外掛標籤: block
LWN Icons
(0 總評分)A WordPress plugin that integrates Google's Material Design icons with the Gutenberg editor.
Xhtheme Code Block
(0 總評分)A plugin to add code blocks with syntax highlighting to your WordPress site, and adapt to the theme's light and dark mode switching.
Block Registered Usernames in Comments
(1 總評分)You want to block comment nicknames and email adresses of registered users? This plugin solves this problem once and for all.
(0 總評分)Yasothon is a cool plugin for the Pages editor that have many several blocks to custom your homepage. It is easy to use you just add block and select …
Als Twoinfo
(0 總評分)It is a custom block that can change the position of the arranged "image" and "text" and can be displayed vertically on a smartphone.
Reng Player
(0 總評分)Reng is a lightweight block music player that you can use to play your podcast and single or album musics.
Store Locator Widget Block
(0 總評分)Easily integrate the Woosmap Store Locator Widget into your WordPress site with this Gutenberg block plugin.
Advance Post Grid
(0 總評分)The plugin allows you to create responsive grid layouts to display your posts, pages, or any custom content dynamically.
WOW Best WP Blocks
(0 總評分)Best WP Blocks help you create content blocks which can be used in posts, pages and widgets.
Disable Widget Block Editor
(0 總評分)Activate this plugin to disable the Widget Block Editor feature that was added in WP v5.8.
Related Post Slider Block
(0 總評分)A truly WYSIWYG, responsive and dynamic related post carousel slider Gutenberg block.
Country Blocker for AdSense
(0 總評分)This is a quick and efficient solution for blocking ads from specific countries based on your preferences.
Sentiment Analysis with Tensorflowjs
(0 總評分)Guternberg block to detect sentiment of the paragraph as you write using Tensorflowjs
Advanced Login Page Customizer
(0 總評分)Personalize, White label & Rebrand your login page without any coding. Easy setup and live preview.
Smart Social Media Buttons
(0 總評分)A flexible widget for adding customizable social media icon buttons with options for custom URLs, SVG uploads, and more.
(0 總評分)Turbo-charge your practice's growth with Faxosaurus. Embed your Faxosaurus forms directly in posts and pages.