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Human capital management is a strategic and planned approach to managing the most valuable of the organisation, workforce. To achieve organisation goals is essential to assess the value and efficiency of human capital. Several approaches... more
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      EconomicsHuman CapitalIndividual Capital Assessment
All kinds of advantages, which increase an enterprise's competitiveness and profit levels, are welcome by most subjects in business environments. Currently professionally oriented social networks present one of these potential sources,... more
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      BusinessEconomicsSocial NetworkingBusiness Environments
Statisticians and prognostic models are often used by all economic subjects for forecasting of different aspects of their business activities. But what can they do when their novelties and innovation have no relevant historical data or... more
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      Computer ScienceInnovation in learning activitiesBusiness and Management
When applying a suitable combination of different modern methods of education, it is possible to improve quality and attractiveness of higher education and readiness of students, not only for successful completion of the exam syllabus,... more
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The demand for experts in the field of information and communication technologies, who in addition to professional knowledge and skills have quality management and economic capabilities, is constantly growing. It is due to the fact that... more
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Universities as the centres of knowledge play an important role in education and application of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). They are not just institutions of higher education and research granting titles but they... more
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      SociologySocial EntrepreneurshipEngineering EducationTeaching-learning Methods and Techniques
Evaluation is a complex process, which is attributed a certain value according to certain criteria and standards. The assessment of higher education teaching outcomes is focused on the student's progress in learning, skills and attitudes.... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationMedical Education
The economic result is primary and main financial source for the further development of the enterprise. It is an expression of value of business transformation process. It represents the criterion for deciding on the volume of production,... more
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    • Computer Science
The Žilina region is located in northwestern Slovakia. Considering the amount of GDP, unemployment, employment and average wage, it belongs among the medium-performance regions in Slovakia. FDI is considered one of the factors promoting... more
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The economic recession brings problems often affecting the existence of enterprises and organizations. The growing problem of increase in the number of claims after maturity affects many enterprises. One of the tools for the management of... more
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Universities, as the centres of knowledge play an important role to be a leader of corporate social responsibility. They´re no longer just institutions of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees, but rather they are... more
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    • Business
The aim of this article is to identify substantial factors affecting the motivation of universities’ students to be actively engaged in the education process and define recommendations for the increase of this motivation. As a result, the... more
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Due to the specificity of transport services that are being performed with an unambiguous impact on the environment and society, all activities of transport enterprises oriented towards the achievement of the sustainability goals are more... more
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The aim of this article is to present and promote current research outcomes in the field of age management and its impact on sustainability through a review of the appropriate literature sources and pieces of empirical experience. The... more
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    • Business
Enterprises are currently trying to bring new technologies into production and use new procedures and recommendations in various management activities. However, they should not forget to change their approach to the evaluation of the... more
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      TransportationAutomotive Industry
Everyday usage of new information and communication technologies and recent changes in the economy increased the importance of educated IT employees with the right combination of technical and business skills. The purpose of this paper is... more
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    • Business
Nowadays all economies are more and more based on knowledge and information. Economists therefore are increasingly interested in the measurement of productivity of highly qualified employees. While in the case of other factors of... more
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    • Productivity
The government of each state strives for the decrease of the unemployment to the lowest level possible, and thus for achieving of the natural unemployment rate. Slovakia, after joining the European Union, also had to adapt to this trend... more
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The continuous development of information and communication technologies is reflected also in the growth of the number of students in the fields of Informatics. Students however, come to study with the idea of what they want to be and how... more
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    • Computer Science
The methods used represent an important tool for ensuring the educational process. The selection of appropriate methods is determined by the aim of the subject. However, the use of a suitable combination of mutual educational methods... more
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    • Engineering