University of Zilina
Electrotechnical faculty
A proof-of-concept prototype of a heterogeneous catalytic reactor has been developed for continuous production of hydrogen via formic acid (FA) dehydrogenation. A laboratory-type polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) fed with the resulting... more
Optical losses in a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell account for a substantial part of solar-to-hydrogen conversion losses, but limited attention is paid to the detailed investigation of optical losses in PEC cells. In this work, an... more
Stredná priemyselná škola dopravná, Sokolská 911/94, 960 01 Zvolen Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130667 Názov projektu: Zvyšovanie flexibility absolventov v oblasti dopravy "Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je... more
- by Jakub Juriga
This paper deals with mathematical modelling of impulse waveforms and impulse switching functions used in electrical engineering. Impulse switching functions are later investigated using direct and inverse z-transformation. The results... more
The paper deals with modeling and simulation of chosen operational modes of HEV vehicle with direct AC/AC transfer and five-phase IM traction motors. Such configuration yields smaller voltage drops com-pared with the serial AC/DC/AC... more
Artykuł dotyczy uproszczonej konfiguracji pojazdów hybrydowych HEV. Uproszczenie polega na zmniejszeniu konwertera 4QC wymaganego w trybach hybrydowych. Poza tym tryb pracy w trybie autonomicznej trakcji w trybie akumulatorowym... more
Paper deals with analysis and mathematical modelling of pulse-width-modulated impulse rectangular signals in Z-domain. These signals are widely used electrical engineering application both in signal processing also in power electronic... more
This paper dals with design of optimized electronic control for diesel engines for all-terrain vehicles. In paper the detailed proposal of control algorithm, as well as procedure for turbocharger innovation is described. Designed... more
The paper deals with analysis and modelling of a new type of single-phase supplied AC/AC converter with two phase outputs. It consists of one-leg half-bridge matrix converter loaded by the resistive-inductive load in series connection. As... more
The paper deals with a novel enhanced connection of AC/AC powertrain for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). The substantial contribution of such a connection is the absence of 4QC auxiliary converter needed for autonomous and hybrid... more
The paper deals with testing device designed for experimental examination of processes in power electronics devices during various switching modes is described. Through the use of auxiliary circuits additional switching modes (ZVS, ZCS)... more
Paper deals with mathematical modelling of impulse waveforms and impulse switching functions used in electrical engineering. Impulse rectangular waveforms are created by periodical trigonometric functions with modulo π, so, the waveforms... more
This paper is dedicated to the recent unprecedented boom of SiC electronic technology. The contribution deals with brief survey of those properties. In particular, the differences (both good and bad) between SiC electronics technology and... more
The paper deals with testing device designed for experimental examination of processes in power electronics devices during various switching modes is described. Through the use of auxiliary circuits additional switching modes (ZVS, ZCS)... more
The paper deals with Euler'sand Taylor's expansio n methods for next numerical solution in Matlab environment. There are many appl ications in technical practise described and modelled by linear or non-linear diff erential... more
The novel approach of analysis and modelling of power single-phase voltage source inverter with resistive inductive load is introduced in the paper. The mathematical description of this system is using state space model with Z-transform... more
The paper deals with direct AC-AC propulsion system using [nx5] matrix converter and five-phase traction induction motor (IM) for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) including electronic differential. Using the direct AC-AC system, in... more
Paper deals with digital generating quadrature wave, their measurement and monitoring using LabView virtual instrumentation system. Beside classical triangular digital quadrature oscillator there are investigated rectangular-and... more