這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Catch Gallery


Catch Gallery – a simple gallery plugin for WordPress helps you create stunning galleries. Catch Gallery was inspired by the Jetpack’s Gallery Module. With Catch Gallery, you will be able to exhibit outstanding galleries and portfolios on your creative WordPress websites. It is extremely easy to use. The plugin carries a completely responsive design and your galleries will look appealing from any device. With our new gallery plugin, you can effortlessly boost your website’s appearance, giving it the A-class look that it deserves. Catch gallery allows you to enable and choose the background color of the carousel, show photo metadata, comments, and view full-size images in the gallery. Catch Gallery allows you to add three different types of layouts (in addition to the default layout provided by WordPress – Thumbnail Grid) for your galleries to stand out—Tiled Mosaic, Square Tiles, Circles. These attractive layouts are sure to bring your galleries to life and make it more elegant and appealing. Catch Gallery is extremely lightweight, comes with responsive design, and compatible with all themes. Download Catch Gallery and make your galleries more appealing!

Demo Tiled Gallery : Demo link

Plugin Instructions : Instructions link


  • Main Page
  • Create Gallery in Page/Post Step 1
  • Gallery Settings – Select Type
  • Type: Tiled Mosaic Layout
  • Type: Square Tiles Layout
  • Type: Circles Layout


The easy way (via Dashboard) :

  • Go to Plugins > Add New
  • Type in the Catch Gallery in Search Plugins box
  • Click Install Now to install the plugin
  • After Installation click activate to start using the Catch Gallery
  • Go to Catch Gallery from Dashboard menu

Not so easy way (via FTP) :

  • Download the Catch Gallery
  • Unarchive Catch Gallery plugin
  • Copy folder with catch-infinite-scroll.zip
  • Open the ftp \wp-content\plugins\
  • Paste the plug-ins folder in the folder
  • Go to admin panel => open item “Plugins” => activate Catch Gallery
  • Go to Catch Gallery from Dashboard menu

For Detailed Plugin instructions, checkout Instructions tab at https://catchplugins.com/plugins/catch-gallery/#instructions


Works with WordPress 6.7 and PHP 8. Lightbox shows exactly as one would hope with comments and meta data. Thank you for making a light weight version of Jetpack Carousel gallery.
Probé algunos plugin para hacer una galería masonry, y éste no está mal, activé “tiles mosaic” con “random order”, y es muy llamativo, cada vez que entras en la página muestra un orden aleatorio-random y lo mejor que forma una galería cuadrada (que no tiene sobresale en la parte inferior de las fotos, se ajusta a una cruadrícula). Muy bueno, y sencillo de usar. Yo uso el plugin “classic editor” y es sencillo. Buen aporte de este plugin.
…wobei eigentlich noch nicht mal das der Fall ist, denn es wird einfach nirgendwo im Classic-Block eine der Galerie-Optionen angezeigt, mit denen geworben wird. Und mal nebenbei: ohne die Anleitung auf der Homepage, hätte ich erst gar nicht gewusst, wo ich überhaupt suchen soll. Aus der Beschreibung oder den Optionen geht das nämlich leider nicht hervor. Keine Ahnung wie der Status zustande kommt, dass es mit der aktuellen Wordpress-Version kompatibel sein soll? Dem ist leider nicht so!
there are no new settings for the WordPress gallery, no new gallery block type, nothing anywhere that i can see this actually does anything. A different plugin is working to give me masonry options to apply to the default gallery but was really hoping for a mosaic option.


“Catch Gallery” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


Catch Gallery 外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 Catch Gallery 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


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2.0 (Released: November 15, 2023)

  • Compatibility check up to version 6.4

1.9 (Released: November 03, 2022)

  • Compatibility check up to version 6.1

1.8 (Released: February 24, 2022)

  • Compatibility check up to version 5.9

1.7 (Released: September 16, 2021)

  • Bug Fixed: Security issue on ajax calls

1.6.8 (Released: July 23, 2021)

  • Bug Fixed: hover event replaced by mouseenter and mouseleave, deprecated as of jQuery 1.8
  • Compatibility check up to version 5.8

1.6.7 (Released: May 04, 2021)

  • Updated: CSS breakpoints for better responsiveness

1.6.6 (Released: April 21, 2021)

  • Bug Fixed: Gallery Responsive issue

1.6.5 (Released: March 04, 2021)

  • Bug Fixed: Deprecate required parameters after optional parameters in function/method signatures
  • Compatibility check up to version 5.7

1.6.4 (Released: August 28, 2020)

  • Added: Title attribute on images

1.6.3 (Released: August 19, 2020)

  • Bug Fixed: Issue in add new theme page

1.6.2 (Released: August 11, 2020)

  • Update: Default image size set to full
  • Compatibility check up to version 5.5

1.6.1 (Released: April 09, 2020)

  • Bug Fixed: Undefined index issue in tiled gallery

1.6 (Released: April 08, 2020)

  • Fixed: Ability to change column and image sizes

1.5 (Released: March 10, 2020)

  • Compatibility check up to version 5.4

1.4 (Released: November 12, 2019)

  • Compatibility check up to version 5.3

1.3 (Released: August 20, 2019)

  • Added: Tooltip for info icons
  • Added: Option to turn off Catch Themes and Catch Plugins tabs
  • Compatibility check up to version 5.2
  • Updated: Catch Themes and Catch Plugins tabs displaying code

1.2 (Released: February 21, 2019)

  • Compatibility check up to version 5.1

= 1.1 (Released: 12 December, 2018)=
* Added: Catch Themes and Catch Plugins tabs in Add themes and Add plugins page respectively
* Added: Themes by Catch Themes section under Themes panel in customizer
* Compatibility check up to version 5.0

= 1.0.1 (Released: 05 June, 2018)=
* Bug Fixed: Gallery Widget now saves plugins options

= 1.0 (Released: 04 June, 2018)=
* Initial Release