Papers by Mehmet Yilmazata

This article explores the evolving power dynamics between the US and China in the Indo-Pacific re... more This article explores the evolving power dynamics between the US and China in the Indo-Pacific region, focusing on how rivalry between these actors can be reduced to foster greater cooperation and regional integration. ASEAN's role in promoting stability and institutional cooperation is examined as a key factor in shaping the region's security. The paper discusses whether diplomatic and economic cooperation, despite rising Sino-American tensions, can contribute to the development of regional institutional cooperation mechanisms. Using a functionalist/neo-functionalist framework, it analyzes how the conflict-cooperation dichotomy between the US, China, and their interactions with ASEAN and other regional actors impacts the Indo-Pacific security structure. The study argues, consistent with neo-functionalist postulates, that mutual cooperation, including ASEAN's diplomatic efforts, is crucial for enhancing regional integration and stability. Addressing the security dilemma requires strategic cooperation that considers all actors' concerns, such as open trade routes and energy security. The paper concludes that a new Cold Warlike scenario between Washington and Beijing, where both vie for regional hegemony, is unlikely in the Indo-Pacific's multipolar context. Instead, ASEAN plays a vital role in fostering regional stability through institutional mechanisms, making institutional cooperation a viable model for reducing tensions and creating stability in the region. .

Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2024
Bu çalışma Kudüs Müftüsü Hacı Emin El Hüseyni'nin Nasyonal Sosyalist Almanya ile münasebetleri ve... more Bu çalışma Kudüs Müftüsü Hacı Emin El Hüseyni'nin Nasyonal Sosyalist Almanya ile münasebetleri ve Holokost'taki rolünü tetkik etmek için kaleme alınmış bir değerlendirme çalışmasıdır. Çalışma Holokost olgusunu mevcut literatür çerçevesinde özetleyerek, El Hüseyni'ye karşı öne sürülen Holokost'a iltisak iddialarının ikincil kaynaklara göre değerlendirilmesine dayanmaktadır. Mesnet teşkil etmek üzere Alman Federal Arşivi (BA/Bundesarchiv), Almanya Dış İşleri Bakanlığı siyasi arşivi (PA/Politisches Archiv des Auswaertigen Amtes) orijinal belgeleri de kullanmaktadır. Çalışmanın temel iddiası, El Hüseyni'nin Filistin milli davasını savunma amacıyla Nasyonal Sosyalist rejim ile işbirliği içinde olduğu olgusunu kabul etmekle beraber, kendisinin Holokost'un gerçekleşmesinde herhangi bir rol ya da etkiye sahip olmadığıdır. Bulguların ışığında yapılacak bir değerlendirmeye göre, El Hüseyni'nin Holokost'ta aktif bir paydaş olduğu iddiası gerçek dışıdır. Bu tür iddialar 21. yüzyılda, Netanyahu iddiası örneği üzerinden anlaşılacağı üzere, güncel siyasi hedefler maksadıyla kullanılmaktadır, tarihsel gerçeklikle örtüşmemektedir.

Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi / The Journal of South-Eastern European Studies
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie soll der Versuch angestrebt werden, die voneinander abweichende... more Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie soll der Versuch angestrebt werden, die voneinander abweichenden und sich gleichzeitig ergänzenden Geschichtsbilder und deren Genese im historischen Raum des Amselfeldes bzw. des Kosovo zu interpretieren. Generell soll vor allem die Rolle von nationalen Mythen bei der Ausformung von historischen Paradigmen untersucht werden. Hierbei soll sowohl auf einander ausschließende und miteinander konkurrierende Interpretationen eingegangen werden und dennoch versucht werden, gemeinsame Nenner zu interpolieren. Insbesondere der Balkanraum bedient sich auch in der aktuellen Geschichtsschreibung noch oft der im 19. Jahrhundert als allgemein gültig angesehenen Nationalideologie, wobei die hieraus fortwirkenden Schlüsse zu direkten politischen Handlungsmustern überleiten. Diese sollen kritisch jedoch unter dem Blickpunkt größtmöglicher historischer Objektivität untersucht werden. Des Weiteren wird jedoch betont, dass auch der Balkanraum prinzipiell keine Sonderstellung in der globalen Geschichtsschreibung einnimmt und alle Interpretationsmuster anhand allgemein anerkannter Kriterien der Geschichtswissenschaft zu überprüfen sind. Hierbei fällt auch in der vermeintlich objektiven, zeitgenössischen Geschichtsrezeption die immer noch nachwirkende Rolle des Historizismus auf; die unbewusste Wahrnehmung des „Balkan“ als Antipoden zur nicht immer wirklich klar definierbaren historischen Selbstrezeption Zentral- bzw. Westeuropas kann durchaus als Erbe des Historizismus selbst interpretiert werden.

The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 2023
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie soll der Versuch angestrebt werden, die
voneinander abweichend... more Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie soll der Versuch angestrebt werden, die
voneinander abweichenden und sich gleichzeitig ergänzenden Geschichtsbilder
und deren Genese im historischen Raum des Amselfeldes bzw. des Kosovo
zu interpretieren. Generell soll vor allem die Rolle von nationalen Mythen bei
der Ausformung von historischen Paradigmen untersucht werden. Hierbei
soll sowohl auf einander ausschließende und miteinander konkurrierende
Interpretationen eingegangen werden und dennoch versucht werden,
gemeinsame Nenner zu interpolieren. Insbesondere der Balkanraum
bedient sich auch in der aktuellen Geschichtsschreibung noch oft der im 19.
Jahrhundert als allgemein gültig angesehenen Nationalideologie, wobei die
hieraus fortwirkenden Schlüsse zu direkten politischen Handlungsmustern
überleiten. Diese sollen kritisch jedoch unter dem Blickpunkt größtmöglicher
historischer Objektivität untersucht werden. Des Weiteren wird jedoch betont,
dass auch der Balkanraum prinzipiell keine Sonderstellung in der globalen
Geschichtsschreibung einnimmt und alle Interpretationsmuster anhand
allgemein anerkannter Kriterien der Geschichtswissenschaft zu überprüfen
sind. Hierbei fällt auch in der vermeintlich objektiven, zeitgenössischen
Geschichtsrezeption die immer noch nachwirkende Rolle des Historizismus
auf; die unbewusste Wahrnehmung des „Balkan“ als Antipoden zur nicht
immer wirklich klar definierbaren historischen Selbstrezeption Zentral- bzw.
Westeuropas kann durchaus als Erbe des Historizismus selbst interpretiert

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 6, 2022
With the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the economic infrastructure of its successor states became... more With the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the economic infrastructure of its successor states became seriously damaged. Kosovo, a small landlocked area with limited means for economic growth could enhance its economic leverage by means of regional integration with neighbouring countries. The successor states of Yugoslavia are facing similar economic challenges. Trade data is suggesting that the enhancement of economic and trade relations between Kosovo and regional countries as well as closer economic relations with the EU and integration into supranational economic institutions (WTO etc.) will have upside effects for Kosovo's economy as well as for the region. In order to provide the reader with a general picture of the areas economic problems, the so-called three sector model has been chosen. Furthermore, Kosovo's economy has been put into a historical perspective regarding different economic indicators of the area of former Yugoslavia as all economic activity was and is still closely linked to regional factors. Data indicates that only the revival and development of traditional trade, production and supply chains will contribute to growth, prosperity and stability.
Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 2019
Bu calisma, Turkiye’deki erken Turkologlar ve Turkolojik kurumlar hakkinda kisa bir hulasa mahiye... more Bu calisma, Turkiye’deki erken Turkologlar ve Turkolojik kurumlar hakkinda kisa bir hulasa mahiyeti tasimaktadir. Calismamizin Almanca olarak kaleme almasi, Turkiye’deki Turkoloji geleneginde mundemic cok dilli arastirmalarina atfen ve konu hakkinda giris malumati etmeyi arzu eden Almanca konusan kesimlere yonelik yapilmistir. Bu calisma daha cok giris mahiyetinde oldugundan, konu hakkinda yalnizca kisa biyografik ile bibliyografik ipuclari ihtiva etmektedir. Binaenaleyh, tanitilan Turkologlarin fikriyati tarihi ve siyasi tesiri bakimindan kisa bir degerlendirmeye tabii tutulmustur. Bu suretle Turkoloji biliminin sayesinde Turk kimliginin inkisafi, bunun akademik dunyaya yansitimi ve siyasi-ictimai konularina da deginilmistir.

Turk-Alman munasebetleri uzun bir gelenege sahip olup 1930'lu yillara kadar cesitli asamalard... more Turk-Alman munasebetleri uzun bir gelenege sahip olup 1930'lu yillara kadar cesitli asamalardan gecmistir. Almanya, takip ettigi dis politikasi cercevesinde Turkiye’yi Balkanlar ve Ortadogu cografyasinda daima yakindan takip etmistir. 1923 yilinda kurulan Turkiye Cumhuriyeti ise cok yonlu bir dis politikayi takip etmekle beraber Almanya’yi onemli bir ekonomik ortak olarak kabul etmistir; buna karsin Almanya Turk dis politikasmda ayricalikli bir konuma sahip degildi. Adolf Hitler’in Ocak 1933 yilinda iktidara gelmesiyle Alman dis politikasi Turkiye’ye yonelik geleneksel konumunu korumakla beraber gittikce kendi ideolojisini yayma gayretinde bulunmustur. Turkiye ise karsilikli munasebetleri ileri seviyede muhafaza etmekle beraber Almanya’nm resmi ideolojisi olan Nasyonal Sosyalizmi’ne yonelik uzak bir tavri gostermistir. Ne Nasyonal Sosyalist ideolojisinin ne de sahip oldugu Yahudi dusmanliginin Turkiye’de yayilmasina izin verilmemistir. Almanya ise buna karsin sahip oldugu propag...

Rumeli Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022
With the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the economic infrastructure of its successor states became... more With the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the economic infrastructure of its successor states became
seriously damaged. Kosovo, a small landlocked area with limited means for economic growth could
enhance its economic leverage by means of regional integration with neighbouring countries. The
successor states of Yugoslavia are facing similar economic challenges. Trade data is suggesting that
the enhancement of economic and trade relations between Kosovo and regional countries as well as
closer economic relations with the EU and integration into supranational economic institutions
(WTO etc.) will have upside effects for Kosovo’s economy as well as for the region. In order to provide
the reader with a general picture of the areas economic problems, the so-called three sector model
has been chosen. Furthermore, Kosovo’s economy has been put into a historical perspective regarding
different economic indicators of the area of former Yugoslavia as all economic activity was and is still
closely linked to regional factors. Data indicates that only the revival and development of traditional
trade, production and supply chains will contribute to growth, prosperity and stability.
CINEJ Cinema Journal
Discussing the debate and ideological background regarding national cinema, this form of art shal... more Discussing the debate and ideological background regarding national cinema, this form of art shall be compared to several other contemporary cinematic currents in Turkey. In this study, a content analysis comprising one of the rarer examples of national cinema, the film "Güneş Ne Zaman Doğacak?" (Mehmet Kılıç, 1977) will be conducted while scanning secondary sources on Turkish cinema to present a concise picture; of the phenomenon that is known as 'national cinema.' Distinctive characteristics of the artistic language and the ideological background of the post-1960 Turkish cinema will be provided, among those, the phenomenon of a very blurred line between creative expressions and underlying ideological affiliations and the non-static developmental nature of cinematic fashions in influencing each other.

Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2022
In this paper, classical sources of late antiquity, including writers as Olympiodorus, Sidonius A... more In this paper, classical sources of late antiquity, including writers as Olympiodorus, Sidonius Apollinaris and Procopius are being analysed to point out the significance of the Roman general and statesman Flavius Aetius in in historiography fashion. With the sources often being compiled either by pagan bureaucrats or by clergymen, this paper aims to establish the tendency in which the events ascribed to Aetius are presented in the twilight of theological hagiography, hero-worshipping panegyrics and political interests. It shall be attempted to address the impact of classical writers mostly determinist evaluation of Aetius and the fate of the Roman Empire onto later, secondary sources of the 18th, 19th and early 20th century. Considering the later literature, we might state that Aetius representation is more or less typical for his age with factual information lacking and being replaced with moralistic and partially metaphysical descriptions.
Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi , 2019
3 Mart 1924 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi hilafeti ilga etmişti. Türkiye’den başka bu ol... more 3 Mart 1924 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi hilafeti ilga etmişti. Türkiye’den başka bu olay Alman matbuatınca da yakından takip edilmiştir. Bu suretle, Berlin’in en eski ve Almanya’nın sayılı liberal gazetelerinden “Vossische Zeitung” incelenmeye tabii tutulmuştur. Gazete haberlerinde meseleye ehemmiyet atfedilmekle beraber dolaylı olarak Almanya ve Türkiye’nin içerisinde bulunduğu siyasi ve içtimai değişiminin mukayese edildiği de görülmüştür. Hilafet meselesi daha çok tarih olgusu olarak algılanmış ve Türk İnkılâp süreci ile dönemin Türk Dış politikası Batılı devletlere karşı başarılı bir hamle olarak tasvir edilmiştir. Hilafetin ilgası, determinist bir tarih akışıyla değil, tarihsellik tarih felsefesi anlayışı doğrultusunda Türk-İslam tarihinin kültürel tecrübesi çerçevesinde doğal bir süreç olarak tarif edilir.

Romanian Journal of History and International Studies, 2018
Integration is one of the political catchphrases of the late 20th and the beginning of the 21st c... more Integration is one of the political catchphrases of the late 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. This paper will focus on the theoretical and practical role of neofunctionalism as an integrative theory in the process of European integration. Neofunctionalism will be critically analyzed regarding the margin and possibilities of its practical implementation in the integration process; furthermore, it shall be established how recent economic developments have been affecting the debate on integration at European level. It should be stressed that, due to its practical implementation at EU level, neofunctionalism is not merely a theoretical approach, but a phenomenon whose short term outcomes in real politics can be analyzed evaluating the actual situation of integrative processes. The main objective of this short analysis will be to determine the reciprocate influences of neofunctionalist theory and affiliated institutions within the integration process towards each other. Basic terms and theories The term "integration" has been defined by Haas as a process "that pushes political actors of different national background and approaches to refocus their loyalties, expectations and political activities towards a new * Dr Mehmet Yilmazata is a researcher specializing in economic history, international relations and the history of Turkey and the Balkans. He has worked as an economic researcher with the Turkish Undersecretariat of Treasury, as well as

Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 2019
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Darstellung verfolgt das äußerst bescheidene und begrenzte Ziel, ... more Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Darstellung verfolgt das äußerst bescheidene und begrenzte Ziel, einen kurzen und einführenden Überblick über die frühen Turkologen sowie die turkologischen Institutionen in der Türkei zu verschaffen. Sie ist vor allem an ein deutschsprachiges Publikum ausgerichtet, welches grundlegende und einführende Informationen zum Themengebiet zu erlangen wünscht. Hierbei wird versucht, der mehrsprachigen Tradition innerhalb der Turkologischen Forschung treu zu bleiben. In der Vergangenheit haben die Studien von Nowka, Benzig und Duda vor allem die Entwicklung der turkologischen Forschung an deutschen Universitäten behandelt. Ergänzend hierzu soll nun ein Überblick über die frühe turkologische Forschung in der Türkei selbst gegeben werden. Da der Aufsatz einen einführenden Charakter trägt, enthält er lediglich kurze bibliographische und biographische Verweise. Weiterhin enthält die Arbeit einen kurzen Ansatz zur geistesgeschichtlichen Prägung der Turkologen sowie den sich hieraus ergebenden Einflüssen auf das politische Leben. Somit ist versucht worden, die Rolle der Turkologie im Prozess der türkischen Identitätsfindung, die Auswirkungen dieses Prozesses auf akademische Kreise sowie ferner hieraus resultierende gesellschaftlich-politische Prozesse herauszustellen.

Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi , 2018
1908/1909 yılları Türk-Osmanlı basının gelişimi açısından belirleyici bir dönem
olmuştur. Meş... more Öz
1908/1909 yılları Türk-Osmanlı basının gelişimi açısından belirleyici bir dönem
olmuştur. Meşrutiyetin tekrar yürürlüğe konulmasıyla daha serbest bir dönem ortaya çıkmış
ise de, Balkanlar’da cereyan eden Bosna-Hersek ilhak krizi ile Bulgaristan’ın bağımsızlığı,
devleti bir kriz ortamına getirmiş ve 31 Mart vakasına yol açılmıştır. Bahse konu dönem
içerisinde Sabah, Servet i Fünun ile Volkan gazeteleri incelenmeye tabii tutulmuş ve milli
olarak algılanan bu konularda yorum farkıyla beraber Osmanlı Devleti’nin çıkarlarının
savunulduğu görülmüştür. Kamuoyu kavramı o dönem esnasında pekiştirilmiştir ve
gazeteler, kamuoyunu şekillendirme aracı olarak belirgin bir rol oynamaya başlamışlardır.
The years 1908/1909 can be described as fateful for the development of the Ottoman
Press. While newspapers did profit from greater liberties in terms of free journalism,
events as the Bosnian Annexation Crisis and the Bulgarian declaration of independence
did move the state on the verge of crisis and opened the path for the uprising on March
31st 1908. Within that scope, Sabah, Servet-i Fünun and Volkan newspapers have been
researched, bringing up the conclusion that those subjects were defined and defended as
“national matters” in terms of the wellbeing of the Ottoman State by all of them, even if
all newspapers took a different stance. The notion of “public opinion” has been developed
remarkably during that period and the press started to play a distinct role in shaping public opinion.
Bosnia&Herzegovina.Common history and Multicultural Atmospher in the Balkans., 2015
A hundred years have been passed since tensions between the young Balkan nations, and the Ottoman... more A hundred years have been passed since tensions between the young Balkan nations, and the Ottoman Empire escalated and culminated in a series of two wars between 1912/1913 known as “The Balkan Wars”. This paper will try to shed light on the Balkan wars as a formative event regarding the development of cultural and sociological identity in the Balkans. While this study focuses mainly on the Turkish/Ottoman side, the author has tried not to omit the other participants of that war.
The main aspect this paper is focusing on is the question, in which way the Balkan Wars did influence the self-perception and the development of national and cultural identity of the nations and societies that took part in it.

İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2018
A Legionary Publication at II. World War: Azerbajcan Newspaper Öz 1942-1945 yılları arasında Alma... more A Legionary Publication at II. World War: Azerbajcan Newspaper Öz 1942-1945 yılları arasında Alman Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin yanında çatışan, özellikle SSCB menşeili eski savaş esirlerinden oluşan birlikler " Doğu Lejyonları " (Ostlegionen) adı altında tarihsel literatüre geçmiştir. Bu birliklerden biri olan Azerbaycan Lejyonu kendi gazetesini çıkarmaktaydı. Bu makale, gazetenin Alman Propaganda Makinesi içerisinde yer alan bir unsur olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak Azerbajcan Gazetesi, Azerbaycan'ın Bolşevizm'den bağımsızlığı ve Türkçülük mefkuresini bağımsız bir öğe olarak ele aldığından salt bir Alman " propaganda aracına indirgenemez. Abstract Between the years 1942-1945, a certain number of former soldiers of the Red Army, mostly POW's, chose to fight along the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Those formations are known as Ostlegionen (Eastern Legions) in the annals of military history. One of those units, the " Azerbaidjani Legion " (Aserbaidschanische Legion) had their very own frontline newspaper. This paper stresses that the newspaper may be evaluated as an element within the German Propaganda machinery. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance to notice that the Azerbajcan Newspaper, should not be seen as a mere German propaganda tool, but as a publication with a very distinctive character, as themes as the liberation of Azerbaidjan from Bolshevism and the ideal of Turkism are constantly repeated as a subject within its own context.

İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2018
1942-1945 yılları arasında Alman Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin yanında çatışan, özellikle SSCB menşeili ... more 1942-1945 yılları arasında Alman Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin yanında çatışan, özellikle SSCB menşeili eski savaş esirlerinden oluşan birlikler " Doğu Lejyonları " (Ostlegionen) adı altında tarihsel literatüre geçmiştir. Bu birliklerden biri olan Azerbaycan Lejyonu kendi gazetesini çıkarmaktaydı. Bu makale, gazetenin Alman Propaganda Makinesi içerisinde yer alan bir unsur olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak Azerbajcan Gazetesi, Azerbaycan'ın Bolşevizm'den bağımsızlığı ve Türkçülük mefkuresini bağımsız bir öğe olarak ele aldığından salt bir Alman " propaganda aracına indirgenemez.
Between the years 1942-1945, a certain number of former soldiers of the Red Army, mostly POW's, chose to fight along the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Those formations are known as Ostlegionen (Eastern Legions) in the annals of military history. One of those units, the " Azerbaidjani Legion " (Aserbaidschanische Legion) had their very own frontline newspaper. This paper stresses that the newspaper may be evaluated as an element within the German Propaganda machinery. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance to notice that the Azerbajcan Newspaper, should not be seen as a mere German propaganda tool, but as a publication with a very distinctive character, as themes as the liberation of Azerbaidjan from Bolshevism and the ideal of Turkism are constantly repeated as a subject within its own context.

Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2018
The Battle of Adrianople has been presented as a turning point in history by classical as well as... more The Battle of Adrianople has been presented as a turning point in history by classical as well as by modern authors. In this paper, classical sources, especially the res gestae, are being set into context together with modern works, trying to point out a balanced view on historical events and their interpretation by historians. Special attention is being paid to legal aspects as the foedus and dedictio within the limits of the Roman ius gentium. In light of the sources, the Roman-Gothic conflict, even if having resulted in a devastating defeat for the Romans, did not yet challenge the ideal of the Roman state as a hegemon power. The Goths did not seek to infiltrate the Roman Empire in order to carve out their own realm, but even after the battle rather sought to gain permanent and secure settlement within the system of the Roman state. This research focuses on a critical analysis of the events as presented in the res gestae by Ammianus Marcellinus.

Abant Kültürel Araştırmalar Dergisi -Abant Journal of Cultural Studies 3(5) , May 2018
This study is pointing out that Circassian architecture especially in villages is substantial dif... more This study is pointing out that Circassian architecture especially in villages is substantial different from the building style of local buildings in Asia Minor from the local buildings in its surroundings. Its pointed out that the Circassians preserved the of the ancestral homelands which reflected itself in architectural patterns according to that tradition. As an example we might point to the importance that was given to guests by the construction of a space especially assigned to guests and known as " haçes ". Furthermore gardens were not confined with walls as usually the case in the region. Nevertheless changing living patterns fostered by urbanization let to the slow disappearance of distinctive architectural features and the tradition of Circassian community. Gelenekler ile biçimlenen yaşam alanlarına bir örnek: Çerkes mimarisi Öz Bu çalışmada Çerkes mimarisinin, özellikle köylerde bölgesel mimari farklılık gösterdiğini, Çerkeslerin geldikleri coğrafyadan yani Kafkasya'dan birlikte getirdikleri geleneklerine sıkı bağlılık gösterdiklerini, ev inşa etme tarzlarının da bu duruma uygun bir biçimde geliştiği belirtilmektedir. Örneğin misafire verilen önem ve değer; yalnızca onun kullanımına açık haceş adı verilen bir bölümün açılmış olmasıyla kendini göstermiş, evlerin bahçelerinin kapalı olmamasıyla diğer evlerden farklılığını ortaya koymuştur. Ancak yıllar içerisinde köyden kente göçle beraber, toplu yaşamın kuralları gereğince (apartman daireleri vs.) geleneksel ev tarzı doğal bir değişikliğe uğramış ve bu değişiklerle beraber günümüzde birçok adet ve gelenek yok olmaya yüz tutmuştur.

Ein aufstrebender, junger, konsumfreudiger Markt an der geografischen Schnittstelle zwischen inte... more Ein aufstrebender, junger, konsumfreudiger Markt an der geografischen Schnittstelle zwischen internationalen Handelsrouten- die Türkei bietet Investoren vielversprechende Möglichkeiten in vielen attraktiven Investitionsfeldern.
Als dynamische, sich ständig weiterentwickelnde Volkswirtschaft mit konstant hohen Qualitätsstandards und ihrer auf die Bedürfnisse der Wirtschaft abgestimmten Reformpolitik heißt die Türkei alle zukünftigen Investoren wärmstens willkommen.
Neben der Bau- und Energiebranche bietet der produzierende Sektor mit jungen, gut ausgebildeten Arbeitskräften und exzellent ausgebautem Logistiknetz die Chance, lokal produzierte Güter sowohl in der Türkei als auch in Ost-und Mitteleuropa, den Regionen Nahost und Zentralasien abzusetzen.
Als Mitglied der Zollunion mit EU-Kandidatenstatus garantiert die Türkei nicht nur politische, sondern auch wirtschaftliche Stabilität. Ausländische Investoren sind inländischen Firmen völlig gleichgestellt und genießen im Umfeld eines unternehmerfreundlich regulierten Marktes alle Möglichkeiten, frei über den Transfer von Gewinnen zu entscheiden. Die Kapitalsicherheit ist ebenso selbstverständlich wie professionelle Beratung für Projekte aller Art.
Der für Sie zusammengestellte Überblick für Investoren bietet Ihnen folgende Informationen über die Volkswirtschaft der Türkei: Daten&Fakten, Makroökonomische Entwicklungen, Entwicklung des Außenhandels, Wirtschaftsindikatoren, Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit der Europäischen Union, Investitionsstandort, Zehn gute Gründe in der Türkei zu investieren, ausgewählte Ansprechpartner und Institutionen.
Papers by Mehmet Yilmazata
voneinander abweichenden und sich gleichzeitig ergänzenden Geschichtsbilder
und deren Genese im historischen Raum des Amselfeldes bzw. des Kosovo
zu interpretieren. Generell soll vor allem die Rolle von nationalen Mythen bei
der Ausformung von historischen Paradigmen untersucht werden. Hierbei
soll sowohl auf einander ausschließende und miteinander konkurrierende
Interpretationen eingegangen werden und dennoch versucht werden,
gemeinsame Nenner zu interpolieren. Insbesondere der Balkanraum
bedient sich auch in der aktuellen Geschichtsschreibung noch oft der im 19.
Jahrhundert als allgemein gültig angesehenen Nationalideologie, wobei die
hieraus fortwirkenden Schlüsse zu direkten politischen Handlungsmustern
überleiten. Diese sollen kritisch jedoch unter dem Blickpunkt größtmöglicher
historischer Objektivität untersucht werden. Des Weiteren wird jedoch betont,
dass auch der Balkanraum prinzipiell keine Sonderstellung in der globalen
Geschichtsschreibung einnimmt und alle Interpretationsmuster anhand
allgemein anerkannter Kriterien der Geschichtswissenschaft zu überprüfen
sind. Hierbei fällt auch in der vermeintlich objektiven, zeitgenössischen
Geschichtsrezeption die immer noch nachwirkende Rolle des Historizismus
auf; die unbewusste Wahrnehmung des „Balkan“ als Antipoden zur nicht
immer wirklich klar definierbaren historischen Selbstrezeption Zentral- bzw.
Westeuropas kann durchaus als Erbe des Historizismus selbst interpretiert
seriously damaged. Kosovo, a small landlocked area with limited means for economic growth could
enhance its economic leverage by means of regional integration with neighbouring countries. The
successor states of Yugoslavia are facing similar economic challenges. Trade data is suggesting that
the enhancement of economic and trade relations between Kosovo and regional countries as well as
closer economic relations with the EU and integration into supranational economic institutions
(WTO etc.) will have upside effects for Kosovo’s economy as well as for the region. In order to provide
the reader with a general picture of the areas economic problems, the so-called three sector model
has been chosen. Furthermore, Kosovo’s economy has been put into a historical perspective regarding
different economic indicators of the area of former Yugoslavia as all economic activity was and is still
closely linked to regional factors. Data indicates that only the revival and development of traditional
trade, production and supply chains will contribute to growth, prosperity and stability.
1908/1909 yılları Türk-Osmanlı basının gelişimi açısından belirleyici bir dönem
olmuştur. Meşrutiyetin tekrar yürürlüğe konulmasıyla daha serbest bir dönem ortaya çıkmış
ise de, Balkanlar’da cereyan eden Bosna-Hersek ilhak krizi ile Bulgaristan’ın bağımsızlığı,
devleti bir kriz ortamına getirmiş ve 31 Mart vakasına yol açılmıştır. Bahse konu dönem
içerisinde Sabah, Servet i Fünun ile Volkan gazeteleri incelenmeye tabii tutulmuş ve milli
olarak algılanan bu konularda yorum farkıyla beraber Osmanlı Devleti’nin çıkarlarının
savunulduğu görülmüştür. Kamuoyu kavramı o dönem esnasında pekiştirilmiştir ve
gazeteler, kamuoyunu şekillendirme aracı olarak belirgin bir rol oynamaya başlamışlardır.
The years 1908/1909 can be described as fateful for the development of the Ottoman
Press. While newspapers did profit from greater liberties in terms of free journalism,
events as the Bosnian Annexation Crisis and the Bulgarian declaration of independence
did move the state on the verge of crisis and opened the path for the uprising on March
31st 1908. Within that scope, Sabah, Servet-i Fünun and Volkan newspapers have been
researched, bringing up the conclusion that those subjects were defined and defended as
“national matters” in terms of the wellbeing of the Ottoman State by all of them, even if
all newspapers took a different stance. The notion of “public opinion” has been developed
remarkably during that period and the press started to play a distinct role in shaping public opinion.
The main aspect this paper is focusing on is the question, in which way the Balkan Wars did influence the self-perception and the development of national and cultural identity of the nations and societies that took part in it.
Between the years 1942-1945, a certain number of former soldiers of the Red Army, mostly POW's, chose to fight along the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Those formations are known as Ostlegionen (Eastern Legions) in the annals of military history. One of those units, the " Azerbaidjani Legion " (Aserbaidschanische Legion) had their very own frontline newspaper. This paper stresses that the newspaper may be evaluated as an element within the German Propaganda machinery. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance to notice that the Azerbajcan Newspaper, should not be seen as a mere German propaganda tool, but as a publication with a very distinctive character, as themes as the liberation of Azerbaidjan from Bolshevism and the ideal of Turkism are constantly repeated as a subject within its own context.
Als dynamische, sich ständig weiterentwickelnde Volkswirtschaft mit konstant hohen Qualitätsstandards und ihrer auf die Bedürfnisse der Wirtschaft abgestimmten Reformpolitik heißt die Türkei alle zukünftigen Investoren wärmstens willkommen.
Neben der Bau- und Energiebranche bietet der produzierende Sektor mit jungen, gut ausgebildeten Arbeitskräften und exzellent ausgebautem Logistiknetz die Chance, lokal produzierte Güter sowohl in der Türkei als auch in Ost-und Mitteleuropa, den Regionen Nahost und Zentralasien abzusetzen.
Als Mitglied der Zollunion mit EU-Kandidatenstatus garantiert die Türkei nicht nur politische, sondern auch wirtschaftliche Stabilität. Ausländische Investoren sind inländischen Firmen völlig gleichgestellt und genießen im Umfeld eines unternehmerfreundlich regulierten Marktes alle Möglichkeiten, frei über den Transfer von Gewinnen zu entscheiden. Die Kapitalsicherheit ist ebenso selbstverständlich wie professionelle Beratung für Projekte aller Art.
Der für Sie zusammengestellte Überblick für Investoren bietet Ihnen folgende Informationen über die Volkswirtschaft der Türkei: Daten&Fakten, Makroökonomische Entwicklungen, Entwicklung des Außenhandels, Wirtschaftsindikatoren, Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit der Europäischen Union, Investitionsstandort, Zehn gute Gründe in der Türkei zu investieren, ausgewählte Ansprechpartner und Institutionen.
voneinander abweichenden und sich gleichzeitig ergänzenden Geschichtsbilder
und deren Genese im historischen Raum des Amselfeldes bzw. des Kosovo
zu interpretieren. Generell soll vor allem die Rolle von nationalen Mythen bei
der Ausformung von historischen Paradigmen untersucht werden. Hierbei
soll sowohl auf einander ausschließende und miteinander konkurrierende
Interpretationen eingegangen werden und dennoch versucht werden,
gemeinsame Nenner zu interpolieren. Insbesondere der Balkanraum
bedient sich auch in der aktuellen Geschichtsschreibung noch oft der im 19.
Jahrhundert als allgemein gültig angesehenen Nationalideologie, wobei die
hieraus fortwirkenden Schlüsse zu direkten politischen Handlungsmustern
überleiten. Diese sollen kritisch jedoch unter dem Blickpunkt größtmöglicher
historischer Objektivität untersucht werden. Des Weiteren wird jedoch betont,
dass auch der Balkanraum prinzipiell keine Sonderstellung in der globalen
Geschichtsschreibung einnimmt und alle Interpretationsmuster anhand
allgemein anerkannter Kriterien der Geschichtswissenschaft zu überprüfen
sind. Hierbei fällt auch in der vermeintlich objektiven, zeitgenössischen
Geschichtsrezeption die immer noch nachwirkende Rolle des Historizismus
auf; die unbewusste Wahrnehmung des „Balkan“ als Antipoden zur nicht
immer wirklich klar definierbaren historischen Selbstrezeption Zentral- bzw.
Westeuropas kann durchaus als Erbe des Historizismus selbst interpretiert
seriously damaged. Kosovo, a small landlocked area with limited means for economic growth could
enhance its economic leverage by means of regional integration with neighbouring countries. The
successor states of Yugoslavia are facing similar economic challenges. Trade data is suggesting that
the enhancement of economic and trade relations between Kosovo and regional countries as well as
closer economic relations with the EU and integration into supranational economic institutions
(WTO etc.) will have upside effects for Kosovo’s economy as well as for the region. In order to provide
the reader with a general picture of the areas economic problems, the so-called three sector model
has been chosen. Furthermore, Kosovo’s economy has been put into a historical perspective regarding
different economic indicators of the area of former Yugoslavia as all economic activity was and is still
closely linked to regional factors. Data indicates that only the revival and development of traditional
trade, production and supply chains will contribute to growth, prosperity and stability.
1908/1909 yılları Türk-Osmanlı basının gelişimi açısından belirleyici bir dönem
olmuştur. Meşrutiyetin tekrar yürürlüğe konulmasıyla daha serbest bir dönem ortaya çıkmış
ise de, Balkanlar’da cereyan eden Bosna-Hersek ilhak krizi ile Bulgaristan’ın bağımsızlığı,
devleti bir kriz ortamına getirmiş ve 31 Mart vakasına yol açılmıştır. Bahse konu dönem
içerisinde Sabah, Servet i Fünun ile Volkan gazeteleri incelenmeye tabii tutulmuş ve milli
olarak algılanan bu konularda yorum farkıyla beraber Osmanlı Devleti’nin çıkarlarının
savunulduğu görülmüştür. Kamuoyu kavramı o dönem esnasında pekiştirilmiştir ve
gazeteler, kamuoyunu şekillendirme aracı olarak belirgin bir rol oynamaya başlamışlardır.
The years 1908/1909 can be described as fateful for the development of the Ottoman
Press. While newspapers did profit from greater liberties in terms of free journalism,
events as the Bosnian Annexation Crisis and the Bulgarian declaration of independence
did move the state on the verge of crisis and opened the path for the uprising on March
31st 1908. Within that scope, Sabah, Servet-i Fünun and Volkan newspapers have been
researched, bringing up the conclusion that those subjects were defined and defended as
“national matters” in terms of the wellbeing of the Ottoman State by all of them, even if
all newspapers took a different stance. The notion of “public opinion” has been developed
remarkably during that period and the press started to play a distinct role in shaping public opinion.
The main aspect this paper is focusing on is the question, in which way the Balkan Wars did influence the self-perception and the development of national and cultural identity of the nations and societies that took part in it.
Between the years 1942-1945, a certain number of former soldiers of the Red Army, mostly POW's, chose to fight along the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Those formations are known as Ostlegionen (Eastern Legions) in the annals of military history. One of those units, the " Azerbaidjani Legion " (Aserbaidschanische Legion) had their very own frontline newspaper. This paper stresses that the newspaper may be evaluated as an element within the German Propaganda machinery. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance to notice that the Azerbajcan Newspaper, should not be seen as a mere German propaganda tool, but as a publication with a very distinctive character, as themes as the liberation of Azerbaidjan from Bolshevism and the ideal of Turkism are constantly repeated as a subject within its own context.
Als dynamische, sich ständig weiterentwickelnde Volkswirtschaft mit konstant hohen Qualitätsstandards und ihrer auf die Bedürfnisse der Wirtschaft abgestimmten Reformpolitik heißt die Türkei alle zukünftigen Investoren wärmstens willkommen.
Neben der Bau- und Energiebranche bietet der produzierende Sektor mit jungen, gut ausgebildeten Arbeitskräften und exzellent ausgebautem Logistiknetz die Chance, lokal produzierte Güter sowohl in der Türkei als auch in Ost-und Mitteleuropa, den Regionen Nahost und Zentralasien abzusetzen.
Als Mitglied der Zollunion mit EU-Kandidatenstatus garantiert die Türkei nicht nur politische, sondern auch wirtschaftliche Stabilität. Ausländische Investoren sind inländischen Firmen völlig gleichgestellt und genießen im Umfeld eines unternehmerfreundlich regulierten Marktes alle Möglichkeiten, frei über den Transfer von Gewinnen zu entscheiden. Die Kapitalsicherheit ist ebenso selbstverständlich wie professionelle Beratung für Projekte aller Art.
Der für Sie zusammengestellte Überblick für Investoren bietet Ihnen folgende Informationen über die Volkswirtschaft der Türkei: Daten&Fakten, Makroökonomische Entwicklungen, Entwicklung des Außenhandels, Wirtschaftsindikatoren, Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit der Europäischen Union, Investitionsstandort, Zehn gute Gründe in der Türkei zu investieren, ausgewählte Ansprechpartner und Institutionen.
erişeceklerdir. Eğitim diplomasisi baştan beri paydaşların karşılıklı çıkarlarına
yönelik tesis edildiğinden ve geleceğe yatırım teşkil eden eğitim olgusuna vurgu yapıldığından uluslararası ve herkese açık bir karakteristiğe sahiptir.
Diğer tarafta eğitim diplomasisi modelini, Gramsci’nin hegemonya kavramı
dâhilinde yorumlamak mümkündür. Burs ve/veya eğitim desteği alan öğrenci veya akademisyenler, destek veren tarafın hedefleri doğrultusunda hareket edip ortak çıkarları oluşturmak için paydaş olmaya gayret etmektedir. Eğitim diplomasisi, bu suretle hiyerarşik bir yapıya sahiptir. Yine de eğitim diplomasisi, bilimsel ilişkilerin gelişimi, ar-ge ve teknolojik kalitesinin ihyası ile ekonomik refahın yükselmesine yol açmaktadır. Eğitim kalitesi açısından, eğitim aktörlerinin işbirliği sayesinde olumlu sonuçlara işaret etmektedir. Bununla beraber, küresel ekonomik dengesizlik
nedeniyle tek taraflı beyin göçü olgusunun olumsuz yönleri de göz ardı
edilmemelidir. Nihayetinde eğitim diplomasisi, Türkiye’nin faal bir uluslararası aktör (“global player”) olarak yer almasına fırsat teşkil etmektedir. Türkiye, yabancı öğrencilere –Türkiye’nin milli çıkarlarını göz önünde bulundurulmak suretiyle- burs imkânlarısağlayıp, uluslararası arenada Türkiye’nin imajı ve marka değerini ihya etme imkânına sahiptir. Türkiye bu şekilde uluslararası görünürlüğünü “yumuşak güç/ soft power” nokta-ı nazarından sergileme imkânına kavuşmuştur.
Vor dem Hintergrund von diplomatischen Intrigen und dem Ringen der europäischen Großmächte um die Vorherrschaft im Mittleren Osten war die Bagdadbahn ein Politikum ersten Ranges. Das wilhelminische Deutschland unterstützte den Bau nach Kräften als nationales Prestigeprojekt. Für das Osmanische Reich jedoch war die Eisenbahn vor allem ein Garant von Fortschritt und Entwicklung. Basierend auf erstmals veröffentlichten Dokumenten aus den osmanischen Archiven zeichnet der Autor ein faszinierendes Bild der Eisenbahnpolitik im späten Osmanischen Reich.
Ergänzt durch Bildmaterial und Akten aus deutschen Archiven zeigt er neue Perspektiven zur Bewertung der Bagdadbahn und der Politik des kaiserlichen Deutschland im Vorderen Orient auf.
oluşumu 19. yüzyıldan itibaren dil, tarih ve edebiyat tetkikleri sayesinde
vücut bulmuştur. Bir Balkan devleti olan Osmanlı ve halefi olan Türkiye
Cumhuriyeti de bu tesirin altında kalmıştır. Rusya, Orta Avrupa ve
Balkanlardaki sistematik felsefe, tarih ve dil araştırmaları ilgili toplumlarda
kendi kimliğini ve millî bir eğitim sistemi bulma hevesinin artmasına
sebebiyet vermiştir. Araştırmada Türk tarihi, Türk dili ve millî eğitim
sisteminin gelişimi hakkında fikir önerileriyle önemli bir yere sahip olan
Gaspırali İsmail ve Ziya Gökalp’ın çalışmalarının dil ve eğitim algısını
nasıl şekillendirdikleri araştırılacaktır. İlgili müelliflerin neşriyatlarında
beyan edilen fikirlerinden hareket ederek, çeşitli dil ve tarih çalışmalarının
mukayeseli bir analizi yapılacaktır. Türk millî kimliğinin oluşumunun
Balkanlardaki milliyetçi fikirlerden, Balkan ülkelerindeki hâkim eğitim
sistemlerinden, kültür ve edebiyat yaklaşımlarından yakından etkilendiği
tespit edilmekle birlikte Gökalp ve Gaspıralı’nın fikriyatının temellerinin
yalnız Batı Avrupa’dan değil, bilhassa Balkanlardan ve Rusya’da yaygın
olan ideoloji ve bilimsel dogmalarından ilham aldığı söylenebilir. Genel
olarak bahse konu mevzuları tetkik ederken, 19. yüzyılda hâkim olan kültür,
lisan ve millî kimlik anlayışının bütün tarafların karşılıklı etkileşim süreci
sonucunda müteşekkil olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır.
Mehmet Yilmazata
The author in his presentation focuses on the social impact and the social background of
criminal networks that are operating within and from the Balkans. Analysing the nature
and functional structures of those illegal activities and investigating its connection to
international terrorism — the social phenomena that enable those networks within the
region also are pointed out.
Мехмет Јилмазата
Аутор разматра друштвени утицај организованог криминала и друштвене
околности у којима криминалне мреже делују на простору Балкана и ван његових
граница. Анализа природе и функционалне структуре незаконитих активности и
њихових веза са међународним тероризмом спроведена је кроз сагледавање
друштвених феномена који поспешују регионално деловање криминалних мрежа.