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It shows around this date entries/posts in the past (if they exist). It is highly customizable. By default it retreives a week around the current day 1 year ago.
IMPORTANT: If your sidebar supports the new WordPress Widgets, you might better use the “Around this date in the past… – Widget Edition” plugin.
Check-it here:
[ https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/plugin/around-this-date-in-the-past-widget-edition/ ]
Place the function wherever you want to show the links.
You can call to function with default parameters:
<?php around_this_date(); ?>
Or configure it:
<?php around_this_date ($before = 'One year ago... ', $after = '<br />', $daysbefore = '3', $daysafter = '3', $mode='1', $yearsago = '1'′, $limit = '5', $none= 'none', $showdate = '0', $dateformat = 'y', $showexcerpt = '0'); ?>
<?php around_this_date ($before = 'One year ago... ', $after = '<br />', $daysbefore = '3', $daysafter = '3', $mode='2', $lastxyears = '2'′, $limit = '5', $none= 'none', $showdate = '0', $dateformat = 'y', $showexcerpt = '0'); ?>
<?php around_this_date ($before = 'One year ago... ', $after = '<br />', $daysbefore = '3', $daysafter = '3', $mode='3', $sinceyear = '2004'′, $limit = '5', $none= 'none', $showdate = '0', $dateformat = 'y', $showexcerpt = '0'); ?><h3>Configuration parameters</h3>
$before = Code will show before links. Defaults to ‘This week last year…: ‘
$after = Code will show after links. Defaults to ‘’
$daysbefore = Days’ posts that will show before one year ago. By default ‘3' (3 days before)
$daysafter = Days’ posts that will show after one year ago. By default ‘3' (3 days after)
$mode = Select the mode that you want the widget to work. By default ‘1' (X years ago)
Mode 1: get posts around this date from X years ago.
Mode 2: get posts around this date for the last X years.
Mode 3: get posts around this date since year X.
$yearsago = It shows “X” years ago posts. By default ‘1' (1 year). ONLY IF MODE 1 IS SELECTED.
$lastxyears = It shows posts por the last "X" years. By default ‘1' (1 year). ONLY IF MODE 2 IS SELECTED.
$sinceyear = It shows posts since the year "X". By default ‘2005' (since year 2005). ONLY IF MODE 3 IS SELECTED.
$limit = Number of posts to retrieve. By default ‘4'.
$none = Text shown when there are no posts. By default 'none'.
$showdate = Show dates next to the links. ('0' or '1', by default '0', disabled)
$dateformat = Format of the date displayed next to the links (if checked). See http://www.php.net/date
$showexcerpt = Show the excerpt next to the links. ('0' or '1', by default '0', disabled).<h3>Customize display</h3>
In adition to the options avaliable in the function you can highly customize the apearance of the output by using CSS. These are the classes avaliable:
ul.atd-list {} // base list container.
li.atd-year {} // Yearly headers.
atd-yXXXX {} //yearly based class, eg. atd-y2006, atd-y2005 …
ul.atd-yearlylist {} // list container for each year around this date posts.
li.atd-entry {} // list items containing each around this date posts.
atd-yXXXX {} //yearly based class, eg. atd-y2006, atd-y2005 …
atd-mXX {} //montly based class, eg. atd-m01, atd-m02 … atd-m12.
atd-dXX {} //dayly based class, eg. adt-d01, atd-d02 … atd-d31.
atd-XXXXXXXX {} //date based class, eg. atd-20061205, atd-20050304 …
a.atd-entry-title {} // Link to the post.
.atd-entry-date {} // span containing the date, if $showdate enabled.
.atd-entry-excerpt {} // span containing the excerpt, if $showexcerpt enabled.
This plugin is released under the GPL license. See license.txt for details.
Credits and Acknowledgments
This plugin is based on:
– “One year ago” plugin released by Borja Fernandez
[ http://www.lamateporunyogur.net/wp-plugins/one-year-ago/ ]
– “Wayback” plugin realeaased by Chris Goringe
[ http://code.goringe.net/WordPress/ ]
Thanks to Borja Fernandez[ http://www.lamateporunyogur.net ] and Chris Goringe [ http://tis.goringe.net ] for writing those plugins and to Luis Pérez and Mike Koepke for their contributions.
Nothing else planed by now.
- Once downloaded the file, uncopress it and upload it through FTP to the server where your WordPress blog is hosted.
- Copy it to the folder /wp-content/plugins/ .
- Activate it through the plugin management screen.
- Introduce the funtion (with or without parameters) wherever you want to show the X years ago entries.
None yet
There are no reviews for this plugin.
v.0.7 = All displayed in a single list with yearly sublists.
NEW Feature: display date and/or excerpt.
NEW Feature: added CSS markup to allow maximum flexibility on display.
v.0.6.3 = Fixed a bug when calling get_old_posts().
v.0.6.2 = Fixed a bug when having & in post’s title. Isolated repetitive code in its own function. Changes contributed by Mike Koepke.
v.0.6.1 = Fixed bug when having quotes in post’s title. Thanks to Mike Koepke for bug repporting and helping with fixing.
v0.6 = NEW Feature: added 2 new modes, last X years and since year X.
Corrected bug in $start_ago and $end_ago.
v0.5.2 = XHTML valid. Thanks to to Luis Pérez
v0.5.1 = Added the $daysbefore and $daysafter parameters.
v0.5.01 = Now the limit option works, for real 😉
v0.5 = First release. I decided to start on version 06 because of preserving version relation with “One year ago” plugin.