Papers by Sebastian Saniuk

Zeszyty Naukowe, 2019
Increasingly, in the environment of academia and business, new challenges for industry are being ... more Increasingly, in the environment of academia and business, new challenges for industry are being discussed in connection with the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 is the result of the development of cyber-physical manufacturing systems as part of the fourth industrial revolution. Researchers, politicians and entrepreneurs are discussing the directions of changes in industry. Industry 4.0 marks new areas of change in the sphere of production and management. The development of the Industry 4.0 concept forces modern enterprises to adapt quickly and flexibly to changing demand conditions. This is reflected in the creation of new business models that allow for the introduction of innovation, rapid reorganization of processes and very flexible adaptation of the functioning of enterprises to the conditions of the changing competitive and widespread environment. The aim of the article is to present the concept of a business model assuming high flexibility in the Industry 4.0 era.

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business eBooks, 2023
The concept of Industry 5.0 is a game changer for the fourth industrial revolution. It extends th... more The concept of Industry 5.0 is a game changer for the fourth industrial revolution. It extends the ideas of Industry 4.0 with values related to sustainable development, human focus and resilience of the industry. The purpose of the chapter is to identify the critical areas of digital technologies used during the fourth industrial revolution and to identify their impact on achieving the main goals of Industry 5.0, i.e., human orientation, sustainable development and resistance to all kinds of interference. The authors used the method of critical analysis of the literature and conducted an expert survey of selected experts representing the business and academic communities. In addition, the chapter draws attention to the increase in competency requirements of employees related to the implementation of Industry 5.0 technology areas.

Purpose: The paper's aim is to identify the need to focus small and medium enterprises on the ser... more Purpose: The paper's aim is to identify the need to focus small and medium enterprises on the servitization of industrial production and cooperation within cyber-physical networks. The objective of the conducted research was the analysis of the expectations of the modern customers and the challenges of the Industry 4.0 environment in the industrial sector. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted using a survey questionnaire distributed to potential customers representing the Silesian, Lower Silesia, Greater Poland, and Lubuskie voivodeship in Poland. The survey was performed using the CAWI method (standardized computer-based internet interview). The research tool consisted of 25 questions (closed, complex, filtering, conditional, and tabular). During the survey conducted in 2019-2020, we obtained 504 opinions. Findings: Modern consumers are interested in personalizing products, increasingly expect products that will reflect their tastes, needs, adapt to their lifestyle, be unique, and at the price of a mass-produced product. Active participation in the designing and fabrication of products reduces the risk of unsuccessful sales. It contributes to improving the adaptation of the market offer to the current needs of consumers. Practical implications: The article indicates the critical directions of the development strategy of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises oriented to the needs of a modern customer. Modern enterprises should focus on implementing servitization strategy and business model of network collaboration using Industry 4.0 technologies. Originality/Value: The value of the paper is the presentation of the concept of the business model of cyber-physical networks taking into account the infusion of services and the growing demand for personalized products.

Frontiers in Psychology, May 26, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic created new conditions for the functioning of all organizations. Suddenly, ... more The COVID-19 pandemic created new conditions for the functioning of all organizations. Suddenly, there was a problem with the lack of appropriate leadership styles models in health care organizations (hospitals), which are particularly vulnerable to disruptions in a pandemic. Hospitals, in particular, have become exposed to organizational and managerial problems. The article aims to propose an appropriate leadership style model that will guarantee a high level of hospital efficiency, taking into account a pandemic situation in the example of private hospitals in Indonesia. Organizational identification is promoted as a mediating variable due to the high level of this variable in explaining hospital performance in Indonesia based on preliminary studies. During research used a structural equation model using 394 samples at the unit leadership level in private hospitals in Indonesia. The results of this study explain that there is an impact between innovative leadership and strategic leadership styles on hospital performance. Private hospitals in Indonesia need to improve themselves to use the most appropriate leadership style model based on the needs of the hospital itself.

This study aims to investigate how FinTech evolved over time in research using bibliometric analy... more This study aims to investigate how FinTech evolved over time in research using bibliometric analysis. First, 1359 publications particularly related to the field of FinTech, from 2010 to 2021, were collected from the Scopus database. This study analyzed the fundamental issues and characteristics of FinTech in research, such as the annual contribution of publication, hot in the press, and foci, using theme analysis, concurrence analysis, and timeline analysis of authors’ keywords. Second, prolific objects, such as journals, authors, institutions, countries, regions, and corresponding pivotal cooperative relationship mapping were used to present who leads considerable attention in FinTech research. Third, the citation structures of authors and journals were investigated, and presented the burst detection analysis of cited authors, journals, and references. Finally, combining the analysis results with the current financial environment, the challenges and future development opportunities...

Frontiers in Psychology
Business and entrepreneurship are certainly not a monopoly on men. As inhabitants of half the wor... more Business and entrepreneurship are certainly not a monopoly on men. As inhabitants of half the world, women also have the right to engage in the business world. In line with the ideals of emancipation, many women currently have the opportunity to become business partners of men. This research aims to clarify the role of absorptive capacity and entrepreneurial competencies in strengthening women’s leadership toward success. This research was conducted in 3 provinces in Indonesia involving 114 women entrepreneurs in the MSME (micro, small, and medium enterprises) category. This research used a structural equation model with the SmartPLS software tool. The results of this research showed that absorptive capacity and entrepreneurial competencies were able to increase women’s leadership toward successful entrepreneurship. City and age moderation failed to moderate the effect of women’s leadership on successful entrepreneurship. The government on a macro scale needs to pay attention to pro...

Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series
Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the key components of the business model of an ent... more Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the key components of the business model of an enterprise operating in the Industry 5.0 environment Design/methodology/approach: The achievements and results presented in the article were obtained on the basis of literature research and expert research conducted among 25 professionals with experience in strategic management, Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 technologies. The research technique was the Delphi method. The key components of the business model were presented in the form of Business Model Canvas. Findings: Based on the research results obtained, components shaping the business model of a company operating in the Industry 5.0 environment were identified. Research limitations/implications: The analysis of experts' opinions is a preliminary stage of identifying key components of the business model of a company operating in the Industry 5.0 environment. The research should be extended to the analysis of case studies of companie...
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 2018

Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2021
A research was conducted among the employees referred to work in the home office in connection wi... more A research was conducted among the employees referred to work in the home office in connection with the announced state of the epidemic in Poland. The research was conducted using a questionnaire method, the study was attended by 199 respondents. The research is burdened with an error in the selection of statistical sample units, which resulted from the respondents’ involvement and their truthfulness. The aim of the article is to assess the activities of employers from the private and state sectors in Poland, related to the delegation of employees to work in the home office, and to analyze the skills and possibilities of self-organization of work by employees. An important result of the survey was to demonstrate the differences in the behavior of public and private sector employers. The study shows that the private sector has adapted better to sudden changes than the state sector.
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2021
The aim of the research was to answer the question whether the remote work imposed on workers dur... more The aim of the research was to answer the question whether the remote work imposed on workers during the COVID-19 epidemic has an impact on their well-being, and if so, how. The research material consisted of the results of a survey conducted among the employees referred to remote work in connection with the announced state of the epidemic in Poland. The research was conducted in the period from July 31 to August 19, 2020. The research was conducted using a questionnaire method, the study was attended by 199 respondents. A survey questionnaire was used in the study and the results obtained were statistically processed. The research carried out allowed us to obtain the results of the self-assessment of employees referred to work in the homme-office in terms of their mental well-being and physical well-being.
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 2018
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja e-learningowej formy kształcenia studentów, ich oceny zdalnego na... more Celem artykułu jest prezentacja e-learningowej formy kształcenia studentów, ich oceny zdalnego nauczania oraz prezentacja spostrzeżeń e-nauczyciela. Opisywane w artykule doświadczenia opierają się na zajęciach, które były realizowane na Politechnice Śląskiej w roku akademickim 2016/2017 i były pierwszymi tego typu zajęciami dla studentów oraz wykładowcy. W opracowaniu przedstawiono nastroje i postawy studentów dotyczące kursów e-learningowych oraz uwagi dotyczące ich projektowania i prowadzenia.

Fourth industrial revolution is the introduction of ICT (mostly IoT) in industry and elsewhere, w... more Fourth industrial revolution is the introduction of ICT (mostly IoT) in industry and elsewhere, which enables the creation of cyber-physical systems, i.e., digital twins of reality. The application of widespread digitization of processes brings changes in terms of increased efficiency of processes, increased flexibility of production, and the possibility of realizing prosocial and pro-ecological goals, such as sustainable development, sustainable production and consumption, and reducing the consumption of increasingly expensive energy. Nowadays, the high autonomy of cyber-physical systems and benefits to society are expected by including human factors within the Industry 5.0 concept. Implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and meeting the expectations of sustainable development also means new challenges for the knowledge and skills of industry employees, mainly engineers implementing modern solutions. Hence, the article’s aim is to identify the critical knowledge ...
Papers by Sebastian Saniuk