Cookie Bricks


Cookie Bricks allows you to create dynamic tags in Bricks Builder that fetch cookie values.
Perfect for personalization based on user behavior or preferences stored in cookies.


  • Example of how to insert a cookie value into a text field.
  • Example of conditional display based on cookie value.
  • Example of a dynamic URL created with a cookie value.
  • Example of how to insert a cookie value into a code block.


  1. Upload the folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Use the dynamic tag {get_cookie_value:cookie_name} in Bricks Builder.


How do I use the plugin?

Simply use the dynamic tag {get_cookie_value:cookie_name} in Bricks Builder, replacing cookie_name with the key of your desired cookie.

You can insert it in any field that supports dynamic tags, such as Heading, Text elements (basic, rich and variants), conditions, custom URLs, code blocks, etc.

For example, to obtain the value of a cookie named "liked_posts", write {get_cookie_value:liked_posts}.

Why not simply use values in custom fields (ACF, Metabox…) ?

Custom fields are very useful for storing manually entered values. But sometimes you need to use values that are dynamically generated according to user behavior, automatically calculated, or retrieved from other sources. This is where cookies come in.

Examples of use :
Recently consulted articles or products, date of last visit, time spent on a page, last page visited, filter parameters applied to a search, last step completed in a form, last button clicked, choice of theme (dark/light), and many others.

For each of these situations, it’s possible to use the value directly in a text field, or to use it for conditional display (e.g. for A/B testing).

What happens if the cookie doesn’t exist?

The tag will return “Cookie not found” by default.

How do I check the value of a cookie?

On your page, open the browser console with F12 (or CTRL+SHIFT+I), go to the “Applications” tab –> “Cookies” –>

⚠️ Currently, Cookie Bricks 1.0 can read the value of a cookie, but cannot create it. Make sure that the cookies you want to retrieve exist in the browser.


2025年3月1日 1 reply
Thanks for making this useful plugin. Works perfectly. I have used it in Bricks element conditions, to show and hide content based on whether the cookie is there or not. Your plugin made that super easy to do. Thanks!


“Cookie Bricks” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Cookie Bricks 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


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