


波斯文粵拼bo1 si1 man4*2;波斯文:فارسی‎,拉丁轉寫:Fârsi)係印歐語系印度-伊朗語族語言,響伊朗阿富汗塔吉克都幾常用。


「波斯」呢個詞係英文由 拉丁文 Persiānus 嗰度嚟嘅,係 Persia 嘅形容詞形式,而佢本身又係由 希臘文 Template:Grc-tr (Περσίς) 嗰度嚟嘅[1],即係 古波斯文 Pārsa (𐎱𐎠𐎼𐎿) 嘅希臘化形式[2],意思係「波斯」(伊朗西南部一個地區,即係而家嘅 法爾斯省)。根據《Oxford English Dictionary》,「波斯」呢個詞語作為語言名稱,最早喺16世紀中葉喺英文入面搵到記錄。[3]

Farsi」,即係波斯文入面「波斯文」嘅詞語,近幾十年喺英文都用得幾普遍,通常都係指伊朗嘅標準波斯文。不過,都係「波斯」呢個名用得仲普遍啲。波斯語言文學學院 一直堅持認為,喺外語入面應該避免用 內名Farsi」,而喺英文入面,「波斯」先至係語言嘅適當稱呼,因為「波斯」喺西方語言入面歷史悠久啲,而且可以更加好噉表達出呢種語言作為文化同國家延續嘅標誌嘅作用。[4] 伊朗歷史學家兼語言學家 Ehsan Yarshater,佢係《Encyclopædia Iranica》同埋 Columbia University 伊朗研究中心嘅創辦人,佢喺一份關於 伊朗學 嘅學術期刊入面都提過同樣嘅關注,反對喺外語入面用「Farsi」。[5]

從詞源學上嚟睇,波斯文詞語「Farsi」係由佢更早期嘅形式「Pārsi」(中古波斯文 嘅「Pārsik」)演變出嚟嘅,而「Pārsi」同英文詞語「波斯」嘅詞根係一樣嘅。[6] 同樣,中古波斯文嘅地名「Pārs」(「波斯」)都演變成現代名稱「法爾斯」。[7]/p/ 變做 /f/ 嘅語音轉變,係因為中世紀 阿拉伯文嘅影響,原因係標準阿拉伯文入面冇 /p/ 呢個音素。[8][9][10][11]



伊朗嘅標準波斯文,除咗「波斯」同「Farsi」之外,仲有啲名,例如「伊朗波斯文」同「西方波斯文」,都係噉叫。[12][13] 伊朗嘅官方語言就只係叫做「波斯文」(فارسی, fārsi)。[14]

阿富汗嘅標準波斯文,自1958年起就正式命名為「達里文」(دری, dari)。[15] 英文都叫佢做「阿富汗波斯文」,佢係阿富汗兩種官方語言之一,另一種係 普什圖文。「達里」呢個詞語,意思係「宮廷嘅」,原本係指薩珊王朝首都 泰西封 宮廷入面用嘅波斯文變體,呢種變體後來傳播到王朝嘅東北部,逐漸取代咗 帕提亞帕提亞文)以前嘅伊朗方言。[16][17]

塔吉克波斯文(форси́и тоҷикӣ́, forsi-i tojikī),即係塔吉克斯坦嘅標準波斯文,自 蘇聯 時期起就正式命名「塔吉克文」(тоҷикӣ, tojikī)。[18] 呢個名係用嚟稱呼喺中亞地區普遍使用嘅波斯文變體。[19]



國際語言編碼標準 ISO 639-1 用代碼 fa 代表波斯文,因為佢嘅編碼系統主要係基於本地語言嘅名稱。更詳細嘅標準 ISO 639-3 就用代碼 fas 代表喺伊朗同阿富汗通行嘅方言。其中包括達里文 (prs) 同埋伊朗波斯文 (pes) 呢啲獨立嘅語言。另外,塔吉克文就用 tgk 呢個代碼。[20]




呢三種變體全部都係基於古典波斯文學同埋佢嘅文學傳統。喺伊朗、阿富汗同塔吉克都有啲本地嘅方言,佢哋同標準波斯文有啲唔同。[哈扎拉吉方言]、[赫拉特方言]、達爾瓦茲方言(喺阿富汗同塔吉克)、[巴塞里方言],同埋[德黑蘭口音]都係呢啲方言嘅例子。伊朗、阿富汗同塔吉克講波斯文嘅人可以相對容易咁互相理解,互通理解程度都幾高。[21] 不過,《伊朗百科全書》指出,伊朗、阿富汗同塔吉克嘅變體係波斯文嘅唔同分支,而且喺每個分支入面都存在好多本地嘅方言。[22]







伊朗波斯文同塔吉克文有六個元音;達利文就有八個。伊朗波斯文有二十三個輔音,但係達利文同塔吉克文就有二十四個輔音(因為喺伊朗波斯文入面,音位 /q//ɣ/ 合併咗)。[31]



iː uː
e o
æ ɒː
ɪ ~ (ɛ) ʊ uː
eː oː
a ~ ä ɑː
i ʉ ~ ɵ̞ u
e ɔː

喺歷史上,波斯文係分長度嘅。早期嘅新波斯文有一系列五個長元音(Script error: The function "link" does not exist.Script error: The function "link" does not exist.Script error: The function "link" does not exist.Script error: The function "link" does not exist. 同埋 Script error: The function "link" does not exist.)同埋三個短元音 Script error: The function "link" does not exist.Script error: The function "link" does not exist. 同埋 Script error: The function "link" does not exist.。喺16世紀之前嘅某個時間,喺而家嘅伊朗地區,/eː//iː/ 合併成 /iː/,而 /oː//uː/ 就合併成 /uː/。因此,好似 شیر shēr 「獅子」 對 شیر shīr 「牛奶」,同埋 زود zūd 「快」 對 زور zōr 「力量」呢啲舊時嘅對比就消失咗。不過,呢個規則都有例外,喺某啲詞入面,ēō 會合併成雙元音 [eɪ][oʊ] (佢哋係早期新波斯文雙元音 [æɪ][æʊ] 嘅後代),而唔係合併成 /iː//uː/。例外嘅例子可以喺好似 روشن [roʊʃæn] (光明) 呢啲詞度搵到。仲有好多其他例子。

不過,喺達利文入面,/eː//iː/ 嘅古老區分 (分別叫做 یای مجهول Yā-ye majhūlیای معروف Yā-ye ma'rūf) 重係保留咗,/oː//uː/ 嘅區分 (叫做 واو مجهول Wāw-e majhūlواو معروف Wāw-e ma'rūf) 都係。另一方面,喺標準塔吉克文入面,長度嘅區分就消失咗,而 /iː/ 就同 /i/ 合併,/uː/ 就同 /u/ 合併咗。[32] 因此,現代阿富汗達利文方言最接近早期新波斯文嘅元音系統。

根據大多數關於呢個主題嘅研究 (例如 Samareh 1977Template:Citation not foundPisowicz 1985Template:Citation not foundNajafi 2001Template:Citation not found),傳統上俾人認為係長元音嘅三個元音 (/i//u//ɒ/) 而家係通過發音位置,而唔係長度,嚟同佢哋嘅短元音對應 (/e//o//æ/) 區分開嚟。不過,都有啲研究 (例如 Hayes 1979Template:Citation not foundWindfuhr 1979) 認為元音長度係系統嘅主要特徵,其中 /ɒ//i//u/ 在音韻上係長或者雙拍嘅,而 /æ//e//o/ 在音韻上係短或者單拍嘅。

都有啲研究認為,喺伊朗語系入面,音質同音長都係主要特徵 (好似 Toosarvandani 2004)。呢個研究提供咗一個綜合分析,包括音質同音長,通常表明現代波斯文嘅元音正處於古典波斯文嘅音長系統,同埋一個假想嘅未來伊朗語系之間嘅過渡狀態,後者將會消除所有音長嘅痕跡,淨係保留音質作為唯一嘅主要特徵。

對於所有變體 (包括塔吉克文) 嘅古典風格詩歌,長度嘅區分仍然俾細心嘅朗誦者嚴格遵守。


唇音 齒齦音 齒齦後音/
軟顎音 小舌音 聲門音
鼻音 m n
塞音 p b t d t͡ʃ d͡ʒ k ɡ (q) ʔ
擦音 f v s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ h
閃音 ɾ
近似音 l j


伊朗波斯文入面,Script error: The function "link" does not exist.Script error: The function "link" does not exist. 合併成 [ɣ~ɢ]。當佢哋喺母音之間同埋非重讀嘅時候,會發音做濁軟顎擦音 [ɣ],否則就發音做濁小舌塞音 [ɢ][33][34][35]

/n/ 喺軟顎輔音前面會實現為 Script error: The function "link" does not exist.[未記出處或冇根據]





喺波斯文詞法入面,後綴係佔主導地位嘅,雖然都有少量前綴。[36] 動詞可以表達時態同語法範疇,而且佢哋會同主語喺人稱同數上面一致。[37] 現代波斯文係冇語法性別嘅,而且代詞亦都冇標記自然性別。換句話講,喺波斯文入面,代詞係性別中立嘅。當指男性或者女性嘅主語嘅時候,都係用同一個代詞 Template:Wikt-lang (發音係 "ou", ū)。[38]



波斯文主要係遵循主語-賓語-動詞(SOV) 語序。但係通過後綴表達嘅格詞尾 (例如,主語、賓語等等) 可以俾使用者改變語序。動詞喺人稱同數上面會同主語一致。正常嘅陳述句結構係 (S) (PP) (O) V: 句子有可選嘅主語介詞短語同埋賓語,後面跟住一個強制性嘅動詞。如果賓語係特定嘅,賓語後面會跟住個字 ,而且會喺介詞短語前面:(S) (O + ) (PP) V[37]





波斯文廣泛使用構詞同埋組合詞綴、詞幹、名詞同埋形容詞。波斯文經常使用派生黏著嚟由名詞、形容詞同埋動詞詞幹形成新詞。新詞廣泛噉通過複合形成 – 將兩個現有嘅詞組合成為一個新嘅詞。




John R. Perry 喺佢篇文 "阿拉伯文嘅詞彙領域同語義場" 入面估計,而家波斯文日常詞彙大約有 20% 係阿拉伯文起源嘅,而古典同現代波斯文學嘅詞彙就有大約 25% 係阿拉伯文起源嘅。呢啲外來詞喺文本入面嘅頻率通常比較低,而且會因應風格同埋主題領域而變化。喺文學作品入面,佢哋嘅比例可能會接近文本嘅 25%。[45] 根據另一個來源,大約 40% 嘅日常波斯文學詞彙係阿拉伯文起源嘅。[46] 喺阿拉伯文外來語入面,相對較少 (14%) 係嚟自物質文化嘅語義領域,而更多嘅係嚟自智力同精神生活嘅領域。[47] 波斯文用嘅大多數阿拉伯文詞彙,要唔係本土詞彙嘅同義詞,就係可以用波斯文解釋。[47]

波斯文入面包含蒙古語突厥語嘅成分都應該要提一提,唔單止因為一連串嘅突厥王朝喺伊朗歷史入面扮演咗政治角色,重因為波斯文同文學喺更廣闊嘅 (非阿拉伯) 伊斯蘭世界入面享有崇高嘅聲望,而呢個世界通常係由具有突厥背景嘅蘇丹同埃米爾統治嘅。土耳其文同蒙古文詞彙喺波斯文入面係比較少嘅,同阿拉伯文相比,而且呢啲詞主要局限喺軍事、田園術語同埋政治部門 (頭銜、行政等等)。[48] 喺 20 世紀,根據部分中古波斯文 (例如,ارتش arteš 解 "軍隊",而唔係烏茲別克文 قؤشین qoʻshin; سرلشکر sarlaškar; دریابان daryābān; 等等) 創造咗新嘅軍事同政治頭銜。波斯文同樣都影響咗其他語言嘅詞彙,特別係其他印歐語系嘅語言,例如 亞美尼亞文、烏爾都文、孟加拉文同印地文;後三者係通過波斯化嘅中亞突厥同阿富汗入侵者嘅征服;突厥語系語言,例如 鄂圖曼土耳其文察合台文韃靼文土耳其文土庫曼文阿塞拜疆文烏茲別克文卡拉恰伊-巴爾卡爾文高加索語言,例如 格魯吉亞文,同埋,喺較少程度上,阿瓦爾文列茲金文;亞非語系語言,好似 亞述文 (亞述新阿拉米文外來語列表) 同 阿拉伯文,尤其係 巴林阿拉伯文;甚至達羅毗荼語系語言,間接噉特別係 馬拉雅拉姆文泰米爾文泰盧固文布拉灰文;以及南島語系語言,例如 印尼文馬來西亞文馬來文

喺日常溝通入面,有時用下外語同義詞嚟代替波斯文詞語,作為另一個表達方式,都幾常見。喺某啲情況下,除咗波斯文詞彙之外,重可以用嚟自多種外語嘅等效同義詞。例如,喺伊朗口語波斯文 (唔係喺阿富汗或者塔吉克) 入面,短語 "唔該" 可以用法文詞語 مرسی merci (不過重音喺第一個音節),混合波斯-阿拉伯語短語 متشکّرَم motešakkeram (متشکّر motešakker 喺阿拉伯文入面係 "感激" 嘅意思,喺波斯文入面通常發音做 moččakker,而動詞 ـَم am 喺波斯文入面嘅意思係 "我係"),或者用純波斯文短語 سپاسگزارم sepās-gozāram 嚟表達。


例圖展示納斯塔利克體(波斯文)嘅比例規則[49]Template:Citation not found
巴列維文書寫系統入面嘅 "波斯文" 呢個詞




現代伊朗波斯文同阿富汗波斯文都係用波斯文字母寫嘅,呢個係阿拉伯字母嘅修改變體,佢用咗唔同嘅發音同埋喺阿拉伯文入面搵唔到嘅額外字母。喺阿拉伯征服波斯之後,大約過咗 200 年,波斯人才採用咗阿拉伯字母嚟取代舊嘅字母。之前,用咗兩種唔同嘅文字,巴列維文,用於中古波斯文,同埋 阿維斯陀字母 (喺波斯文入面,Dīndapirak,或者 Din Dabire—字面意思:宗教文字),用於宗教目的,主要係用於阿維斯陀語,但有時都用於中古波斯文。

喺現代波斯文字入面,歷史上嘅短元音通常係唔寫出嚟嘅,只有歷史上嘅長元音先會喺文本入面表示出嚟,所以淨係通過短元音嚟區分嘅詞喺書寫入面係含糊不清嘅:伊朗波斯文 kerm 「蟲」,karam 「慷慨」,kerem 「忌廉」,同埋 krom 「鉻」全部都係拼寫做 krm (کرم) 喺波斯文入面。讀者必須從上下文嚟判斷個詞。阿拉伯文嘅元音符號系統,叫做 harakat,喺波斯文入面都有用,雖然一啲符號有唔同嘅發音。例如,一個 ḍammah 喺阿拉伯文入面發音係 [ʊ~u],而喺伊朗波斯文入面就發音做 [o]。呢個系統喺主流波斯文學入面係唔用嘅;佢主要係用於教學同埋喺一啲(但唔係全部)字典入面。

伊朗標準 ISIRI 9147 波斯文鍵盤佈局嘅一個變體

有幾個字母通常只係喺阿拉伯文外來語入面用。呢啲字母嘅發音同類似嘅波斯文字母一樣。例如,有四個功能上相同嘅字母代表 Script error: The function "link" does not exist. (ز ذ ض ظ),三個字母代表 Script error: The function "link" does not exist. (س ص ث),兩個字母代表 Script error: The function "link" does not exist. (ط ت),兩個字母代表 Script error: The function "link" does not exist. (ح ه)。 另一方面,有四個字母係阿拉伯文入面冇嘅 پ چ ژ گ




獨立形式 詞尾形式 詞中形式 詞首形式 名稱
/p/ پ ـپ ـپـ پـ pe
/tʃ/ چ ـچ ـچـ چـ če (che)
/ʒ/ ژ ـژ ـژ ژ že (zhe or jhe)
/ɡ/ گ ـگ ـگـ گـ ge (gāf)

喺歷史上,重有一個特殊字母代表 /β/ 音。呢個字母而家已經唔用喇,因為 /β/ 音變咗做 /b/,例如 古 زڤان /zaβaːn/ > زبان /zæbɒn/ '語言'[51]

獨立形式 詞尾形式 詞中形式 詞首形式 名稱
/β/ ڤ ـڤ ـڤـ ڤـ βe



波斯文字母重修改咗阿拉伯字母嘅一啲字母。例如,「帶下部 همزه 符號嘅 alif」( إ )變成「alef」( ا );用各種 hamza 嘅詞會用另一種 hamza 嚟拼寫(所以 مسؤول 變成 مسئول),即使後者喺 1980 年代已經喺阿拉伯文入面被接受;而「teh marbuta」( ة )變成「heh」( ه )或者「teh」( ت )。


阿拉伯文風格字母 波斯文風格字母 名稱
ك ک ke (kāf)
ي ی ye

不過,形狀同形式係 ی 嘅係傳統阿拉伯文風格,喺尼羅河谷地區繼續使用,即係 埃及蘇丹南蘇丹



國際標準化組織已經發布咗一個將波斯文簡化音譯成拉丁文嘅標準,ISO 233-3,標題係「資訊與文檔——阿拉伯文字元拉丁文字元轉寫——第 3 部分:波斯語——簡化轉寫」[52],但係呢個音譯方案並未廣泛使用。

喺 1920 年代同 1930 年代,塔吉克重用咗另一種基於 新突厥字母 嘅拉丁字母。喺 1930 年代後期,呢個字母俾 西里爾字母 取代咗。[32]

Fingilish 係用 ISO 基本拉丁字母 嘅波斯文。佢最常用於聊天電子郵件SMS 應用程式。正字法係未標準化嘅,而且喺唔同嘅作者甚至媒體之間都有差異(例如,喺電腦鍵盤上面打 'aa' 代表 [ɒ] 音位比喺手機鍵盤上面容易,導致喺手機上面較少用呢個組合)。



塔吉克蘇維埃社會主義共和國時期,喺 1930 年代後期引入咗西里爾字母嚟書寫 塔吉克文,取代咗自 十月革命 以嚟用嘅 拉丁字母 同埋更早之前用嘅波斯文字母。喺 1939 年之後,喺波斯文入面用波斯文字母出版嘅材料喺國內俾禁止咗。[32][53]




以下文本係嚟自世界人權宣言第 1 條。

伊朗波斯文 (納斯塔利克體) همه‌ی افراد بشر آزاد به دنیا می‌آیند و حیثیت و حقوق‌شان با هم برابر است، همه اندیشه و وجدان دارند و باید در برابر یکدیگر با روح برادری رفتار کنند.
伊朗波斯文 (楷書) همه‌ی افراد بشر آزاد به دنیا می‌آیند و حیثیت و حقوق‌شان با هم برابر است، همه اندیشه و وجدان دارند و باید در برابر یکدیگر با روح برادری رفتار کنند.‎
Hame-ye afrād-e bashar āzād be donyā mi āyand o heysiyat o hoquq-e shān bā ham barābar ast, hame andishe o vejdān dārand o bāyad dar barābare yekdigar bā ruh-e barādari raftār konand.
伊朗波斯文 IPA [hæmeje æfrɒde bæʃær ɒzɒd be donjɒ miɒjænd o hejsijæt o hoɢuɢe ʃɒn bɒ hæm bærɒbær æst hæme ʃɒn ændiʃe o vedʒdɒn dɒrænd o bɒjæd dær bærɒbære jekdiɡær bɒ ruhe bærɒdæri ræftɒr konænd]
塔吉克文 Ҳамаи афроди башар озод ба дунё меоянд ва ҳайсияту ҳуқуқашон бо ҳам баробар аст, ҳамаашон андешаву виҷдон доранд ва бояд дар баробари якдигар бо рӯҳи бародарӣ рафтор кунанд.
Hamai afrodi bashar ozod ba dunjo meoyand va haysiyatu huquqashon bo ham barobar ast, hamaashon andeshavu vijdon dorand va boyad dar barobari yakdigar bo rūhi barodarī raftor kunand.
英文翻譯 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


  1. Template:LSJ
  2. Template:OEtymD
  3. Oxford English Dictionary online, s.v. "Persian", draft revision June 2007.
  4. Jazayeri, M. A. (15 December 1999). "Farhangestān". Encyclopædia Iranica. 原先內容歸檔喺25 April 2017. 喺3 October 2014搵到.
  5. "Zaban-i Nozohur". Iran-Shenasi: A Journal of Iranian Studies. IV (I): 27–30. 1992.
  6. Spooner, Brian; Hanaway, William L. (2012). Literacy in the Persianate World: Writing and the Social Order. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 6, 81. ISBN 978-1934536568. 原先內容歸檔喺13 February 2020. 喺22 July 2019搵到.
  7. Spooner, Brian (2012). "Dari, Farsi, and Tojiki". 出自 Schiffman, Harold (編). Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and Its Neighbors: The Changing Politics of Language Choice. Leiden: Brill. p. 94. ISBN 978-9004201453. 原先內容歸檔喺10 March 2021. 喺30 October 2015搵到.
  8. Campbell, George L.; King, Gareth, 編 (2013). "Persian". Compendium of the World's Languages (第3版). Routledge. p. 1339. ISBN 9781136258466. 原先內容歸檔喺10 March 2021. 喺30 October 2015搵到.
  9. Perry, John R. "Persian morphology." Morphologies of Asia and Africa 2 (2007): 975–1019.
  10. Seraji, Mojgan, Beáta Megyesi, and Joakim Nivre. "A basic language resource kit for Persian." Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), 23–25 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. European Language Resources Association, 2012.
  11. Sahranavard, Neda, and Jerry Won Lee. "The Persianization of English in multilingual Tehran." World Englishes (2020).
  12. Richardson, Charles Francis (1892). The International Cyclopedia: A Compendium of Human Knowledge. Dodd, Mead. p. 541.
  13. Strazny, Philipp (2013). Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Routledge. p. 324. ISBN 978-1-135-45522-4.
  14. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Iran Constitution嘅參照
  15. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Olesen嘅參照
  16. Lazard, Gilbert (17 November 2011). "Darī". Encyclopædia Iranica.第VII卷. pp. 34–35. 原先內容歸檔喺24 November 2020. 喺22 July 2019搵到. It is derived from the word for dar (court, lit., "gate"). Darī was thus the language of the court and of the capital, Ctesiphon. On the other hand, it is equally clear from this passage that darī was also in use in the eastern part of the empire, in Khorasan, where it is known that in the course of the Sasanian period Persian gradually supplanted Parthian and where no dialect that was not Persian survived. The passage thus suggests that darī was actually a form of Persian, the common language of Persia. (...) Both were called pārsī (Persian), but it is very likely that the language of the north, that is, the Persian used on former Parthian territory and also in the Sasanian capital, was distinguished from its congener by a new name, darī ([language] of the court).
  17. Paul, Ludwig (19 November 2013). "Persian Language: i: Early New Persian". Encyclopædia Iranica. 原先內容歸檔喺17 March 2019. 喺18 March 2019搵到. Northeast. Khorasan, the homeland of the Parthians (called abaršahr "the upper lands" in MP), had been partly Persianized already in late Sasanian times. Following Ebn al-Moqaffaʿ, the variant of Persian spoken there was called Darī and was based upon the one used in the Sasanian capital Seleucia-Ctesiphon (Ar. al-Madāʾen). (...) Under the specific historical conditions that have been sketched above, the Dari (Middle) Persian of the 7th century was developed, within two centuries, to the Dari (New) Persian that is attested in the earliest specimens of NP poetry in the late 9th century.
  18. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Baker嘅參照
  19. Perry, John (20 July 2009). "Tajik ii. Tajik Persian". Encyclopædia Iranica. 原先內容歸檔喺1 February 2020. 喺22 July 2019搵到.
  20. "639 Identifier Documentation: tgk". Sil.org. 原先內容歸檔喺2 March 2021. 喺5 March 2021搵到.
  21. Beeman, William. "Persian, Dari and Tajik" (PDF). Brown University. 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺25 October 2012. 喺30 March 2013搵到.
  22. Aliev, Bahriddin; Okawa, Aya (2010). "TAJIK iii. COLLOQUIAL TAJIKI IN COMPARISON WITH PERSIAN OF IRAN". Encyclopaedia Iranica. 原先內容歸檔喺25 February 2021. 喺27 February 2021搵到.
  23. Talei, Maryam; Rovshan, Belghis (2024-10-24). "Semantic Network in Lari Language". Persian Language and Iranian Dialects (英文). doi:10.22124/plid.2024.27553.1673. ISSN 2476-6585. 原先內容歸檔喺2024-11-28. This descriptive-analytical research examines sense relations between the lexemes of the Lari language, the continuation of the Middle Persian and one of the endangered Iranian languages spoken in Lar, Fars province
  24. "Western Iranian languages History". Destination Iran (美國英文). 2024-06-16. 原先內容歸檔喺2024-11-28. 喺2024-11-28搵到. Achomi or Khodmooni (Larestani) is a southwestern Iranian language spoken in southern Fars province and the Ajam (non-arab) population in Persian Gulf countries such as UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait. It is a descendant of Middle Persian and has several dialects including Lari, Evazi, Khoni, Bastaki, and more.
  25. Taherkhani, Neda; Ourang, Muhammed (2013). "A Study of Derivational Morphemes in Lari & Tati as Two Endangered Iranian Languages: An Analytical Contrastive Examination with Persian" (PDF). Journal of American Science. ISSN 1545-1003. Lari is of the SW branch of Middle Iranian languages, Pahlavi, in the Middle period of Persian Language Evolution and consists of nine dialects, which are prominently different in pronunciation (Geravand, 2010). Being a branch of Pahlavi language, Lari has several common features with it as its mother language. The ergative structure (the difference between the conjugation of transitive and intransitive verbs) existing in Lari can be mentioned as such an example. The speech community of this language includes Fars province, Hormozgan Province and some of the Arabic-speaking countries like the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman (Khonji, 2010, p. 15).
  26. Windfuhr 1979, p. 4: "Tat-Persian spoken in the East Caucasus"
  27. V. Minorsky, "Tat" in M. Th. Houtsma et al., eds., The Encyclopædia of Islam: A Dictionary of the Geography, Ethnography and Biography of the Muhammadan Peoples, 4 vols. and Suppl., Leiden: Late E.J. Brill and London: Luzac, 1913–38.
  28. V. Minorsky, "Tat" in M. Th. Houtsma et al., eds., The Encyclopædia of Islam: A Dictionary of the Geography, Ethnography and Biography of the Muhammadan Peoples, 4 vols. and Suppl., Leiden: Late E.J. Brill and London: Luzac, 1913–38. Excerpt: "Like most Persian dialects, Tati is not very regular in its characteristic features"
  29. C Kerslake, Journal of Islamic Studies (2010) 21 (1): 147–151. excerpt: "It is a comparison of the verbal systems of three varieties of Persian—standard Persian, Tat, and Tajik—in terms of the 'innovations' that the latter two have developed for expressing finer differentiations of tense, aspect, and modality..." [1] 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期17 September 2013.
  30. Borjian, Habib (2006). "Tabari Language Materials from Il'ya Berezin's Recherches sur les dialectes persans". Iran & the Caucasus. 10 (2): 243–258. doi:10.1163/157338406780346005. It embraces Gilani, Talysh, Tabari, Kurdish, Gabri, and the Tati Persian of the Caucasus, all but the last belonging to the north-western group of Iranian language.
  31. Miller, Corey (January 2012). "Vowel system of Contemporary Iranian Persian". Variation in Persian Vowel Systems. 喺7 May 2022搵到 –透過ResearchGate.
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Perry 2005.
  33. International Phonetic Association (1999). Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: A guide to the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 124–125. ISBN 978-0-521-63751-0.
  34. Jahani, Carina (2005). "The Glottal Plosive: A Phoneme in Spoken Modern Persian or Not?". 出自 Éva Ágnes Csató; Bo Isaksson; Carina Jahani (編). Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion: Case studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic. London: RoutledgeCurzon. pp. 79–96. ISBN 0-415-30804-6.
  35. Thackston, W. M. (1 May 1993). "The Phonology of Persian". An Introduction to Persian (第3rd Rev版). Ibex Publishers. p. xvii. ISBN 0-936347-29-5.
  36. Megerdoomian, Karine (2000). "Persian computational morphology: A unification-based approach" (PDF). Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science: MCCS-00-320. p. 1. 歸檔時間2 September 2013. 喺9 May 2007搵到.{{cite conference}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  37. 37.0 37.1 Mahootian, Shahrzad (1997). Persian. London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-02311-4. 原先內容歸檔喺10 March 2021. 喺18 November 2020搵到.
  38. Yousef, Saeed; Torabi, Hayedeh (2013). Basic Persian: A Grammar and Workbook. New York: Routledge. p. 37. ISBN 9781136283888. 原先內容歸檔喺10 March 2021. 喺18 November 2020搵到.
  39. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Nushin Namazi嘅參照
  40. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Richard Davis 2006. pp. 602-603嘅參照
  41. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Lazard嘅參照
  42. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Lazard, Gilbert 1971嘅參照
  43. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做Classe 2000 1057嘅參照
  44. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做lambtonexcerpt嘅參照
  45. John R. Perry, "Lexical Areas and Semantic Fields of Arabic" in Éva Ágnes Csató, Eva Agnes Csato, Bo Isaksson, Carina Jahani, Linguistic convergence and areal diffusion: case studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic, Routledge, 2005. p.97
  46. Owens, Jonathan (2013). The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics (英文). OUP USA. p. 352. ISBN 978-0-19-976413-6.
  47. 47.0 47.1 Perry 2005, p. 99.
  48. Xavier Planhol, "Land of Iran", Encyclopedia Iranica. "The Turks, on the other hand, posed a formidable threat: their penetration into Iranian lands was considerable, to such an extent that vast regions adapted their language. This process was all the more remarkable since, in spite of their almost uninterrupted political domination for nearly 1,500 years, the cultural influence of these rough nomads on Iran's refined civilization remained extremely tenuous. This is demonstrated by the mediocre linguistic contribution, for which exhaustive statistical studies have been made (Doerfer). The number of Turkish or Mongol words that entered Persian, though not negligible, remained limited to 2,135, i.e., 3 percent of the vocabulary at the most. These new words are confined on the one hand to the military and political sector (titles, administration, etc.) and, on the other hand, to technical pastoral terms. The contrast with Arab influence is striking. While cultural pressure of the Arabs on Iran had been intense, they in no way infringed upon the entire Iranian territory, whereas with the Turks, whose contributions to Iranian civilization were modest, vast regions of Iranian lands were assimilated, notwithstanding the fact that resistance by the latter was ultimately victorious. Several reasons may be offered."
  49. Smith 1989.
  50. Lazard, Gilbert (1956). "Charactères distinctifs de la langue Tadjik". Bulletin de la Société Linguistique de Paris. 52: 117–186.
  51. "PERSIAN LANGUAGE i. Early New Persian". Iranica Online. 原先內容歸檔喺17 March 2019. 喺18 March 2019搵到.
  52. "ISO 233-3:1999". International Organization for Standardization. 14 May 2010. 原先內容歸檔喺6 June 2011. 喺13 July 2010搵到.
  53. "Smallwars.quantico.usmc.mil". 原著喺22 January 2010歸檔. 喺13 December 2012搵到.