supported through creative interdisciplinary strategies.
cast01 demonstrates outstanding examples of research, technological development and artistic production in the form of research papers and artistic presentations as well as blueprints and posters about ideas still under construction. More than 400 researchers, artists, theorists, practitioners and entrepreneurs submitted interdisciplinary projects and critical concepts on Mixed Reality. Highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet media lab »netzspannung.org« and the »digital sparks« initiative.
REVIEW of recurring issues by maia engeli and phoebe sengers
cast01 // Living in Mixed Realities: Conference on artistic, cultural and scientific aspects of experimental media spaces.
September 21-22, 2001. Sankt Augustin (Bonn, Germany)
Organiser: MARS-Exploratory Media Lab, GMD Institute for Media Communication.
Under the patronage of Edelgard Bulmahn, German Federal Minister for Education and Research
Special offer: Book with Audio-CD = 10 EUR plus transport + packaging.
German Review on Amazon by Stefan Benaburger "semperino":
Digitale Transformationen, with Audio-CD.
Erhellende und vielfältige Antworten auf zentrale Fragen der allgegenwärtigen Digitalisierung unseres Lebens finden sich in dem beeindruckenden Band „Digitale Transformationen", dessen Autorenliste sich wie das „Who-is-who?" der deutschsprachigen Medienkunstlandschaft liest. 50 hochkarätige Autoren wie Sabine Breitsameter, Monika Fleischmann, Dominik Landwehr, Joachim Sauter, Peter Weibel oder Annett Zinsmeister kommen hier zu Wort, um die digitalen Transformationen in ihren vielfältigen Rollen und an konkreten Beispielen vorzustellen.
Das über 300-seitige Kompendium beginnt mit dem Kapitel „Spielraum Medienkunst" in dem unter anderem Herbert W. Franke, ein Pionier der kybernetischen Kunst, in einem Interview über 25 Jahre Ars Electronica spricht.
Wie sich Internet, Handys, Computergrafik und Informationsarchitektur mit der Medienkunst verbinden, verdeutlicht das Kapitel „Themen". In „Künstler und Methode" kommen dann die Kreativen selbst zu Wort und stellen originelle Konzepte und Methoden ihres Schaffens vor. In mehreren Essays zu dem Thema "Kunst und Publikum" werden im Weiteren die Inszenierungen von Medienkunst und die damit verbundenen Aspekte behandelt, wie etwa die Frage der Akzeptanz beim Publikum und die ökonomische Beschaffenheit eines entsprechenden Marktes.
Dass Vernetzung und Präsentation via Internet essentielle Bestandteile im Kunstbetrieb sind, zeigt sich daran, dass diesen Themen gleich zwei Kapitel zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Es werden darin die wichtigsten Internetplattformen und Online-Archive für Medienkunst im deutschsprachigen Raum vorgestellt.
Abschließend präsentiert das Buch herausragende und kommerziell erfolgreiche Kunst, wobei exemplarisch nur „BIX" erwähnt sei, die Gürteltier-Fassade des Grazer Kunsthauses.
Zusammenfassend kann ich sagen, dass es beeindruckend ist, wenn man dieses kulturgeschichtlich bedeutsame und gewichtige Werk real in den Händen hält. Es ist ein unverzichtbares Kompendium, das man nicht auf einmal durchliest, und ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk, in dem man je nach Bedarf und Interesse noch lange schmökern und recherchieren wird.
Papers by Monika Fleischmann
This article explores the transformative potential of digital technology and its interface with human perception and interaction. Reflecting on the evolution of media art since the early 1990s, the authors highlight missed opportunities for social empowerment with the rise of centralized platforms and corporate control. They confront pressing global crises such as social inequality, climate change, and mass migration, urging a reevaluation of societal values and a shift toward sustainable living. Amid the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), the essayists emphasize the importance of critical engagement and public discourse, and advocate media art as a means of exposing and revealing hidden truths. They introduce the concept of the "performative interface," which goes beyond traditional notions of interactivity to engage users in a cognitive and sensory encounter that invites participation in the unknown. Using examples such as their groundbreaking Semantic Map, Fleischmann and Strauss demonstrate the potential of the performative interface to reveal hidden realities and encourage collaborative thinking. They envision a future where natural and artificial intelligence coexist, creating augmented thinking spaces that empower humans to explore new meanings and create knowledge. See the article on page 91 in "Humanities and Artificial Intelligence" by Freddy Paul Grunert. The biography of Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss highlights their pioneering work in digital media and their commitment to empowering individuals through interactive art experiences.
Living in mixed realities
What does it mean to live, work and play in a world that is shaped and perceived by digital media, networks, and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces, living environments, and economic models be designed as an interplay of technological, social, and artistic forces as Mixed Realities of Art, Science, and Technology?
The design of a mixed reality architecture that connects processes in virtual space with the social surroundings and everyday cultural practice poses challenges for technicians, scientists, and artists alike. Basic design elements are networked structures that enable new collaborative forms of work and knowledge discovery, people-oriented interaction and awareness, media rooms, room ware, and progressive interfaces.
cast01 scientists will present innovative technologies, tools, and research projects from the Information Society Technologies (IST) program of the European Commission. Artists show aesthetic concepts of digital culture and new interactive media formats.
Some of the topics that symbolize the influence of information technology on life and work patterns in a networked society are agents, avatars, semantic web, poetic interfaces. cast01 explores new ways in which the next generation of cultural techniques can be understood, researched, and supported by creative interdisciplinary strategies.
cast01 shows outstanding examples from research, technological development, and artistic production in the form of research work and artistic presentations as well as drafts and posters on ideas that are still being developed. More than 400 researchers, artists, theorists, practitioners, and entrepreneurs submitted interdisciplinary projects and critical concepts on mixed reality. The highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet Media Lab “netzspannung.org” and the “digital sparks” initiative.
The proceedings of the conference "cast01 - living in mixed realities" (403 pages) appeared in print and online in the second issue of the netzspannung.org/journal
ISSN Number:
1617-6855, german /1618-1379, English (Print)
1617-6863, german / 1618-1387, English (Internet)
Vor diesem Hintergrund erteilte das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung 1999 dem GMD-IMK-MARS den Auftrag, einen webbasierten, interdisziplinären Informationspool - ein Online-Kompetenzzentrum - zu aktuellen Themen der IT-Forschung, Medientheorie, Medienkunst und -gestaltung aufzubauen, der von 1999 bis 2004 über fünf Jahre gefördert und von 2005 bis 2008 als eCulture Factory vom MARS Lab am Fraunhofer Institut für KI und Robotik in Bremen weitergeführt wurde.
Die Studie wurde als Antrag beim BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in Bonn eingereicht und bewilligt. Damit wurde in den folgenden Jahren die Internetplattform netzspannung.org aufgebaut.
Die CAT-Studie Band I und II kann bei netzspannung.org heruntergeladen werden. http://netzspannung.org/version1/journal/issue0/cat-history/index.html
Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss from the Fraunhofer IAIS Research Institute show an intersection of the body and immaterial digital data. From Body Space (Virtual Striptease) to Knowledge Space (Semantic Map): Interactivity as an extension of touch is a central strategy of their work – interactivity with its complex relationship to reality, re-presentation and presence.
The body as interface and intersections to the disembodied digital information. Immersion in data flow causes productive moments of disturbance and suspension, and consequently – a feeling of real physical presence.
The exhibition Performing Data includes works from the early 1990s, when the artists/scientists were co-founders of the ART+COM collective in 1987 in Berlin. Since 1992 they developed their work as research artists at KHM and GMD – the German National Research Center for Information Technology, since 1997 as directors of the Media Art & Research Studies (MARS) department and since 2001 at Fraunhofer Society, in the Institute for Media Communication (IMK) and the Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems in Sankt Augustin, Germany.
What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces, life environments and economic models be designed as an interplay of technological, social, and artistic forces, as Mixed Realities of Art, Science and Technology.
The design of a Mixed Reality Architecture, which connects processes in virtual space to the social environments and everyday cultural practice, poses challenges to technologists, scientists and artists alike. Basic design elements are networked structures, which allow new collaborative forms of work and Knowledge Discovery, human-oriented interaction and Awareness, media spaces, Room ware and advanced interfaces.
cast01 artists and scientists will present innovative technologies, tools and research projects from the European Commission Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). Artists will show aesthetic concepts of digital culture and new interactive media formats.
Some of the topics that symbolize the influence of information technology on patterns of life and work in a networked society are Agents, Avatars, Semantic Web, poetic interfaces. cast01 explores new ways in which the next generation of cultural techniques can be understood, explored and supported through creative interdisciplinary strategies.
cast01 demonstrates outstanding examples of research, technological development and artistic production in the form of research papers and artistic presentations as well as blueprints and posters about ideas still under construction. More than 400 researchers, artists, theorists, practitioners and entrepreneurs submitted interdisciplinary projects and critical concepts on Mixed Reality. Highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet media lab »netzspannung.org« and the »digital sparks« initiative.
REVIEW of recurring issues by maia engeli and phoebe sengers
cast01 // Living in Mixed Realities: Conference on artistic, cultural and scientific aspects of experimental media spaces.
September 21-22, 2001. Sankt Augustin (Bonn, Germany)
Organiser: MARS-Exploratory Media Lab, GMD Institute for Media Communication.
Under the patronage of Edelgard Bulmahn, German Federal Minister for Education and Research
Special offer: Book with Audio-CD = 10 EUR plus transport + packaging.
German Review on Amazon by Stefan Benaburger "semperino":
Digitale Transformationen, with Audio-CD.
Erhellende und vielfältige Antworten auf zentrale Fragen der allgegenwärtigen Digitalisierung unseres Lebens finden sich in dem beeindruckenden Band „Digitale Transformationen", dessen Autorenliste sich wie das „Who-is-who?" der deutschsprachigen Medienkunstlandschaft liest. 50 hochkarätige Autoren wie Sabine Breitsameter, Monika Fleischmann, Dominik Landwehr, Joachim Sauter, Peter Weibel oder Annett Zinsmeister kommen hier zu Wort, um die digitalen Transformationen in ihren vielfältigen Rollen und an konkreten Beispielen vorzustellen.
Das über 300-seitige Kompendium beginnt mit dem Kapitel „Spielraum Medienkunst" in dem unter anderem Herbert W. Franke, ein Pionier der kybernetischen Kunst, in einem Interview über 25 Jahre Ars Electronica spricht.
Wie sich Internet, Handys, Computergrafik und Informationsarchitektur mit der Medienkunst verbinden, verdeutlicht das Kapitel „Themen". In „Künstler und Methode" kommen dann die Kreativen selbst zu Wort und stellen originelle Konzepte und Methoden ihres Schaffens vor. In mehreren Essays zu dem Thema "Kunst und Publikum" werden im Weiteren die Inszenierungen von Medienkunst und die damit verbundenen Aspekte behandelt, wie etwa die Frage der Akzeptanz beim Publikum und die ökonomische Beschaffenheit eines entsprechenden Marktes.
Dass Vernetzung und Präsentation via Internet essentielle Bestandteile im Kunstbetrieb sind, zeigt sich daran, dass diesen Themen gleich zwei Kapitel zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Es werden darin die wichtigsten Internetplattformen und Online-Archive für Medienkunst im deutschsprachigen Raum vorgestellt.
Abschließend präsentiert das Buch herausragende und kommerziell erfolgreiche Kunst, wobei exemplarisch nur „BIX" erwähnt sei, die Gürteltier-Fassade des Grazer Kunsthauses.
Zusammenfassend kann ich sagen, dass es beeindruckend ist, wenn man dieses kulturgeschichtlich bedeutsame und gewichtige Werk real in den Händen hält. Es ist ein unverzichtbares Kompendium, das man nicht auf einmal durchliest, und ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk, in dem man je nach Bedarf und Interesse noch lange schmökern und recherchieren wird.
Reflections about the work of Monika Fleischmann + Wolfgang Strauss. Luca Farulli, italian art historian, writes about "the voice and the sound" in Liquid Views.
„Liquid Views“ (1992/2013) by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss is a simulation of artificial water in which the viewer’s reflection is portrayed as in real water. The computer as a storage media per se, artistically turned, tempts the visitor to leave its trace in the open system. Liquid Views predicts, cultural, social, technical and aesthetic changes that become evident 20 years later.
In: Fleischmann, Monika; Strauss, Wolfgang: Performing Data | Performowanie danych with texts by Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Derrick de Kerkhove, Luca Farulli. National Centre for Culture, Warszawa 2011 with Laznia CCArt, Gdańsk, Poland 2011 ISBN 978-83-61587-55-2
This summit brings together pioneers and contemporary artists in generative art, spanning seven decades of innovation from early computer art to modern AI and blockchain applications. Fleischmann and Strauss, known for their contributions to interactive installations and virtual reality, will be among the key speakers and participants.