Papers by Tatiana Corejova
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2022
INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2020

Logistyka, 2012
This paper investigates the issue of diffusion res earch focused on diffusion and adoption models... more This paper investigates the issue of diffusion res earch focused on diffusion and adoption models at f irm level. Diffusion theories are aimed at exploring issues as how, why and with what intensity there are new kno wledge, innovations, skills and technological changes sprea d. The purpose of this article is to analyse diffus on processes and describe inter-firm and intra-firm diffusion an d differences between them. In this article there i s a theoretical review of IT adoption models at the firm level stated, and factors that influence IT adoption and diffusion i n each of them. Most empirical studies are derived from the DOI the ory and the TOE framework, but to achieve better un derstanding of the IT adoption phenomenon, it is importatnt to combine more than one theoretical models. DIFÚZNE A ADAPTA ČNÉ MODELY NA PODNIKOVEJ ÚROVNI Streszczenie Príspevok je zameraný na prístupy vo výskume difúz ie zameranej na difúzne a adapta čné modely na podnikovej úrovni. Difúzne teórie sa zameriavajú na skúmanie a ko, prečo a s akou intenzitou sú nové poznatky, inovácie, z ručnosti a technologické zmeny rozširované. Ú čelom príspevku je analyzova ť difúzne procesy a popísa ť medzifiremnú a vnútrofiremnú difúziu a rozdiely medzi nimi. Je t u uvedený teoretický preh ľad modelov prijímania IT na firemnej úrovni a faktory, ktoré ovplyv ňujú prijatie a difúziu IT v nich. Vä čšina empirických štúdií je založená na teórii DOI a rámci TOE, ale pre lepšie porozumenie javom spojeným s prijatí m IT je nutné kombinova ť rôzne teoretické prístupy.
Springer proceedings in business and economics, 2023

Procedia Engineering, 2017
Innovation potential development with the support of new knowledge creation and presentation and ... more Innovation potential development with the support of new knowledge creation and presentation and its consequent transfer to business practice represents a part of knowledge society building. Experiences acquired abroad indicate that systematic support of invention application, technical solutions and knowledge acquired via research & development in business and social practice is necessary for maintaining sustainable development of a knowledge society. Building of platform for transfer of knowledge and technology support has just recently started in Slovakia. However, some of its activities have already been carried out mainly thanks to the EU structural funds. Sustainable economic growth must be based on latest knowledge. University´s innovation potential is crucial. Specialised institutions focusing on knowledge and technology transfer have just started to emerge in Slovakia. Today, a very good example of technology transfer realization is the Broker Centre of Air Transport. This paper proposes a case study which was prepared in order to gain all the necessary information from the field of used technology and knowledge transfer model and spin-off companies in significant academic centres in Taiwain.
Transfer technológií bulletin, 2022
Národná infraštruktúra pre podporu transferu technológií na Slovensku II-NITT SK II Investícia do... more Národná infraštruktúra pre podporu transferu technológií na Slovensku II-NITT SK II Investícia do Vašej budúcnosti/Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja/
INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2021
Expanding Horizons: Business, Management and Technology for Better Society, 2020

Springer proceedings in business and economics, 2018
Increasing demand for telecommunication services and increased competition for scarce spectrum ha... more Increasing demand for telecommunication services and increased competition for scarce spectrum has led to the introduction of spectrum pricing. Spectrum pricing is the term given to funding and licensing mechanisms that bring economic factors into spectrum management. Spectrum is one of the factors of production, and there is significant need to be able to assess spectrum value properly. It is a scarce but renewable public resource. The current assignment and allocation of spectrum is unlikely to be at market equilibrium, for the simple reason that economic factors have only had a very indirect impact (if any) on past allocation and assignment decisions. The aim of this paper is to discuss the access to the radio spectrum from the point of view of operators, regulator, and customers as well as the possibility of excludability and rivalry.
Pošta, telekomunikácie a elektronický obchod, Sep 30, 2013
Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod, 2006

Konferencia COINTT 2020 sa uskutočnila v októbri uplynulého roka, ale je naozaj čo bilancovať. Pr... more Konferencia COINTT 2020 sa uskutočnila v októbri uplynulého roka, ale je naozaj čo bilancovať. Priblížte nám najzaujímavejšie vstupy a hostí, ktorých ste na toto podujatie pozvali. hlavnými hosťami online konferencie boli Frances Paulisch zo Siemens healthineers a generálny riaditeľ slovenskej spoločnosti Evonik Fermas, Miroslav havlík. Obaja prezentovali transfer technológií prebiehajúci v ich spoločnostiach, čo je pre nich v tomto procese dôležité a aké výhody ako korporácie z toho majú. Medzi najzaujímavejšie vstupy minuloročnej konferencie rozhodne patril rozhovor medzi Martinom Tamajkom a Ľubošom Irom-šéfom slovenského vývojového centra značky Siemens healthineers, ktorí predstavili, ako sa rodila spolupráca Siemensu a Fakulty informatiky a informačných technológií Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave a čo je z pohľadu globálnej značky pri nadväzovaní tejto spolupráce dôležité. Ďalšími zaujímavosťami, ktoré stoja za opätovné pozretie na, sú panelové diskusie o financovaní zavádzania akademických inovácií do praxe a jeho úskalia, prípadne diskusia prorektorov najvýznamnejších technických univerzít na Slovensku, kam sa posúva výskum na pôde ich inštitúcií a či je aplikovateľný do biznisu. Odbornú divácku komunitu oslovil aj diskusný panel Špecifiká patentovej ochrany a transferu technológií v oblasti "Life Sciences" vedený kolegom-expertom na duševné právo-Jaroslavom Noskovičom. Na konferencii boli odprezentované aj niektoré zaujímavé a podnetné inovácie z dielní slovenských univerzít, je to tak? Áno. Napríklad ide o kapsulový endoskop, ktorý by mohol spríjemniť vyšetrenie mnohým pacientom gastroenterologických ambulancií a nový probiotický kmeň Lactobacillus plantarum LS/07 CCM-7766. Oba vynálezy sú pripravené na svoje využitie v praxi, pokiaľ sa samozrejme nájde ich výrobca. Nevynechali ste ale ani zástupcov z firemného prostredia. Samozrejme. Konferencia COINTT 2020 bola síce odborná konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou, ale na svoje si prišli i predstavitelia podnikateľského prostredia a startupov, ktorí boli oslovení najmä cez spoluorganizátorov konferencie, predovšetkým agentúry: Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra (SIEA), Slovak Business Agency (SBA) a Slovenská agentúra pre rozvoj investícií a obchodu (SARIO). Rok 2020 bol špecifický. Celosvetová pandémia ochorenia COVID-19 ovplyvnila aj organizáciu prvého ročníka podujatia COINTT 2020. Ako ste túto neľahkú situáciu zvládali?

Industrial Marketing Management, 2014
Sustainability is increasingly drawing the attention of scholars, policy makers, and companies, a... more Sustainability is increasingly drawing the attention of scholars, policy makers, and companies, as the latter are recognizing the necessity and opportunities of implementing sustainable practices in their operations. Marketing plays a substantial role in both applying such initiatives and promoting them, which can be greatly supported through brands. We suggest that firms can use their brands to promote the value of sustainability to their industrial customers, consumers, and other stakeholders. This may be achieved through branding activities that emphasize the firm's sustainability practices and their impact on stakeholders. Expressing sustainability actions as the measurable and relatable outcomes they yield and associating them with brands have the potential to further facilitate this integration of sustainability and branding. A framework and guidelines for sustainability practices that may be employed in this process of integrating operations and marketing are discussed.

Transport Problems, Mar 1, 2023
The aim of this paper is to design a methodological procedure for determining the costs of compan... more The aim of this paper is to design a methodological procedure for determining the costs of companies in the process of travelling the last mile in the context of changing the business model. At present, traditional services such as delivery by post or by courier to a particular consumer's place of residence are still used to deliver consignments to consumers. In recent years, however, new delivery methods have begun to be used, such as ParcelShops, lockers located at specific locations, or dispensing points where the consumer comes to pick up the shipment. In order for each of these methods of delivering goods to consumers to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to incur certain costs. The results of this paper contain a mathematical relationship for calculating the total costs that a postal company has to incur in order to deliver goods to consumers within the last mile using the available delivery options.

CBU International Conference Proceedings ..., Sep 20, 2016
This paper illustrates the importance of Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) as a source... more This paper illustrates the importance of Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) as a source of innovation and economic growth. In the article, we explain the impact of KIBS on innovation, the importance of KIBS as a support in economic growth, its positive impact on employment and important role in the knowledgebased economy of Slovakia. This paper shows KIBS as important for innovation processes provided by institutions, such as universities, where the most important part involves research and development. Low support in services such as KIBS may cause decreases in availability of highly qualified employees and output of knowledge for innovation. Productivity and economic growth are largely dependent on fast growing technological progress and transfer of knowledge. Innovation can lead to a reduction in manual workers on one hand, while on the other qualified employees will be needed for processes in the new applied technology. In order to fully understand the rapid growth of innovation and KIBS, we analyzed the correlation and number of scientists of its population in the EU countries.
Papers by Tatiana Corejova