Product Editor


Completely free plugin for convenient bulk or individual editing of woocommerce products.
Simple, variable and external product types are supported.
It is possible to change the price, sale price and sale dates.


  • increase / decrease prices by a fixed value or percentage
  • multiplying existing prices by a value
  • change sale prices relative to regular prices
  • change tags
  • rounding prices with a required precision
  • dynamic price changes
  • ability to undo changes
  • search by standard (category, tags, status) and custom taxonomies

I would appreciate it if you leave a review of the plugin.

If you need additional functionality or just want to financially support the development of the plugin – write to [email protected]



  1. Unzip the download package
  2. Upload product-editor to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


If I refresh the page or an error occurs while changing items, how do I know which products have been changed and which have not?

The plugin makes all changes transactionally. This means that either the operation will be performed completely for all goods, or it will not be performed at all.

Why does a bulk change fail with an error after a long timeout?

The most likely reason is that the execution process is taking longer than allowed on your server. Try increasing the allowed script execution time, or change products in smaller portions.


This plugin does the job efficiently, if you are looking at adjusting prices for all your products at a go, this is the tool to use, and it’s absolutely free.
2024年11月26日 1 reply
This plugin is incredibly effective and efficient! I previously used a paid plugin to handle about 10,000 variations, and it would take hours to apply sale pricing correctly. With this plugin, the same task was completed in just a few minutes, for free too! Additionally, when I encountered an issue, the plugin author was quick to assist and resolved it promptly. I highly recommend this plugin—thank you for such a great tool!
2024年8月6日 2 replies
I just had 5,400 products and variations for which I needed to update the prices. The Woocommerce Bulk Update doesn’t work and I had lengthy conversations with my supplier, who’s software will not let me bulk update prices(!!!). The Product Editor plugin sorted the issue in about 15 minutes. So far the only plug in I’ve found that does what it says and nothing else. Perfect.
2024年6月10日 1 reply
Огромное спасибо за такой нужный и полезный плагин! Никаких альтернатив ему не нашел. Это реально вещь!


“Product Editor” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


Product Editor 外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 Product Editor 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • bugfix: non-standard path to the admin caused loss of functionality


  • added: sku search


  • added: sku column and functionality of hiding/displaying table columns
  • added: the number of change records that can be rolled back does not exceed 50


  • added: custom taxonomy search feature


  • bugfix: implicit limit on the number of products that can be changed at a time
  • added: sticky table header
  • added: the ability to change product tags


  • bugfix: search did not work when the new woocommerce navigation interface option was enabled


  • bugfix: categories are not shown in some cases
  • added: search form reset button


  • added filtering by statuses, missing categories and tags


  • bugfix: menu item was not shown for shop manager role
  • added Portuguese – BRAZIL translate


  • added the ability to set a zero price.
  • added the ability to not change products with a zero price in bulk editing.


  • added cache reset after product changes


  • bugfix cyrillic search


  • added tag-search


  • added dynamic price changes functionality
  • added progress bar for bulk changes
  • undo functionality


  • bugfix fatal error
  • added rounding an integer part of number


  • added multiplying existing prices by a value
  • added rounding prices with a required precision
  • added external products type
  • added links to product editing pages


  • increase\decrease regular price issue fixed
  • applying operations to variation parents issue fixed
  • added support for decimal numbers
  • extra spaces at dates columns issue fixed