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      Direct MarketingIntegrated marketing communicationsSpectrum
The presented paper deals with chosen aspects of the shadow economy in the world and in Slovakia. The shadow economy is a worldwide phenomenon and shadow-economic activities may generate different effects and problems. It is generally... more
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    • Public Policy
The paper analyses the possibility of applying chosen fraudulent detection technique in the condition of Slovakia and then evaluates its explanatory power. The authors based on the idea that in addition to positive effects of... more
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Graduate Practice is in Slovakia one of the measures of active labour market policy aimed at decreasing the unemployment rate of young graduates. It is one of the most frequently used interventions by young jobseekers under the age of 26;... more
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    • Computer Science
The presented paper deals with chosen aspects of the shadow economy in the world and in Slovakia. The shadow economy is a worldwide phenomenon and shadow-economic activities may generate different effects and problems. It is generally... more
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      GeographyEconomyPublic Policy
The development of the national economy of any country is (besides others) highly addicted to the economic success of its business entities. However, due to the process of trade globalization and market liberalization, the business... more
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      BusinessGlobalizationMULTINATIONAL CORPORATION
Značka v súčasnosti plní veľmi široký okruh úloh a má veľký význam nielen pre vlastníka značky, ale pre každý subjekt trhu. To, čo vytvára hodnotu určitého produktu nie je len jeho kvalita, vzhľad či funkčné vlastnosti. Značka tvorí... more
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VEGA-Výskum možnosti aplikácie fuzzy-stochastického prístupu a Corporate Matrics ako nástrojov kvantifikácie a diverzifikácie podnikových rizik (Research on the possibility of applying fuzzy-stochastic approach and Corporate Matrics as... more
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Research background: The way of pricing intra-group transactions (controlled transactions in the terms of transfer pricing) should be in line with the arm´s length principle, whether we consider nationally or transnationally related... more
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      BusinessEarnings ManagementTransfer PricingTax Avoidance
This study aims to evaluate the impact of a selected active labour market policy measure that has been applied in Slovakia—Allowance for school graduate practice performance—on the employability of young jobseekers and their... more
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      MathematicsEmployabilityCounterfactual Thinking
The intervention Allowance for school-leaver practice performance is in Slovakia one of the active labour market policy instruments aimed at unemployed young school-leavers. It was put into practice to enable young jobseekers to gain... more
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      EconomicsCounterfactual Thinking
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) play an important role in society. Nowadays, many companies apply the phenomenon—corporate social responsibility (CSR) which supports sustainable development and cooperation between the for-profit and... more
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    • Sustainability
The non-profit sector plays an important role in the American and European continents, as non-profit organizations support the development of civil society and help people in need. However, most non-profit organizations (NPO) are... more
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    • Mathematics
For a long time, game elements were used in economics. It has already been proven that the use of gamification in marketing is a regular and successful technique with a future to create a brand experience and involve not only customers... more
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Online marketing communication covers a wide area and thus promotes an extensive reach of advertising to a broad audience. Hotels can achieve certain goals through online communication, mainly an increase of hotel awareness; an... more
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    • Sustainability
According to statistics, the number of Slovaks who shop over the Internet is increasing year by year. Compared to the surrounding countries, Slovaks are clearly the leaders in online shopping. Increasing popularity of customers in online... more
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Sustainability of food production and consumption has become one of the most discussed topics of sustainable development in global context. Thus, traditional managerial patterns have to be revised according to the social request. The... more
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    • Sustainability
The main objective of the contribution is to create the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) level and performance measurement model. It is almost impossible to create an absolutely universal model. On the other hand, we can develop a... more
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    • Sustainability
A brand is one way to distinguish products from each other, while simplifying consumers’ decisions in choosing an appropriate product. Brand building is not just about design but also strategy, which is even more important in the process.... more
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    • Economics and culture