Papers by Adisa Lepić

II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España
Entre 2019 y 2021 el equipo de Global Digital Heritage (GDH), en colaboración con la Universidad ... more Entre 2019 y 2021 el equipo de Global Digital Heritage (GDH), en colaboración con la Universidad de Sarajevo y el Museo Nacional de Bosnia y Herzegovina, ha llevado a cabo la digitalización 3D de un importante conjunto de stećci conservados tanto en el Museo Nacional de Bosnia y Herzegovina como en algunos cementerios medievales cercanos a la ciudad de Sarajevo y a la zona oriental de Bosnia. Los cementerios medievales de stećci constituyen un valioso patrimonio arqueológico de gran interés histórico pero poco conocido a nivel internacional pese a que algunos de ellos han sido declarados Patrimonio Mundial en 2016. A pesar de tratarse de un patrimonio en peligro apenas se han acometido trabajos de documentación 3D sistemáticos. Este artículo expone la metodología empleada y los resultados obtenidos por GDH, incluyendo las dificultades que ha sido necesario resolver y los retos que todavía han de abordarse para poder acometer la paulatina digitalización 3D del mayor número posible de...

Godišnjak Centra za balkanološka ispitivanja
In this paper named Early Byzantine armored lamellae from the Gradina in Biograci near Široki Bri... more In this paper named Early Byzantine armored lamellae from the Gradina in Biograci near Široki Brijeg,the subject of determination and identification are the remains of lamellar armor found in 1969/1970 at the LateAntique site of Gradina in Biograci. A part of the armored lamellae from Biograci was published in the workof Irma Čremošnik in 1989, where they were identified as part of a military belt, respectively a fitting for a belt.Identification of materials as armor lamellae was performed on the basis of analogies of lamellae or whole lamellaarmor from geographically nearest localities such as Kranj v Lajh in Slovenia and Svetinja in Serbia, but thereare also some typological similarities of these lamellae with the same material found at Gradac on Ilinjača nearSarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina.In addition to the basic issue of identification, special accent is placed on the issue of dating lamellae from Biograci.So far, about a hundred parts or whole lamellar armor has been found...

Godišnjak Centra za balkanološka ispitivanja
Systematic archeological excavations of Gradina in Biograci near Lištica, which were carried out ... more Systematic archeological excavations of Gradina in Biograci near Lištica, which were carried out during 1969 and 1971 under the leadership of Irma Čremošnik, put a very valuable archeological site on the archeological map of Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the research of that time, Biograci was primarily interpreted as a Roman fortification and a high-altitude settlement with an Avar-Slavic phase. Only a recent revision of the material in the Classical Antiquity collection of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina noticed material that was redefined and dated to the early Byzantine period and the Migration period. From the extremely diverse material from this site with a very wide dating, and thus a long continuity of settlement, the finding of a fragmented cheek flaps- paragnatids from the Baldeinheim type helmet stands out.2 The paper is exclusively dedicated to the professional and scientific processing of the bronze sheet metal plate with traces of gilding, which, i...
Stoljeće Pave Anđelića (29.02.1920.-29.02.2020.), 2020
Katalog izložbe "Stoljeće Pave Anđelića" posvećen je liku i djelu arheologa, historičara i pravn... more Katalog izložbe "Stoljeće Pave Anđelića" posvećen je liku i djelu arheologa, historičara i pravnika dr. Pavi Anđeliću. Tačno na 29.februar 2020. godine navršilo se sto godina od rođenja Pave Anđelića.
Svojim tridesetogodišnjim radom za Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovne ostavio je neizbrisiv trag kako u ovoj instituciji tako i u srednjovjekovnoj historiji i arheologiji.
Naučni skup posvećen Milanskom ediktu (313-2013.).
1.700 godina od proglašenja Milanskog edikta ... more Naučni skup posvećen Milanskom ediktu (313-2013.).
1.700 godina od proglašenja Milanskog edikta kojim su završeni tristogodišnji progoni kršćana u rimskoj državi, a posebno oni posljednji poduzeti od careva Dioklecijana i Galerija.
Arheoloski Informator Vol. 2 by Adisa Lepić
Arheoloski Informator 2, 2018
Journal articles by Adisa Lepić

Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine n.s. Vol. 56, 2024
This paper discusses two forgotten Latin epigraphic fragments discovered in Breza near Sarajevo, ... more This paper discusses two forgotten Latin epigraphic fragments discovered in Breza near Sarajevo, currently held in the collections of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Epigraphic and palaeographic analysis shows that these fragments are either part of the same inscription, or were made by the same hand. Comparative analysis with the corpus of Late Antique and
Early Medieval inscriptions from the eastern Adriatic coast indicates that these fragments should be dated to the Medieval, rather than Late Antique, period. The dating and reconstruction of text fragments form the basis for a hypothesis that the Medieval phase of the so-called Breza 1 building may correspond to the Church of the Blessed Virgin in the župa of Vydogossa, as referenced in a charter of Hungarian King Bela IV in 1244. Two interesting stone fragments containing traces of Latin inscriptions are held in the collections of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. One was discovered by Vladimir Ćorović in 1913 during excavations of the Breza 1 site, while the other seems to have been found at the same location. Both fragments post-date the period of Roman ‘epigraphic habit’ and the beginning of Late Antiquity, and should therefore be dated after 400, but before the abandonment of Breza 1, which occurred at a later time, most likely in the High Middle Ages. This paper provides an epigraphic and palaeographic analysis of the fragments, to give a more accurate date range, as well as to place the fragments in a wider historical context.
U ovom radu razmatramo dva zaboravljena latinska epigrafska fragmenta pronađena u Brezi blizu Sarajeva koja se danas čuvaju u zbirci Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine. Epigrafska i paleografska analiza pokazuje da ovi fragmenti pripadaju ili istom natpisu ili da su klesani istom rukom. Komparativna analiza kojom su fragmenti upoređeni s korpusom kasnoantičkih i ranosrednjovjekovnih natpisa s istočne jadranske obale ukazuje na to da bi se trebali datirati u razdoblje srednjeg vijeka, prije nego kasne antike. Datiranje i rekonstrukcija teksta fragmenata čine osnovu za hipotezu da se srednjovjekovna faza građevine poznate kao Breza 1 podudarala sa Župnom crkvom Blažene Djevice u Vidogošći koja se spominje u povelji mađarskog kraja Bele IV iz 1244. godine. Dva zanimljiva kamena fragmenta s tragovima latinskih natpisa čuvaju se u zbirci Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu. Jedan je otkrio Vladimir Ćorović 1913. godine pri iskopavanju lokaliteta Breza 1, a i drugi je po svemu sudeći, nađen na istom lokalitetu. Oba fragmenta datirana su nakon razdoblja rimske “epigrafske navike” i samih početaka kasnoantičkog perioda, pa ih stoga treba datirati nakon 400. godine, ali prije napuštanja Breze 1 u kasnijem periodu, vjerovatno u periodu visokog srednjeg vijeka. U ovom radu ponuđena je epigrafska i paleografska analiza fragmenata u svrhu njihovog preciznijeg datiranja i smještanja u širi historijski kontekst.
Papers by Adisa Lepić
Svojim tridesetogodišnjim radom za Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovne ostavio je neizbrisiv trag kako u ovoj instituciji tako i u srednjovjekovnoj historiji i arheologiji.
1.700 godina od proglašenja Milanskog edikta kojim su završeni tristogodišnji progoni kršćana u rimskoj državi, a posebno oni posljednji poduzeti od careva Dioklecijana i Galerija.
Arheoloski Informator Vol. 2 by Adisa Lepić
Journal articles by Adisa Lepić
Early Medieval inscriptions from the eastern Adriatic coast indicates that these fragments should be dated to the Medieval, rather than Late Antique, period. The dating and reconstruction of text fragments form the basis for a hypothesis that the Medieval phase of the so-called Breza 1 building may correspond to the Church of the Blessed Virgin in the župa of Vydogossa, as referenced in a charter of Hungarian King Bela IV in 1244. Two interesting stone fragments containing traces of Latin inscriptions are held in the collections of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. One was discovered by Vladimir Ćorović in 1913 during excavations of the Breza 1 site, while the other seems to have been found at the same location. Both fragments post-date the period of Roman ‘epigraphic habit’ and the beginning of Late Antiquity, and should therefore be dated after 400, but before the abandonment of Breza 1, which occurred at a later time, most likely in the High Middle Ages. This paper provides an epigraphic and palaeographic analysis of the fragments, to give a more accurate date range, as well as to place the fragments in a wider historical context.
U ovom radu razmatramo dva zaboravljena latinska epigrafska fragmenta pronađena u Brezi blizu Sarajeva koja se danas čuvaju u zbirci Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine. Epigrafska i paleografska analiza pokazuje da ovi fragmenti pripadaju ili istom natpisu ili da su klesani istom rukom. Komparativna analiza kojom su fragmenti upoređeni s korpusom kasnoantičkih i ranosrednjovjekovnih natpisa s istočne jadranske obale ukazuje na to da bi se trebali datirati u razdoblje srednjeg vijeka, prije nego kasne antike. Datiranje i rekonstrukcija teksta fragmenata čine osnovu za hipotezu da se srednjovjekovna faza građevine poznate kao Breza 1 podudarala sa Župnom crkvom Blažene Djevice u Vidogošći koja se spominje u povelji mađarskog kraja Bele IV iz 1244. godine. Dva zanimljiva kamena fragmenta s tragovima latinskih natpisa čuvaju se u zbirci Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu. Jedan je otkrio Vladimir Ćorović 1913. godine pri iskopavanju lokaliteta Breza 1, a i drugi je po svemu sudeći, nađen na istom lokalitetu. Oba fragmenta datirana su nakon razdoblja rimske “epigrafske navike” i samih početaka kasnoantičkog perioda, pa ih stoga treba datirati nakon 400. godine, ali prije napuštanja Breze 1 u kasnijem periodu, vjerovatno u periodu visokog srednjeg vijeka. U ovom radu ponuđena je epigrafska i paleografska analiza fragmenata u svrhu njihovog preciznijeg datiranja i smještanja u širi historijski kontekst.
Svojim tridesetogodišnjim radom za Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovne ostavio je neizbrisiv trag kako u ovoj instituciji tako i u srednjovjekovnoj historiji i arheologiji.
1.700 godina od proglašenja Milanskog edikta kojim su završeni tristogodišnji progoni kršćana u rimskoj državi, a posebno oni posljednji poduzeti od careva Dioklecijana i Galerija.
Early Medieval inscriptions from the eastern Adriatic coast indicates that these fragments should be dated to the Medieval, rather than Late Antique, period. The dating and reconstruction of text fragments form the basis for a hypothesis that the Medieval phase of the so-called Breza 1 building may correspond to the Church of the Blessed Virgin in the župa of Vydogossa, as referenced in a charter of Hungarian King Bela IV in 1244. Two interesting stone fragments containing traces of Latin inscriptions are held in the collections of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. One was discovered by Vladimir Ćorović in 1913 during excavations of the Breza 1 site, while the other seems to have been found at the same location. Both fragments post-date the period of Roman ‘epigraphic habit’ and the beginning of Late Antiquity, and should therefore be dated after 400, but before the abandonment of Breza 1, which occurred at a later time, most likely in the High Middle Ages. This paper provides an epigraphic and palaeographic analysis of the fragments, to give a more accurate date range, as well as to place the fragments in a wider historical context.
U ovom radu razmatramo dva zaboravljena latinska epigrafska fragmenta pronađena u Brezi blizu Sarajeva koja se danas čuvaju u zbirci Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine. Epigrafska i paleografska analiza pokazuje da ovi fragmenti pripadaju ili istom natpisu ili da su klesani istom rukom. Komparativna analiza kojom su fragmenti upoređeni s korpusom kasnoantičkih i ranosrednjovjekovnih natpisa s istočne jadranske obale ukazuje na to da bi se trebali datirati u razdoblje srednjeg vijeka, prije nego kasne antike. Datiranje i rekonstrukcija teksta fragmenata čine osnovu za hipotezu da se srednjovjekovna faza građevine poznate kao Breza 1 podudarala sa Župnom crkvom Blažene Djevice u Vidogošći koja se spominje u povelji mađarskog kraja Bele IV iz 1244. godine. Dva zanimljiva kamena fragmenta s tragovima latinskih natpisa čuvaju se u zbirci Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu. Jedan je otkrio Vladimir Ćorović 1913. godine pri iskopavanju lokaliteta Breza 1, a i drugi je po svemu sudeći, nađen na istom lokalitetu. Oba fragmenta datirana su nakon razdoblja rimske “epigrafske navike” i samih početaka kasnoantičkog perioda, pa ih stoga treba datirati nakon 400. godine, ali prije napuštanja Breze 1 u kasnijem periodu, vjerovatno u periodu visokog srednjeg vijeka. U ovom radu ponuđena je epigrafska i paleografska analiza fragmenata u svrhu njihovog preciznijeg datiranja i smještanja u širi historijski kontekst.