Change Add To Cart Button Text WC


Change your WC Add To Cart Button Text easily , in just a few minutes.

Why Use This Plugin?

WooCommerce by default is great and provide good layout, but you can increase your store success by making smart modifications.

Using this plugin, you can change the Add To Cart Text .

You may change the text into any language along with Unicode characters, Emojis, Font Awesome icons, your theme icons, etc.

The plugin allows you to change the Add To Cart Button text on Single pages (e.g. Single Product Page) and Archive pages (e.g. Shop products page) for all product types (simple, variable, grouped & external).

Instructions to Use

Once you install the plugin,
* Go to Dashboard > CATCBTW Settings
* find the fields to input custom text for specific product type
* Save and you will see the change on front-end


  • List product page
  • Single product page
  • Admin setting for button text


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