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VirusWeather Covid-19 Coronavirus



virusweather widget calculates and ranks local covid-19 Infection rates in real-time using a.i., from more than 10,000 global sources. widget stats are calculated using your ip address, displayed via a png banner.

  • Get live infection rate details for your locality to safely travel in your community.
  • Data sources from globally accredited and renown organizations in addition to thousands of additional local public health sources from all over the world.
  • Personalized user location data.
  • Infection Rate Algorithm developed by University mathematicians.
  • Instant widget information display and compact file size.
  • Widget can be set to specific location or from user’s IP geolocation
  • Easily adjustable size designed with Retina screens in mind
  • Compact HTML file. No javascript.
Live Preview

How to use

You can use this plugin via a shortcode with attributes.

Static Location Example

Layout Square, Light theme.

[virusweather country="United States" state="Florida" county="Pinellas County" size="300"]

Layout Square, Dark theme.

[virusweather theme="dark" country="United States" state="Florida" county="Pinellas County" size="300"]

Square Widget Side Size (Height and Width) in Pixels: (250–500 pixels)


Layout Basic, Light theme.

[virusweather layout="casesapp" country="United States" state="Florida" county="Pinellas County"]

Layout Basic, Dark theme.

[virusweather theme="dark" layout="casesapp" country="United States" state="Florida" county="Pinellas County"]

Height of your casesapp widget side in pixels: (300–600 pixels)


Layout Horizontal, Light theme.

[virusweather layout="horizontal" country="United States" state="Florida" county="Pinellas County"]

Layout Horizontal, Dark theme.

[virusweather theme="dark" layout="horizontal" country="United States" state="Florida" county="Pinellas County"]

Dynamic by IP Location Example

Layout Square, Light theme.


Layout Square, Dark theme.

[virusweather theme="dark"]


Layout Basic, Light theme.

[virusweather layout="casesapp"]

Layout Basic, Dark theme.

[virusweather theme="dark" layout="casesapp"]


Layout Horizontal, Light theme.

[virusweather layout="horizontal"]

Layout Horizontal, Dark theme.

[virusweather theme="dark" layout="horizontal"]


Use this free coronavirus widget to provide website visitors with information for safe travels in their communities, as localities reopen and restart local economies. Statistical data analysis provides your website visitors with more accurate data, as a result of the widget’s greater data sources than currently provided from other sources. In a time of uncertainty, facts provide clarity. Help your website visitors to get the most accurate data from credible sources.

The VirusWeather Plugin, relies on its PNG images, which are generated by infectionrank.org, a web service site specializing in tools for webmasters. See https://infectionrank.org/coronavirus/widget/. Data Sources come from Wikipedia, in addition to numerous real-time resources from around the world.

Virus Weather Widget Terms of Service available at: https://infectionrank.org/coronavirus/terms-of-service/

Virus Weather Privacy Policy available at: https://infectionrank.org/coronavirus/privacy-policy/

Data sourced from Globally Accredited and renown organizations

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
  • World Health Organization – https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 and https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/covid-19-pandemic
  • Wikipedia COVID-19 Pandemic Resources – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%9320_coronavirus_pandemic

Personalized user location data.

This unique widget is capable of displaying detailed, real-time local statistics for 4500+ locations world-wide. Key features of the information provided by the widget include: a local COVID-19 infection rate and rank; a visual representation of growth, flattening, and deceleration rates; along with an integrated infected cases recent history chart.

Your web page visitors will be able to determine safety levels in a particular local area. The displayed stats include user’s personalized local threat level, as well as country and global information.

MATHEMATICIAN Developed algorithm for the calculation and rank of infection rates.

The VirusWeather Widget, uses an algorithm to calculate and rank infection rate rank calculations which was developed by university mathematicians, incorporating multiple local data points such as population size, density and the recent dynamic effects of new cases.


Dynamic widget generation is done instantaneously (under 0.2 second) without any delays from our massive cloud-based collection of thousand updated local widgets. Our Widget is compact, displaying local covid-19 coronavirus statistics and calculated relative area infection rank based on website visitor IP geolocation in a small PNG image (under 35 Kb).


The VirusWeather Widget recommended optimum size is 250×250 pixels. A square banner of this size can easily fit most websites. In addition, the true graphic resolution for generated widget images is 1000×1000 pixels. We do not recommend going above 500×500 pixels size in order to take advantage of retina display screen benefits. This plugin can be used at user’s own discretion in smaller sizes such as 200×200 pixels or less. Font sharpness may be lost when going below 200×200 pixels.

COMPACT HTML file. no javascript.

The VirusWeather Widget is a compact, HTML based, and does not use any JavaScript. The VirusWeather Widget contains a tiny html and PNG graphic file. Compared to other widgets, the VirusWeather Widget is completely transparent and works exactly as described.


Add Widget to any widget area on Appearance->Widgets page. Expand widget, specify Widget Title, select between light and dark theme and specify Widget layout. Afterwards, choose the location to be detected by IP either automatically or by specifying the country and/or region manually. Click ‘Save’ to apply changes.


  • Dashboard: Setup Plugin
  • Dashboard: Virus Weather widget
  • Dashboard: Select Position for widget
  • Dashboard: Light color template for widget
  • Dashboard: Dark color template for widget
  • Dashboard: Basic layout for widget
  • Dashboard: Square layout for widget
  • Dashboard: Horizontal Banner layout for widget
  • Dashboard: Dynamic by IP Location for widget
  • Dashboard: Static (Fixed) Location for widget. Select country, state, county.
  • Dashboard: Shortcode
  • Displayed Basic layout
  • Displayed Square layout
  • Displayed Horizontal Banner layout
  • Dashboard: Paste shortcode in post
  • Displayed Widget in post
  • Virus Weather Widget Code Generator


  1. Install similarly to other plugins, by clicking the ‘Add New’ button in plugins page or by extracting zip archive into ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

The plugin includes a widget with a simple interface for its functionality. Just add as many widgets as desired, and select all the available options from the Appearance > Widgets page.

Each widget you add to sidebar generates fully configured shortcode. You can copy it and paste anywhere into your website post or page.


Will it be compatible with my wordpress version or theme?

Widget itself is just a PNG image returned by our API and compatible with any wordpress version and theme. Contact us if you have any difficulties with installation.

What’s your privacy policy?

Widget is not using any javascript and is not collecting any information about your website or its visitors/users.

What countries/territories does widget support?

Full list of countries and territories is available in the drop down select control for the static version of the widget.

Why can’t I see all versions of the widget from your banner?

First version of this plugin contains square style banner widget only. We are in the process of preparing the second plugin release soon to support all form factors shown on the banner.

Can you provide technical support?

Yes. Please contact us and will gladly assist you with installation and any questions you may have.


This plugin is great. Free and does exactly what it claims.
Надеялся на плагин с данными по Covid и погоде, а на самом деле показывает только данные по Covid. На мобильном телефоне не жрёт мобильный трафик, показывает актуальные данные, есть выбор цвета и размера картинки. Разработчики если возможно добавьте погоду и выбор нескольких Городов и Областей с графиками.


“VirusWeather Covid-19 Coronavirus” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。




  • Initial release with title and theme settings.


  • Static (fixed) geo-location option
  • Country and territory selector
  • Additional banner layout: horizontal


  • Bug Fix


  • Shortcode support
  • Additional banner layout: basic vertical


  • Bug Fix


  • This version has new build-in widget generator that shows up on a separate wordpress admin page. Generator simplifies the process of selecting widget type, location and style.
  • New advanced widget type has been added


  • Cases.App has changed its name to Infection Rank App. This update does not affect plugin functionality, but required to insure all plugin content migrated properly to infectionrank.org


  • Deep links added to provide detailed location information going as far back as the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic


  • Responsive design updates