Maintenance Notice


Demos | Documentation | Premium Version

Maintenance Notice is a WordPress plugin that allows you to put the maintenance notice on your website. It helps to inform the visitors that your site is in maintenance mode without showing the broken site to the users.
Additionally, it has the option to add a coming soon page for a new website with date and countdown timer settings. The maintenance notice will only be visible to the users who are not logged in. Other users can login and continue browsing your site. Fully customization options to add social media icons, colors, countdown timer, and many more.


  • Fully customizable ( change colors, texts, and backgrounds ).
  • Countdown timer ( remaining time ).
  • Login Form field.
  • Coming soon page.
  • WordPress multisite.
  • Responsive design.
  • Social media icons.
  • Background Overlay.
  • Background Types ( color, static image, video ).
  • Works with any WordPress theme.

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  1. Login to your WordPress Admin Area.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New
  3. Search for Maintenance Notice.
  4. Install plugin Maintenance Notice once it appears.
  5. Activate the plugin from your plugin page.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the plugin from the repository.
  2. On your WordPress admin dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Upload the downloaded plugin file ( and click Install Now.
  4. Activate the plugin from your plugin page.

After Activation

  1. You should see the Maintenance Notice menu.
  2. Go to the plugin dashboard and setup the settings as per your requirement.
  3. You’re done!


Can I use Maintenance Notice with any WordPress theme?

Yes, It can be used with any WordPress theme.

Do Maintenance Notice has any typography option?

Yes, this plugin comes with a highly flexible and customizable typography option.


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* Added - wp_nonce for reset in content-dashboard file.


* Fixed - the bug related to the security.


* Fixed - tasks listed by plugin check.


* Upgrade - fontawesome version to 6.5.1


* Fixed - bugs at animation value.


* Fixed - Menu tab in plugin dashboard.
* Changed - default page title as site title.


* Fixed - Admin dashboard responsive issue fixed.
* Added - Dashboard sidebar banner added.
* Fixed - Some design glitch fixed.
* Updated - design of upload image field.
* Removed - unused js functions.


* Initial Release.