Gutenberg Block for displaying random image from media library. You can use this block to display random image in your post or page.
Features (Free Version)
- Display random images from your media library.
- Image preview directly in the block sidebar.
- Control image alignment (left, center, right).
- Compatible with desktop devices.
- Easy-to-use Gutenberg block interface.
Features (Pro Version)
- Additional device-specific image size settings (Tablet and Mobile).
- Image object-fit control for better image layout customization.
- Enhanced customization options for advanced users.
- Caption Over Image
- Priority support.
If you need any help or have any suggestions, please contact us.
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This plugin provides 1 block.
- Random Image Block Display random images from a gallery.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
Does it work with any WordPress theme?
Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme.
2 replies
Never could get it to work. Dashboard menu only had options forContactReviewUp Grade to Pro
No option to setup or make a random image shortcode.
I uninstalled it.
14 replies
Orignal review before big update (3*): I tried a whole day to let ChatGPT or other AI’s write a plugin like this and they all failed. I’m so happy I found this plugin! Great work.
But, in its current state, it’s quite limited.
You don’t see the selected images in the sidebar, you can’t resize the image, it doesn’t make the images responsive…
The basic options are there but I’d love to see more options to tweak it to my liking.
Review of v1.0.1 (4*):
Ok, we are getting there. A bit more options. Sadly, this plugin went for a PRO version for various options. I totally understand people needing to make money and keeping the company afloat. I’m quite thankful that there is a “life time” option for the license. 🙂
While you would have the impression that this plugin isn’t responsive in the free version since you can’t edit the mobile and tablet views in the free version, my testing tells otherwise. Maybe that can be communicated better to the user.
I highly dislike how the plugin puts their options and upsell underneath the “settings”. I’d love it having it’s own menu-item. Since it’s better to explain to clients to say: “WordPress options go here and plugin options go here”.
A big thumbs up from me as a polyglot to make this plugin translate-able. A lot of devs forget about this but not here 🙂 (PS, the upgrade message in the block editor from index.js is forgotten to be tagged as translate-able)
The devs are setting steps in the right direction and this plugin has a lot of promise. At it’s current state it is still a bit rough around the edges and limited but I’m convinced that with more development this plugin can be something quite unique and amazing.
1 reply
This is the only random image block I could find and it works. it’s easy to use simply by selecting images in the image manager.
2 replies
Simple and sweet. Random Image Block functions precisely as it’s designed.
1.0.4 – 18 Jan 2025
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Added: Translation Support
1.0.3 – 22 Nov 2023
- Added: Caption Over Image (Pro Version)
- Added: Some Core Controls
1.0.2 – 06 Nov 2023
- Some Fixes
- Added Menu Page
- Code Optimized
1.0.1 – 29 Oct 2023
- Added Block Controls
- Added Pro Version
1.0.0 – 6 June 2023
- Initial Release