Papers by Esther Wipfler
Editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazion... more Editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere fo tocopiata, riprodotta, archiviata, memorizzata o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o mezzo -elettronico, meccanico, reprografico, digitale -se non nei termini previsti dalla legge che tutela il Diritto d'Autore. Per altre informazioni si veda il sito I lettori che desiderano informarsi sui libri e sull'insieme delle attività della Società editrice il Mulino possono consultare il sito Internet:
Esther Wipfler, Papstesel contra Lutherischer Narr. Themen und Motive der illustrierten polemisch... more Esther Wipfler, Papstesel contra Lutherischer Narr. Themen und Motive der illustrierten polemischen
Druckgraphik der Reformationszeit“, in: Leo Andergassen (Hg.), Luther und Tirol. Religion zwischen Reform, Ausgrenzung und Akzeptanz, Ausstellungskatalog, Schloß Tirol 2017, S. 142-157.

Beiträge für Peter Diemer zum 65. Geburtstag ZI Die Erfmdung der schönen Melancholie im 16.Jahrhu... more Beiträge für Peter Diemer zum 65. Geburtstag ZI Die Erfmdung der schönen Melancholie im 16.Jahrhundert Esther P. \Xfiptler ~EI ce I:lhleau nUlls fait t.-ollver Du charme;] la meb ncholie:' Anonym, 1801 Kaum ein g r:lphisches KunsTwe rk der Henaisancc erfuh r so viel Resona nz schon bei elen Zeit genossen w ie Al b rech t DO rers Ku pfersric h "J\llelencol ia J" (Abh. 'I). Dlirers weihliche Personifi kation des sch wenn li tigcn Temperaments wurde von Panofsky his Schuster inlerpretiel1 a ls Bi ld der Verzweiflung eies Gen ies an der \'\fissenschah, als Abbild ei ne:; faus tischen Charakters. a he r auc h als Darsrellung der Tugend eier Bescheiden heit angesich ts d er Unm()glichk<.:il , absol utes \X1isse!l zu erlangen.! Trotz der Fi 'd le unll!rschiedl iche r Deutungen \VCl J' das Geschlecht der Personifikmion nur <Im Rande Gege n st~tn cl der ReJ1exion, indem man d ie \vei b llche Figur als
This study explores the most frequent representations of fountains and sources with metaphorical ... more This study explores the most frequent representations of fountains and sources with metaphorical meaning in medieval imagery. It mainly concentrates on the relationship between text and illustration and the differences between Western and Eastern iconography.
Evangelische Theologie, 2000
Book Reviews by Esther Wipfler
Books by Esther Wipfler
In the 20th century, feature film has done more than any other medium to shape the image of Marti... more In the 20th century, feature film has done more than any other medium to shape the image of Martin Luther. Luther films have always – except the very earliest – been ambitious undertakings, advised by leading scholars and experts of theology and ecclesiastical history. Nonetheless Luther films have been largely bypassed by traditional Luther scholarship.
Esther P. Wipfler is chiefly concerned with the interests behind each film project in its historical context and the impact these films have had on the image of Luther. This book argues that the status of Luther – as a national myth in Germany and as founder of a Protestant denomination and hero of modernity in the United States – required a cinematic concept that was closely linked with both theological issues and the changing image of the Lutheran Church.
Papers by Esther Wipfler
Druckgraphik der Reformationszeit“, in: Leo Andergassen (Hg.), Luther und Tirol. Religion zwischen Reform, Ausgrenzung und Akzeptanz, Ausstellungskatalog, Schloß Tirol 2017, S. 142-157.
Book Reviews by Esther Wipfler
Books by Esther Wipfler
Esther P. Wipfler is chiefly concerned with the interests behind each film project in its historical context and the impact these films have had on the image of Luther. This book argues that the status of Luther – as a national myth in Germany and as founder of a Protestant denomination and hero of modernity in the United States – required a cinematic concept that was closely linked with both theological issues and the changing image of the Lutheran Church.
Druckgraphik der Reformationszeit“, in: Leo Andergassen (Hg.), Luther und Tirol. Religion zwischen Reform, Ausgrenzung und Akzeptanz, Ausstellungskatalog, Schloß Tirol 2017, S. 142-157.
Esther P. Wipfler is chiefly concerned with the interests behind each film project in its historical context and the impact these films have had on the image of Luther. This book argues that the status of Luther – as a national myth in Germany and as founder of a Protestant denomination and hero of modernity in the United States – required a cinematic concept that was closely linked with both theological issues and the changing image of the Lutheran Church.