這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Events Manager Pro – Payment Gateway Selector


Requires Events Manager (free plugin) & Events Manager Pro (paid plugin) to be installed & activated.

This plugin adds a section to the Tickets Options meta box in the Event Edit Page. It lists all activated gateways in alphabetical order.
Uncheck any gateway you want to disable for this specific event. Save the post. That’s it!

100% Free Add-on

This add-on is free of charge to use and works with any available Events Manager Pro gateway (Mollie, Offline, PayPal, Stripe, Heartland, Bank Transfer, WorldPay, etc.)


I am open to your suggestions and feedback!
Please also check out my other plugins, tutorials and useful snippets for Events Manager.


  • The Meta Box with installed and activated gateways.


  1. Upload the entire stonehenge-em-gateway-selector folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Uncheck the gateway you want to disable in your Edit Event page.
  4. Save the post.


Are you part of the Events Manager team?

No, I am not! am not associated with Events Manager or its developer, NetWebLogic, in any way.

Do I really need Events Manager Pro?

Yes. Payment Gateways are an Events Manager Pro feature. This add-on cannot be used without it.

Does this plugin include Payment Gateways?

No. This plugin handles the already installed Events Manager Pro Payment Gateways.

Does it support recurring events?

Yes, it does.

Is this WP MultiSite compatible?

Yes, it is.

I love this plugin! Let me buy you a coffee.

How kind! Please, consider a donation.


2019年1月12日 3 replies
Finally someone who makes good plugins for Events Manager! Doing well! The plugin works fine and is user-friendly. I only miss the gateway choice on the front-end pages. Can this also be realized?
Finally there is an easy, simple and intuitive way of managing your different payment gateways per event. Nothing to configure, just uncheck any gateway you want to disable. Save the post and you’re done. Simple and perfect! 🙂


“Events Manager Pro – Payment Gateway Selector” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。




  • Fixed the checkboxes not being shown in some cases.
  • Fixed fatal error related to the is_plugin_active() function.
  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.0 Bèta


Fixed a typo on line 119.


Fixed a typo on line 83.


  • Complete code rewrite for better coding standards.
  • New Plugin Banner and Plugin Icon
  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Confirmed compatibility with PHP 8.0.14
  • Confirmed compatibility with Events Manager 5.12.1
  • Confirmed compatibility with Events Manager Pro 2.7


  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.5.


  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.4.
  • Confirmed compatibility with PHP 7.4.2.


  • Updated WP Repository graphics.
  • Updated ReadMe.txt
  • Some minor code changes.


  • Bug fix for events with only free tickets.


  • Added additional validation to the Event Submission form. Preventing errors by EM if all gateways were deselected.
  • Updated the .pot file for translations.


  • Removed Admin Meta Box, because it conflicted with the Ticket Options. Front- and Back-end are now identical: you can (de)select gateways below the ticket section.


  • Fixed ability to deselect all gateways for an event.
  • Better Plugin Dependency Check.


  • Added missing actions.


  • Added support for Front-End Event Submission Forms.
  • Created translatable strings.
  • Code updated.
  • .pot file added for easy translation.


  • Checked WordPress 5.0 compatibility.


  • Bugfix: wrong function name was called, resulting in plugin not showing any active gateways.


  • Initial release (12-08-2018)