Conekta Payment Gateway


Current version features:

  • Unified API Key Integration: Streamlines the integration procedure for all existing payment modalities under one cohesive set of API Keys.
  • Refined Checkout Workflow: Enhances the user experience by consolidating checkout stages. Incorporates a robust checkpoint system to streamline transactions
  • Enhanced Security with Conekta’s PCI-Certified Component: Elevate transaction protection using our secure, PCI-certified Conekta Component, designed to ensure a safe checkout experience
  • 3D Secure Version 2 Support: Ensures compatibility with the latest 3DS v2 specification, aligning with current security norms and enhancing fraud prevention measures
  • Automatic order status management
  • Email notifications on successful purchase


  • Integrate Conekta to your Online store and start accepting all the payment methods with a single integration. We are a payments company with more than 10 years within the Mexican market. /assets/screenshot-1.png
  • With a single API key, integrate and accept all payment methods. /assets/screenshot-3.png
  • There is no need to worry about PCI certifications. Starting from version 4.0.0, all cards transactions are redirected to Conekta’s checkout. Accept online payments in a secure and friendly way. /assets/screenshot-2.png


Before initiating the installation process, please ensure that your WooCommerce version is 3.x, and if necessary, download an older version to match your requirements. Additionally, confirm that your server runs PHP Version 7.4 or above, as the Conekta PHP library mandates this version.
Follow these steps for a seamless installation

  • WordPress Dashboard Login, Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Navigate to Plugins, Access the plugins menu from the dashboard.
  • Search and Locate, Click on “Add New” and enter “Conekta Payment Gateway” in the search field. Hit the “Search Plugins” button to find the desired plugin.
  • Plugin Details, Explore the Conekta plugin details to gather additional information before proceeding.
  • Installation, Install the plugin effortlessly by clicking on the “Install Now” button.
  • API Key Configuration, Head to Woocommerce > Settings > Checkout in your WordPress Dashboard. Create your API keys from your Conekta account at , Enter the API keys in the designated fields to link your Conekta account with WooCommerce.
  • Webhook Configuration, To dynamically manage order statuses for offline payments, set up a webhook in your Conekta account, Add the following URL as a webhook in your Conekta account:, Replace to with your domain name

By following these steps, you’ll successfully install and configure the Conekta Payment Gateway plugin, ensuring a smooth integration with your WooCommerce store.


2024年12月12日 2 replies
La versión 5.0.6 de Conekta no es compatible con la versión 6.7.1 de WordPress (incluso en la versión anterior de WordPress nunca fue compatible con la que, en aquel entonces, era la versión más reciente del plugin) por lo que no es posible acceder a las nuevas actualizaciones. Para evitar problemas utiliza la única versión del plugin que funciona y ha funcionado bien desde hace más de un año, que es la 3.7.7 Esperemos pronto el equipo de Conekta se tome el tiempo de resolver este pequeño gran inconveniente. Acualización Probando la nueva versión de Conekta ( 5.0.8 ) al parecer todo en orden hasta ahora con la versión 6.1.7 de WordPress.Nota: Si no vez la opción de pago en tu checkout al actualizar, deberás generar una nueva clave secreta desde tu panel de Conekta. Recuerda también que de la versión 3.7.7, a la nueva versión 5.0.8 de Conekta, la pasarela de cobro pasa de estar integrada en el checkout de WooCommerce a estar en un checkout independiente que se mostrará al dar clic en el botón de “Realizar pedido”;Sugerencia: Cambia el texto de tu botón de checkout para dar a entender a tus usuarios que el proceso de pago continúa en el checkout de Conekta al dar clic y así evitar que se pierdan durante el proceso de compra.
Su pasarela de pagos no tiene compatibilidad con el plugin Deposits de Woocomerce, que funciona para que tus clientes realicen compras con un anticipo. Me contacte al soporte técnico pero no me ofrecieron ninguna solución.
2019年7月11日 4 replies
1) NO funcionan los cupones, 2) el sistema NO actualiza estatus de pagos en OXXO y SPEI, 3) NO hay manera de definir vigencias para cuentas CLABE al momento de recibir pagos de SPEI, 4) NO despliega bien la información en los correos ¿sigo? Es una lástima que la compañía que debería de dar el mejor servicio para OXXO Pay simple y sencillamente no está a la altura… tienen más de un año sin actualizar su plugin y estuve MESES en llamadas con ellos y simplemente no hay para cuando arreglen estos temas y den un soporte medianamente decente a sus usuarios. De momento ¡aléjense de este plugin!
Soy técnico pero creo que cualquiera pudiera instalar este plugin. Fue muy fácil y esta funcionando muy bien hasta ahorita. Lo uso para todos los pagos en mi pagina a meses, y en general para la mayoría de los pagos con tarjeta. También me ha gustado el admin de conekta para organizar los movimientos. Recomiendo el plugin.


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  • Upgrade WordPress version


  • Test on WordPress 6.7.1


  • Fix instructions environment


  • Fix webhook functionality
  • add missing fields such as instructions,icons
  • add field account_owner


  • Fix change version release


  • Fix Available compatibility mode, dont show clabe for SPEI/cash


  • Fix webhook for paid orders
  • Automatically config webhook in the plugin settings


  • Fix unauthorized Client


  • Revert all payment methods in one, Now you can choose which methods you want to use separately


  • Fix error in coupon amount when coupon type is percentage
  • Render icons in the checkout page depending on the plugin settings
  • Set logic for canMakePayment in the checkout page


  • Fix status orders, new orders are created with status “pending payment” and not “on-hold”


  • Fix error when creating order with empty shipping contact


  • Fix installing plugin in php 7.4


  • Update conekta-php library
  • Checkout Blocks compatibility.
  • Updated to the new redirected checkout process: Conekta Component.
  • Simplified integration process using one API key for all payment methods.


  • fix shipping line amount


  • supports events listening (order.expired and order.cancelled) for OXXO and SPEI
  • update order status (cancelled and expired)


  • Fix error when create charge in php 7.4


  • Update versions


  • Update conekta-php library


  • Homogenization with WordPress standards


  • Fix problem whit amount in discount_lines


  • Fix problem whit amount -1
  • Fix problem whit reference oxxo pay


  • Fix problem with amount -1


  • Updated images for Conekta Payments


  • Fix for error token already used


  • Update PHP Lib compatible with PHP 7+


  • Fix: Order info in email templates
  • Feature: Custom instructions and description for Oxxo and Spei payment


  • Fix: Fix library issues.


  • Changed: Access correctly to order properties (Support WooCommerce 3.x).


  • Style: Correction in typo for email


  • name the SPEI account owner in admin input section[NEW FEATURE]
  • new marketplace review validations


  • Fixes round adjustment for non-integer values
  • sends plugin version in line items tag.


  • Fixes issue of token_id missing.


  • Fix monthly installments


Fix tax line empty description


change name of translation inside comment.


Fix sku less than 0 characters


Fix shipping for card and spei


  • Fix shipping validations for virtual products
  • Fix rounding for non-integer cents
  • Add expiration date for oxxo pay
  • Fix webhooks for paid orders


  • Added taxes
  • Added discounts
  • Added shipping
  • Added orders
  • Oxxo pay
  • Fix webhooks for paid orders (previously paid charges)
  • Remove Banorte


  • Added additional parameters required for more robust anti-fraude service for card payments


  • Added option for differed payments for 3, 6, and 12 months
  • Enable or disable differed payments from the admin


  • Offline payments
  • Barcode sent in mail and displayed in order the confirmation page
  • Order Status changed dynamically once webhook is added in Account


  • Online payments
  • Sandbox testing capability.
  • Option to save customer profile.
  • Card validation at Conekta’s servers so you don’t have to be PCI.
  • Client side validation for credit cards.