Payd Money for WooCommerce


Payd Money for WooCommerce is a payment gateway plugin that allows you to accept payments through various payment methods including mobile money, bank transfers, cards, and stablecoins. The plugin supports both classic WooCommerce checkout and the new WooCommerce Blocks checkout interface.


  • Accept multiple payment methods through a single integration
  • Support for both classic and block-based WooCommerce checkout
  • Real-time payment notifications
  • Automated order status updates
  • Detailed transaction logging
  • Customizable payment success redirect
  • Supports USD, EUR, and KES billing

Supported Payment Methods

  • Mobile Money (M-PESA, Airtel Money)
  • Bank Transfers
  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • Stablecoins (USDT on Lisk, cUSD on Celo, cEUR on Celo and cKES on Celo)



Before configuring the plugin, you need to:

  1. Create a Payd Money account at
  2. Log in to your Payd wallet
  3. Navigate to Settings > API Access to get your API credentials
  4. Note down your:
    • Payd Wallet Username
    • API Username
    • API Password

Plugin Setup

  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments
  2. Find “Payd Money for WooCommerce” in the payment methods list
  3. Click “Set up” or “Manage”
  4. Configure the following settings:

General Settings

  • Enable/Disable: Toggle to enable or disable the payment method
  • Title: The payment method name shown to customers (default: “Payd Money for WooCommerce”)
  • Description: Payment method description shown to customers

API Configuration

  • Payd Wallet Username: Your Payd wallet username to receive payments
  • API Username: Your Payd API username
  • API Password: Your Payd API password

Advanced Settings

  • Callback URL: URL for receiving payment notifications (automatically configured)
  • Redirect URL: Optional custom URL to redirect customers after payment. A default is set up for you
  • Updated Order Status: Choose the order status to set after successful payment
  1. Click “Save changes”

External Services

This plugin connects to the Payd Money API to process payments. The following data is sent to Payd Money’s servers:

Payment Processing

  • Service Provider: PaydHQ Inc. via
  • When Data is Sent: When a customer initiates payment through the checkout process
  • Data Transmitted:
    • Order information (order ID, amount, currency)
    • Product details (names of products purchased)
    • Customer information (name, email, phone number)
    • Store callback and redirect URLs

Payment Verification

  • Service Provider: PaydHQ Inc. via
  • When Data is Received: When payment is completed or fails
  • Data Received:
    • Payment status
    • Transaction reference
    • Order reference

All data transmission is done over secure HTTPS connections. By using this plugin, you’re agreeing to allow this data to be sent to Payd Money’s servers for payment processing.

For more information, please visit:
– Payd Money Terms of Service:
– Payd Money Privacy Policy:


For Store Owners

  1. Ensure your store’s currency is set to either USD, EUR, or KES
  2. Configure the plugin with your Payd credentials
  3. Test the payment flow by creating a test order
  4. Monitor transactions in both your WooCommerce dashboard and Payd wallet

For Customers

  1. Add products to cart
  2. Proceed to checkout
  3. Select “Payd Money” as the payment method
  4. Complete the order
  5. Choose preferred payment method on the Payd payment page
  6. Complete payment using the selected method

Important Notes

  • Supported Currencies: Only USD, EUR, and KES are supported
  • API Credentials: Keep your API credentials secure and never share them
  • Testing: Always test the payment flow after initial setup or configuration changes
  • Callback URL: Do not modify the callback URL unless instructed by Payd support
  • Support: For technical support, contact [email protected]


  1. Payment page not loading

    • Verify your API credentials are correct
    • Ensure your store currency is supported
    • Check your server’s SSL certificate is valid
  2. Callback not received

    • Verify the callback URL is correctly set
    • Check your server’s firewall settings
    • Ensure your WordPress installation is accessible
  3. Order status not updating

    • Check WooCommerce log files for errors
    • Verify the callback URL is accessible
    • Ensure the chosen order status is valid


For support, please:

  1. Check this documentation
  2. Visit Payd Money Support
  3. Email [email protected]
  4. Include your store URL and transaction details in all support requests

Version History

  • 2.2: Added support for WooCommerce Blocks checkout
  • 2.1: Initial public release with classic checkout support


This plugin is licensed under the GPL v2 or later.

Made with ❤️ by PaydHQ Inc.


  1. Download the plugin zip file
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel
  3. Navigate to Plugins > Add New
  4. Click on “Upload Plugin”
  5. Select the downloaded zip file
  6. Click “Install Now”
  7. After installation, click “Activate Plugin”


Q: Which currencies are supported?

A: The plugin currently supports USD, EUR, and KES billing.

Q: Where can I get my API credentials?

A: Log in to your Payd wallet at, go to Settings > API Access to find your credentials.

Q: How do I track payments?

A: You can track payments both in your WooCommerce dashboard under Orders and in your Payd wallet under Transactions.

Q: Is there a transaction limit?

A: Transaction limits vary by payment method and country. Check the Payd Money website for current limits.

Q: What happens if a payment fails?

A: Failed payments are automatically reported back to your store, and the order status is updated accordingly.


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