Books by Veronika Sobotková
Arabské jaro příčiny, průběh, důsledky I. díl – Tunisko, Libye, Maroko, 2023

Lékařství ve starověké Mezopotámii, 2014
The monograph aims to present the medicine in the ancient Mesopot... more MEDICINE IN ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA
The monograph aims to present the medicine in the ancient Mesopotamia.
The introduction part describes the speci/c internal and external environmental
and cultural inpuences, that affected the overall health of the population. The
"health status" of the Mesopotamian civilization is determined on the basis of
these dates, accompanied by repections on the life expectancy. The monograph
deals further with the presentation of the disease and the treatment within the
selected socio-cultural context (law, religion and science). Further considerations
divide medical practice to various sectors (domestic - popular - professional
sector). The concept of two traditional leaders of Mesopotamian professional
medicine (asû and āšipu) is introduced as well.
The main part of the the book focuses on the course of the treatment process
which was divided into the stages of diagnosis, prognosis, etiology, and treatment.
These sections are based on the Mesopotamian medical textual sources -
diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic collections. In the /eld of diagnostic, the
essay focuses on the nature and the details of observed symptoms, which are
sequentially introduced following the key areas of the human body. It is pointed
out that doctors monitored and recorded wide range of symptoms in a careful
way; moreover they could detect the entire clinical picture of the disease and
recognize the symptoms leading to death. The aim of the diagnostic process was
primarily to specify the prognosis of the patient; sometimes to determine the
cause of the disease. Diagnosis (name of disease) was rarely reported.
The etiology of disease is assessed, in which a new classi/cation of the causes of
the disease is introduced - "obvious" and "stated". The "stated" causes are
characterized in detail as the "hand" of god, "the hand" of ghost, and kišpu
(witchcraft), in addition their relationship to the typical diseases is described in
this book. Analysis of determining the disease´s origin and the phrase "hand" of
god or "hand" of ghost leads us to the conclusion that the etiology of disease
presents important criterion for classi/cation of disease according to both its
nature and an anatomical area.
In the chapter on the therapy three components are gradually introduced -
pharmaceutical, psychosomatic (magical) and mechanical therapy. These types of
therapies were used during the treatment simultaneously. Details of raw
materials, the pharmaceutical preparation, dosage forms, and usual forms of
application are classi/ed in the pharmaceutical therapy section. Section devoted
to psychosomatic therapy is divided according to its function into areas of
psychotherapeutical magic, prophylactic magic and exorcist magic. Furthermore,
ef/ciency of the Mesopotamian therapy is determined - it is evaluated as
a comprehensive, holistic therapy, which effect was based on phytopharmacy,
placebo effect, and the activation of the autoimmune system. Finally, practical
examples of the sequence of elements of the healing process are presented.
Arabské jaro -příčiny, průběh, důsledky - II. díl Sýrie a Arabský poloostrov, 2014
Smyslem této dvoudílné edice je pak poskytnout čtenáři poučený, chronologicky a geog... more ARAB SPRING
Smyslem této dvoudílné edice je pak poskytnout čtenáři poučený, chronologicky a geograficky členěný výklad k průběhu vlastních povstání či protestů Arabského jara (jehož konec ohraničujeme přelomem roku 2011/2012). Současně se ale jednotliví spoluautoři snaží o hlubší analýzu příčin a důsledků této společenské exploze. To vše vždy v kontextu konkrétní země nebo skupiny zemí. Tento druhý díl se zabývá příčinami, průběhem a důsledky Arabského jara v Sýrii, Jemenu, Bahrajnu a ostatních státech Perského zálivu. Knihu uzavírá úvaha nad hojně diskutovanou úlohou sociálních sítí a moderních komunikačních technologií v těchto událostech.

Židé v islámu: Koncept ahl adh-dhimma a případová studie židovské menšiny v Maroku, 2018
Jews in Islam assesses comprehensively the status of the Jewish minority, both theoretically in Islam (in Islamic jurisprudence), and in practice using the history of various Muslim countries, with particular reference to the situation in Morocco.
The opening chapters deal with the theory of the position of non-Muslims in an Islamic state from the viewpoint of the Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh ). They present the key sources of this issue, i.e. the relevant verses of the Qur’an and applicable ahadith or achbar, and especially the documented covenants of the Muslims and non-Muslims from early-Islamic history, which illustrate the true practice of the Prophet Muhammad and his close followers. They demonstrate the crucial differences in understanding of basic concepts that categorise „people of the book“ (ahl al-kitab ) and „protected people“ (ahl adh-dhimma ), as seen from the perspective of four Sunni schools and selected Shiite legal experts. This issue is completed by the first Czech translation of the Medina Constitution / Charter and of the Covenant of ‘Umar from the original Arabic language.
After the theoretical legal introduction, the book summarises the development of attitudes towards the Jewish minority during the rise of Islam and upto the present, and it draws attention to the erratic acceptance of the Jewish minority by the ruling Muslim dynasties. This chapter ends with a review of the history of Jewry in individual Muslim countries during the 20th century, thus showing the abrupt end of the history of major Jewish Diasporas in Iraq, Yemen, Egypt and the current situation of the last Jewish minorities in Iran, Turkey, and Tunisia.
The second major part of the book is specifically dedicated to the Jews of Morocco, the third largest Jewish community of the Middle East (after Iran and Turkey). The monograph first briefly summarises the complete history of Jewry on the territory that forms present-day Morocco, followed by two specialised studies.
The first study deals with the period of the late 19th and early 20th century, when significant changes to the status of Moroccan Jewry occurred, mainly due to the profound impact of European powers. The text describes in detail the process of urbanisation, emancipation and secularisation, as well as the economic and cultural importance of a thriving Moroccan Jewish community. In particular, it highlights and incisively explains how and why this seemingly beneficial change has led to a long-term worsening of Jewish-Muslim relations.
The second study is focused mainly on the contemporary history of the Jews in Morocco; it opens the not very well-known and particularly sensitive question of the relationship between the Kingdom and the State of Israel. It reveals ties much closer than expected, and the development of mutual co-operation in economic, security and diplomatic terms. Specifically, it highlights the growing tourist trade between the two nations, and explores the impact of the Moroccan Jews in their new homeland of Israel after exile from the Kingdom.

Qom, náboženské centrum Íránu, 2016
Qom, religious centre of Iran
The holy city of Qom is the leading center of Shi’ite Islam and one... more Qom, religious centre of Iran
The holy city of Qom is the leading center of Shi’ite Islam and one of the world´s most important
religious centers. For some people it is the true capital of Islamic Republic Iran. Although Qom is
mentioned in the West on many occasions (scholar works, analytical papers, journalistic
contributions), hardly anyone knows more than its name. A similar situation applies to the Qom
religious architecture that is not systematically documented (textually nor visually) in any of the
leading publication on Islamic architecture. The book comprehensively introduces the history of
the city, the development of the hawza Qom, the influence of Qomi clerics, and further the material
and spiritual culture and the architecture of Qom. The authors stayed several times in the holy
city of Qom and would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of Qom in the
history and contemporary world and to mediate its beauty and unique atmosphere for those who
have no such opportunity.
The book is basically divided into two main parts, the first deals with the history of the city, the
second part presents the architecture and the related spiritual culture. The history of the city
itself, to a certain extent, symbolizes the entire evolution of Shi’ite Islam and the events in Qom
have had a strong influence on the development of Persia, Iran and today´s Islamic Republic of
Iran. The specific chapter on the formation of Shiite Islam, the life and legacy of twelve Imams is
also inserted, as all this history has never been explained properly in the Czech academic
environment and the separation of branches of Islam has been presented always from the
viewpoint of mainstream Sunni Islam. The book further shows how the city became the Shi’ite
leading center and how it maintains its position as a counterbalance of shrine cities in Iraq. The
great attention is paid to the situation of city and its hawzas during the Pahlavi regime and
especially to the role of the Qom in the time of Islamic revolution. The historic section is completed
with a brief presentation of the importance of Qomi clerics in the current Islamic Republic of Iran
and with the short description of the system of seminary studies in Qom. The second part of the
book is opened with the general introduction concerning developments of architecture in Persia
and Iran. The main religious buildings in Qom are then introduced, including their historical
background, architectural features and elements. This part is richly accompanied by photographs
to illustrate (at least) a little of the beauty of sacral buildings and areas. The descriptions of the
material artefacts are further accompanied by selected examples of manifestations of the spiritual
life in sacral spaces including details related to the religious pilgrimages experience, the religious
festivals and its rituals, customs and traditions.
Some of the photos published in this book are especially valuable. Taking pictures in the interior
of the shrine Hadrat Masume is normally prohibited but thanks to kindly permission given by the
headquarters of the shrine Hadrat Masume we were able to take pictures of this unique place and
later to publish them. Also in the Library of Marashi Najafi we were kindly allowed to take pictures
of the rare and beautiful manuscripts. For this we are very grateful to both institutions.
Papers by Veronika Sobotková
V roce 1975 byl Burgiba prohlášen doživotním prezidentem, tj. nebyl nadále volen a nebylo možno j... more V roce 1975 byl Burgiba prohlášen doživotním prezidentem, tj. nebyl nadále volen a nebylo možno jej odvolat.

Journal for The Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Mar 27, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected religious life and has temporarily changed some ... more The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected religious life and has temporarily changed some of the important religious rules of Islam. Most of the highest Shi‘ite clerics in Iran and Iraq have become active protagonists in the fight against COVID-19. The author focuses on these clerics’ support of state institutions in matters of hygiene and protection measures as well as bans on gatherings. The author then analyzes the attitudes of these clerics toward changes in religious practices during the Coronavirus epidemic: the prohibition of Friday / congregational prayers, the closing of Shi‘ite shrines (places of burial of Shi‘ite holy Imams), fasting in the holymonth of Ramadan, changes in funeral customs, the issue of martyrdom due to Coronavirus infection and changes in performing the major Shi‘ite religious ceremonies of Ashura and Arba‘een.
Redakce časopisu v této souvislosti oslovila organizátora konference a odborníka na život a dílo ... more Redakce časopisu v této souvislosti oslovila organizátora konference a odborníka na život a dílo knížete Metternicha Miroslava Šedivého, aby v krátkém rozhovoru přiblížil širší veřejnosti stav bádání o tomto proslulém Bonapartově soupeři a architektu evropského politického systému po napoleonských válkách. Doufáme, že laskavý a vstřícný čtenář nalezne během rozbouřené debaty o budoucnosti (a financování) české vědy připomínající svojí úrovní to nejhorší z hypotetického spojení divoké Germánie a zkostnatělé Byzance v Actech Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni potřebný duševní klid vyplývající z obohacujícího intelektuálního zážitku.
Casopís lékar̆ů c̆eských, 2022

SGS-2015-039 „Kulturní dějiny Blízkého východu“The holy city of Qom is the leading center of Shi’... more SGS-2015-039 „Kulturní dějiny Blízkého východu“The holy city of Qom is the leading center of Shi’ite Islam and one of the world´s most important religious centers. For some people it is the true capital of Islamic Republic Iran. Although Qom is mentioned in the West on many occasions (scholar works, analytical papers, journalistic contributions), hardly anyone knows more than its name. A similar situation applies to the Qom religious architecture that is not systematically documented (textually nor visually) in any of the leading publication on Islamic architecture. The book comprehensively introduces the history of the city, the development of the hawza Qom, the influence of Qomi clerics, and further the material and spiritual culture and the architecture of Qom. The authors stayed several times in the holy city of Qom and would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of Qom in the history and contemporary world and to mediate its beauty and unique atmosphere for ...

Článek nabízí přehled různých názorů, teorií a debat ohledně hranic lidského života (počátek a ko... more Článek nabízí přehled různých názorů, teorií a debat ohledně hranic lidského života (počátek a konec lidského života) v šíitském islámu a důležité konsekvence při používání různých medicínských technologií. Pojednává toto téma z pohledu šíitské jurisprucence v současném Íránu, se zvláštním důrazem na publikované právní rozhodnutí důležitých vysokých kleriků a na základě znalosti sdílené v raámci islámských seminářů v Qomu. Článek se nejprve zaobírá různými teoriemi o požátku lidského života a fázemi koránské embryogenese. Následně popisuje problematiku terapeutických přerušení těhotenství a ukazuje rozdílné pohledy důležitých íránských kleriků, zda je přerušení možné, či ne, a za jakých podmínek a na základně jakých právních podkladů tato rozhodnutí činí. Studie dále řeší problematiku lidské smrti, zejména pak otázku posouzení lidí po akutním pozkovém postižení (koma, vegetativní stav, mozková smrt). Práce ukazuje diskusi nad tím, zda je pro určení smrti člověka podstatná činnost mo...
Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies, 2018
This study deals with an important question within the field of Islamic bioethics: who is the mot... more This study deals with an important question within the field of Islamic bioethics: who is the mother if more than one woman is involved in the process of artificial fertilisation? Shi'i fuqahā ͗ have developed four theories about "being a mother". In order to gain a genuine understanding of their legal solution, it is essential to examine the whole legal process behind it. The objective behind this study is to present a unique insight into the whole ijtihād process, accompanied by supporting argumentation, subsequent criticism and counter-argumentation. Lineage determination (nasab) not only presents a theoretical legal problem but is important due to its legal consequences in regard to inheritance (irth), custody (ḥaḍānah), and maintenance (nafaqah).

This paper is describing diagnostic system in ancient Mesopotamia. Diagnostics is process of illn... more This paper is describing diagnostic system in ancient Mesopotamia. Diagnostics is process of illness’s determining. Mesopotamian physicians used mainly basic method of direct observation of patient and of all his symptoms. They noted wide range of symptoms conscientiously: temperature of patient, change of color on patient’s body, condition of eyes, teethes, tongue, different kind of pain, bleeding and many others. Observed symptoms concerned all areas of human body – eye and ear diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, digestive system diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecology, obstetrics, skin diseases, diseases of musculoskeletal system, parasitic disease, mental diseases and behavioral disorders and injuries. Physicians of ancient Mesopotamia recognized not only symptoms and theirs slight differences but particularly the whole clinical picture of illness - unique combination of symptoms typical for specific illness. They were well awar...

Studia Orientalia Slovaca, 2021
The study provides a detailed overview of the issue of transplantation from the
perspective of Ir... more The study provides a detailed overview of the issue of transplantation from the
perspective of Iran’s highest Shi‘ite clerics (ar. marāji‘ al-taqlīd). First, basic religious and
jurisprudential arguments for and against transplantation are clarified, i.e. ownership of
the human body, protection of human life, inviolability of the human body and ritual
impurity of a dead body. Solutions to the conflict between them are also discussed. Then,
the text introduces all the types of transplantation (living and dead donors, organ and
tissue transplantation, donation and sale) and presents the wide range of views that clerics
have on them while quoting their fatāwā. The resulting and highly detailed legal problems
are also analyzed, e.g. the question of consent, the issue of last will, the necessity to pay
blood money or the possibility of organ retrieval from an unidentified body. Special
attention is paid to transplantation from brain-dead patients, interreligious
transplantation and xenotransplantation. The position of clerics is briefly compared with
official legislation to highlight differences. The study shows how contemporary Twelver
Shi‘ite legal theory copes with modern legal cases thanks to a change in the subject, which
has resulted from the effect of time and space and the use of secondary law.

When does human life begin? When does the human foetus actually become a human? And conversely, w... more When does human life begin? When does the human foetus actually become a human? And conversely, when does human life end? These and similar questions have usually been resolved within theological or philosophical considerations. However, the modern era has transferred them to an important legal level that has a clear and factual impact on every individual. Two important circumstances have contributed to this situation: the first is the development of medical technologies and the second is the development of the concept of human rights. Thanks to these factors, answering these previously theoretical questions has created not only a general ethical framework, but has also had a profound impact on people’s decisions and behaviour; it forms the basis for prohibiting or permitting the termination of early life (abortion), disconnection from medical devices (euthanasia) and organ donation from patients with acute brain damage. The science that deals with these ethical issues in medicine a...
Projekt SGS-2016-049 Maroko a Iran: naboženske mensiny v komparativni perspektivě a SGS-2018-040 ... more Projekt SGS-2016-049 Maroko a Iran: naboženske mensiny v komparativni perspektivě a SGS-2018-040 Socialni a politicke transformace vybraných zemi Blizkeho východu a Afriky.
Studia theologica
Hrajeme si na Boha? Lékařské technologie a změna Božího stvoření z perspektivy ší'itského islámu*... more Hrajeme si na Boha? Lékařské technologie a změna Božího stvoření z perspektivy ší'itského islámu* Veronika Sobotková * Tato studie je výsledkem badatelské činnosti podporované Grantovou agenturou České republiky v rámci grantu GA ČR 19-13824S "Islámská bioetika v současném Íránu" a ve spolupráci s institutem al-Ḥikma univerzity al-Muṣṭafā International v Qomu.
Projekt SGS-2016-049 Maroko a Iran: naboženske mensiny v komparativni perspektivě a SGS-2018-040 ... more Projekt SGS-2016-049 Maroko a Iran: naboženske mensiny v komparativni perspektivě a SGS-2018-040 Socialni a politicke transformace vybraných zemi Blizkeho východu a Afriky.

Studia Theologica 23(2):151-169, 2021
Shi‘ite Islam posits that medical technologies such as cloning or genetic engineering are not a c... more Shi‘ite Islam posits that medical technologies such as cloning or genetic engineering are not a change in God’s creation and cannot be forbidden for this reason. The study presents the main religious-legal arguments for this opinion and the difference between the view of Shi‘ite theology and jurisprudence in the interpretation of the term “change in God’s creation”. Jurisprudence emphasizes the spiritual nature of change (deviation from monotheism) over physical change and supports it with other methodological principles. This definition excludes the analysed medical techniques, and therefore jurisprudence does not consider them a change in God’s creation. The conclusions are supplemented by specific legal arguments concerning the most discussed areas, i.e. cloning, genetic engineering, gender reassignment and cosmetic surgeries, and briefly compared with the Sunni position.
Journal of Shi´a Islamic Studies, Summer-Autumn, XI, no. 3-4, 2018
This study deals with an important question within the field of Islamic bioethics: who is the mot... more This study deals with an important question within the field of Islamic bioethics: who is the mother if more than one woman is involved in the process of artificial fertilisation? Shi'i fuqahā ͗ have developed four theories about "being a mother". In order to gain a genuine understanding of their legal solution, it is essential to examine the whole legal process behind it. The objective behind this study is to present a unique insight into the whole ijtihād process, accompanied by supporting argumentation, subsequent criticism and counter-argumentation. Lineage determination (nasab) not only presents a theoretical legal problem but is important due to its legal consequences in regard to inheritance (irth), custody (ḥaḍānah), and maintenance (nafaqah).
Books by Veronika Sobotková
The monograph aims to present the medicine in the ancient Mesopotamia.
The introduction part describes the speci/c internal and external environmental
and cultural inpuences, that affected the overall health of the population. The
"health status" of the Mesopotamian civilization is determined on the basis of
these dates, accompanied by repections on the life expectancy. The monograph
deals further with the presentation of the disease and the treatment within the
selected socio-cultural context (law, religion and science). Further considerations
divide medical practice to various sectors (domestic - popular - professional
sector). The concept of two traditional leaders of Mesopotamian professional
medicine (asû and āšipu) is introduced as well.
The main part of the the book focuses on the course of the treatment process
which was divided into the stages of diagnosis, prognosis, etiology, and treatment.
These sections are based on the Mesopotamian medical textual sources -
diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic collections. In the /eld of diagnostic, the
essay focuses on the nature and the details of observed symptoms, which are
sequentially introduced following the key areas of the human body. It is pointed
out that doctors monitored and recorded wide range of symptoms in a careful
way; moreover they could detect the entire clinical picture of the disease and
recognize the symptoms leading to death. The aim of the diagnostic process was
primarily to specify the prognosis of the patient; sometimes to determine the
cause of the disease. Diagnosis (name of disease) was rarely reported.
The etiology of disease is assessed, in which a new classi/cation of the causes of
the disease is introduced - "obvious" and "stated". The "stated" causes are
characterized in detail as the "hand" of god, "the hand" of ghost, and kišpu
(witchcraft), in addition their relationship to the typical diseases is described in
this book. Analysis of determining the disease´s origin and the phrase "hand" of
god or "hand" of ghost leads us to the conclusion that the etiology of disease
presents important criterion for classi/cation of disease according to both its
nature and an anatomical area.
In the chapter on the therapy three components are gradually introduced -
pharmaceutical, psychosomatic (magical) and mechanical therapy. These types of
therapies were used during the treatment simultaneously. Details of raw
materials, the pharmaceutical preparation, dosage forms, and usual forms of
application are classi/ed in the pharmaceutical therapy section. Section devoted
to psychosomatic therapy is divided according to its function into areas of
psychotherapeutical magic, prophylactic magic and exorcist magic. Furthermore,
ef/ciency of the Mesopotamian therapy is determined - it is evaluated as
a comprehensive, holistic therapy, which effect was based on phytopharmacy,
placebo effect, and the activation of the autoimmune system. Finally, practical
examples of the sequence of elements of the healing process are presented.
Smyslem této dvoudílné edice je pak poskytnout čtenáři poučený, chronologicky a geograficky členěný výklad k průběhu vlastních povstání či protestů Arabského jara (jehož konec ohraničujeme přelomem roku 2011/2012). Současně se ale jednotliví spoluautoři snaží o hlubší analýzu příčin a důsledků této společenské exploze. To vše vždy v kontextu konkrétní země nebo skupiny zemí. Tento druhý díl se zabývá příčinami, průběhem a důsledky Arabského jara v Sýrii, Jemenu, Bahrajnu a ostatních státech Perského zálivu. Knihu uzavírá úvaha nad hojně diskutovanou úlohou sociálních sítí a moderních komunikačních technologií v těchto událostech.
Jews in Islam assesses comprehensively the status of the Jewish minority, both theoretically in Islam (in Islamic jurisprudence), and in practice using the history of various Muslim countries, with particular reference to the situation in Morocco.
The opening chapters deal with the theory of the position of non-Muslims in an Islamic state from the viewpoint of the Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh ). They present the key sources of this issue, i.e. the relevant verses of the Qur’an and applicable ahadith or achbar, and especially the documented covenants of the Muslims and non-Muslims from early-Islamic history, which illustrate the true practice of the Prophet Muhammad and his close followers. They demonstrate the crucial differences in understanding of basic concepts that categorise „people of the book“ (ahl al-kitab ) and „protected people“ (ahl adh-dhimma ), as seen from the perspective of four Sunni schools and selected Shiite legal experts. This issue is completed by the first Czech translation of the Medina Constitution / Charter and of the Covenant of ‘Umar from the original Arabic language.
After the theoretical legal introduction, the book summarises the development of attitudes towards the Jewish minority during the rise of Islam and upto the present, and it draws attention to the erratic acceptance of the Jewish minority by the ruling Muslim dynasties. This chapter ends with a review of the history of Jewry in individual Muslim countries during the 20th century, thus showing the abrupt end of the history of major Jewish Diasporas in Iraq, Yemen, Egypt and the current situation of the last Jewish minorities in Iran, Turkey, and Tunisia.
The second major part of the book is specifically dedicated to the Jews of Morocco, the third largest Jewish community of the Middle East (after Iran and Turkey). The monograph first briefly summarises the complete history of Jewry on the territory that forms present-day Morocco, followed by two specialised studies.
The first study deals with the period of the late 19th and early 20th century, when significant changes to the status of Moroccan Jewry occurred, mainly due to the profound impact of European powers. The text describes in detail the process of urbanisation, emancipation and secularisation, as well as the economic and cultural importance of a thriving Moroccan Jewish community. In particular, it highlights and incisively explains how and why this seemingly beneficial change has led to a long-term worsening of Jewish-Muslim relations.
The second study is focused mainly on the contemporary history of the Jews in Morocco; it opens the not very well-known and particularly sensitive question of the relationship between the Kingdom and the State of Israel. It reveals ties much closer than expected, and the development of mutual co-operation in economic, security and diplomatic terms. Specifically, it highlights the growing tourist trade between the two nations, and explores the impact of the Moroccan Jews in their new homeland of Israel after exile from the Kingdom.
The holy city of Qom is the leading center of Shi’ite Islam and one of the world´s most important
religious centers. For some people it is the true capital of Islamic Republic Iran. Although Qom is
mentioned in the West on many occasions (scholar works, analytical papers, journalistic
contributions), hardly anyone knows more than its name. A similar situation applies to the Qom
religious architecture that is not systematically documented (textually nor visually) in any of the
leading publication on Islamic architecture. The book comprehensively introduces the history of
the city, the development of the hawza Qom, the influence of Qomi clerics, and further the material
and spiritual culture and the architecture of Qom. The authors stayed several times in the holy
city of Qom and would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of Qom in the
history and contemporary world and to mediate its beauty and unique atmosphere for those who
have no such opportunity.
The book is basically divided into two main parts, the first deals with the history of the city, the
second part presents the architecture and the related spiritual culture. The history of the city
itself, to a certain extent, symbolizes the entire evolution of Shi’ite Islam and the events in Qom
have had a strong influence on the development of Persia, Iran and today´s Islamic Republic of
Iran. The specific chapter on the formation of Shiite Islam, the life and legacy of twelve Imams is
also inserted, as all this history has never been explained properly in the Czech academic
environment and the separation of branches of Islam has been presented always from the
viewpoint of mainstream Sunni Islam. The book further shows how the city became the Shi’ite
leading center and how it maintains its position as a counterbalance of shrine cities in Iraq. The
great attention is paid to the situation of city and its hawzas during the Pahlavi regime and
especially to the role of the Qom in the time of Islamic revolution. The historic section is completed
with a brief presentation of the importance of Qomi clerics in the current Islamic Republic of Iran
and with the short description of the system of seminary studies in Qom. The second part of the
book is opened with the general introduction concerning developments of architecture in Persia
and Iran. The main religious buildings in Qom are then introduced, including their historical
background, architectural features and elements. This part is richly accompanied by photographs
to illustrate (at least) a little of the beauty of sacral buildings and areas. The descriptions of the
material artefacts are further accompanied by selected examples of manifestations of the spiritual
life in sacral spaces including details related to the religious pilgrimages experience, the religious
festivals and its rituals, customs and traditions.
Some of the photos published in this book are especially valuable. Taking pictures in the interior
of the shrine Hadrat Masume is normally prohibited but thanks to kindly permission given by the
headquarters of the shrine Hadrat Masume we were able to take pictures of this unique place and
later to publish them. Also in the Library of Marashi Najafi we were kindly allowed to take pictures
of the rare and beautiful manuscripts. For this we are very grateful to both institutions.
Papers by Veronika Sobotková
perspective of Iran’s highest Shi‘ite clerics (ar. marāji‘ al-taqlīd). First, basic religious and
jurisprudential arguments for and against transplantation are clarified, i.e. ownership of
the human body, protection of human life, inviolability of the human body and ritual
impurity of a dead body. Solutions to the conflict between them are also discussed. Then,
the text introduces all the types of transplantation (living and dead donors, organ and
tissue transplantation, donation and sale) and presents the wide range of views that clerics
have on them while quoting their fatāwā. The resulting and highly detailed legal problems
are also analyzed, e.g. the question of consent, the issue of last will, the necessity to pay
blood money or the possibility of organ retrieval from an unidentified body. Special
attention is paid to transplantation from brain-dead patients, interreligious
transplantation and xenotransplantation. The position of clerics is briefly compared with
official legislation to highlight differences. The study shows how contemporary Twelver
Shi‘ite legal theory copes with modern legal cases thanks to a change in the subject, which
has resulted from the effect of time and space and the use of secondary law.
The monograph aims to present the medicine in the ancient Mesopotamia.
The introduction part describes the speci/c internal and external environmental
and cultural inpuences, that affected the overall health of the population. The
"health status" of the Mesopotamian civilization is determined on the basis of
these dates, accompanied by repections on the life expectancy. The monograph
deals further with the presentation of the disease and the treatment within the
selected socio-cultural context (law, religion and science). Further considerations
divide medical practice to various sectors (domestic - popular - professional
sector). The concept of two traditional leaders of Mesopotamian professional
medicine (asû and āšipu) is introduced as well.
The main part of the the book focuses on the course of the treatment process
which was divided into the stages of diagnosis, prognosis, etiology, and treatment.
These sections are based on the Mesopotamian medical textual sources -
diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic collections. In the /eld of diagnostic, the
essay focuses on the nature and the details of observed symptoms, which are
sequentially introduced following the key areas of the human body. It is pointed
out that doctors monitored and recorded wide range of symptoms in a careful
way; moreover they could detect the entire clinical picture of the disease and
recognize the symptoms leading to death. The aim of the diagnostic process was
primarily to specify the prognosis of the patient; sometimes to determine the
cause of the disease. Diagnosis (name of disease) was rarely reported.
The etiology of disease is assessed, in which a new classi/cation of the causes of
the disease is introduced - "obvious" and "stated". The "stated" causes are
characterized in detail as the "hand" of god, "the hand" of ghost, and kišpu
(witchcraft), in addition their relationship to the typical diseases is described in
this book. Analysis of determining the disease´s origin and the phrase "hand" of
god or "hand" of ghost leads us to the conclusion that the etiology of disease
presents important criterion for classi/cation of disease according to both its
nature and an anatomical area.
In the chapter on the therapy three components are gradually introduced -
pharmaceutical, psychosomatic (magical) and mechanical therapy. These types of
therapies were used during the treatment simultaneously. Details of raw
materials, the pharmaceutical preparation, dosage forms, and usual forms of
application are classi/ed in the pharmaceutical therapy section. Section devoted
to psychosomatic therapy is divided according to its function into areas of
psychotherapeutical magic, prophylactic magic and exorcist magic. Furthermore,
ef/ciency of the Mesopotamian therapy is determined - it is evaluated as
a comprehensive, holistic therapy, which effect was based on phytopharmacy,
placebo effect, and the activation of the autoimmune system. Finally, practical
examples of the sequence of elements of the healing process are presented.
Smyslem této dvoudílné edice je pak poskytnout čtenáři poučený, chronologicky a geograficky členěný výklad k průběhu vlastních povstání či protestů Arabského jara (jehož konec ohraničujeme přelomem roku 2011/2012). Současně se ale jednotliví spoluautoři snaží o hlubší analýzu příčin a důsledků této společenské exploze. To vše vždy v kontextu konkrétní země nebo skupiny zemí. Tento druhý díl se zabývá příčinami, průběhem a důsledky Arabského jara v Sýrii, Jemenu, Bahrajnu a ostatních státech Perského zálivu. Knihu uzavírá úvaha nad hojně diskutovanou úlohou sociálních sítí a moderních komunikačních technologií v těchto událostech.
Jews in Islam assesses comprehensively the status of the Jewish minority, both theoretically in Islam (in Islamic jurisprudence), and in practice using the history of various Muslim countries, with particular reference to the situation in Morocco.
The opening chapters deal with the theory of the position of non-Muslims in an Islamic state from the viewpoint of the Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh ). They present the key sources of this issue, i.e. the relevant verses of the Qur’an and applicable ahadith or achbar, and especially the documented covenants of the Muslims and non-Muslims from early-Islamic history, which illustrate the true practice of the Prophet Muhammad and his close followers. They demonstrate the crucial differences in understanding of basic concepts that categorise „people of the book“ (ahl al-kitab ) and „protected people“ (ahl adh-dhimma ), as seen from the perspective of four Sunni schools and selected Shiite legal experts. This issue is completed by the first Czech translation of the Medina Constitution / Charter and of the Covenant of ‘Umar from the original Arabic language.
After the theoretical legal introduction, the book summarises the development of attitudes towards the Jewish minority during the rise of Islam and upto the present, and it draws attention to the erratic acceptance of the Jewish minority by the ruling Muslim dynasties. This chapter ends with a review of the history of Jewry in individual Muslim countries during the 20th century, thus showing the abrupt end of the history of major Jewish Diasporas in Iraq, Yemen, Egypt and the current situation of the last Jewish minorities in Iran, Turkey, and Tunisia.
The second major part of the book is specifically dedicated to the Jews of Morocco, the third largest Jewish community of the Middle East (after Iran and Turkey). The monograph first briefly summarises the complete history of Jewry on the territory that forms present-day Morocco, followed by two specialised studies.
The first study deals with the period of the late 19th and early 20th century, when significant changes to the status of Moroccan Jewry occurred, mainly due to the profound impact of European powers. The text describes in detail the process of urbanisation, emancipation and secularisation, as well as the economic and cultural importance of a thriving Moroccan Jewish community. In particular, it highlights and incisively explains how and why this seemingly beneficial change has led to a long-term worsening of Jewish-Muslim relations.
The second study is focused mainly on the contemporary history of the Jews in Morocco; it opens the not very well-known and particularly sensitive question of the relationship between the Kingdom and the State of Israel. It reveals ties much closer than expected, and the development of mutual co-operation in economic, security and diplomatic terms. Specifically, it highlights the growing tourist trade between the two nations, and explores the impact of the Moroccan Jews in their new homeland of Israel after exile from the Kingdom.
The holy city of Qom is the leading center of Shi’ite Islam and one of the world´s most important
religious centers. For some people it is the true capital of Islamic Republic Iran. Although Qom is
mentioned in the West on many occasions (scholar works, analytical papers, journalistic
contributions), hardly anyone knows more than its name. A similar situation applies to the Qom
religious architecture that is not systematically documented (textually nor visually) in any of the
leading publication on Islamic architecture. The book comprehensively introduces the history of
the city, the development of the hawza Qom, the influence of Qomi clerics, and further the material
and spiritual culture and the architecture of Qom. The authors stayed several times in the holy
city of Qom and would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of Qom in the
history and contemporary world and to mediate its beauty and unique atmosphere for those who
have no such opportunity.
The book is basically divided into two main parts, the first deals with the history of the city, the
second part presents the architecture and the related spiritual culture. The history of the city
itself, to a certain extent, symbolizes the entire evolution of Shi’ite Islam and the events in Qom
have had a strong influence on the development of Persia, Iran and today´s Islamic Republic of
Iran. The specific chapter on the formation of Shiite Islam, the life and legacy of twelve Imams is
also inserted, as all this history has never been explained properly in the Czech academic
environment and the separation of branches of Islam has been presented always from the
viewpoint of mainstream Sunni Islam. The book further shows how the city became the Shi’ite
leading center and how it maintains its position as a counterbalance of shrine cities in Iraq. The
great attention is paid to the situation of city and its hawzas during the Pahlavi regime and
especially to the role of the Qom in the time of Islamic revolution. The historic section is completed
with a brief presentation of the importance of Qomi clerics in the current Islamic Republic of Iran
and with the short description of the system of seminary studies in Qom. The second part of the
book is opened with the general introduction concerning developments of architecture in Persia
and Iran. The main religious buildings in Qom are then introduced, including their historical
background, architectural features and elements. This part is richly accompanied by photographs
to illustrate (at least) a little of the beauty of sacral buildings and areas. The descriptions of the
material artefacts are further accompanied by selected examples of manifestations of the spiritual
life in sacral spaces including details related to the religious pilgrimages experience, the religious
festivals and its rituals, customs and traditions.
Some of the photos published in this book are especially valuable. Taking pictures in the interior
of the shrine Hadrat Masume is normally prohibited but thanks to kindly permission given by the
headquarters of the shrine Hadrat Masume we were able to take pictures of this unique place and
later to publish them. Also in the Library of Marashi Najafi we were kindly allowed to take pictures
of the rare and beautiful manuscripts. For this we are very grateful to both institutions.
perspective of Iran’s highest Shi‘ite clerics (ar. marāji‘ al-taqlīd). First, basic religious and
jurisprudential arguments for and against transplantation are clarified, i.e. ownership of
the human body, protection of human life, inviolability of the human body and ritual
impurity of a dead body. Solutions to the conflict between them are also discussed. Then,
the text introduces all the types of transplantation (living and dead donors, organ and
tissue transplantation, donation and sale) and presents the wide range of views that clerics
have on them while quoting their fatāwā. The resulting and highly detailed legal problems
are also analyzed, e.g. the question of consent, the issue of last will, the necessity to pay
blood money or the possibility of organ retrieval from an unidentified body. Special
attention is paid to transplantation from brain-dead patients, interreligious
transplantation and xenotransplantation. The position of clerics is briefly compared with
official legislation to highlight differences. The study shows how contemporary Twelver
Shi‘ite legal theory copes with modern legal cases thanks to a change in the subject, which
has resulted from the effect of time and space and the use of secondary law.
Ghosts and demons of ancient Mesopotamia played a significant role in the daily life of common people where they acted as one of the main causes of illnesses and other misfortune. Medical texts therefore appear as an important source that gives us insight into these malevolent forces. The article presents selected ghosts, demon Lamaštu, demon Lilû / Lilītu / Ardat-lilî, demon rābiṣu, demon Šulak and demon Gallû from the perspective of medical texts – especially diagnostic and prognostic series SA.GIG and therapeutical texts. It tries to assign particular ghosts and demons to the specific health problems. The effort of Mesopotamian physicians is evident : the systematic classification of diseases (and symptoms) according to the type of difficulties using the names of ghosts and demons (and gods as well). The article reflects the conception of ghosts and demons as a cause of disease as well and presents several remarkable examples of healing rituals for their repulse.
Kapitola neprve hodnotí pojetí magie ve starověké Mezopotámii v antropologické perspektivě. Dále popisuje průběh typických magických léčebných rituálů s ohledem na jejich průběh a typický obsah. Závěrem hodnotí účinnost magie v rámci léčebného procesu.
The study analyses the attitude of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) towards assisted reproduction technologies. In particular, it explains the different positions held by Sunni and Shiite fiqh and the impact on such practices in Sunni and Shiite countries. Special attention is paid to the situation in Iran which (due to the open views of the leading fuqahá) has become one of the world´s centres of assisted reproduction. The study describes the responses of fiqh in relation to selected controversial question, such as: Is the donation of oocyt / sperm / embryo acceptable? Is surrogacy permitted\, How is parenthood determined when using donations? In addition, the most important legal consequences of those decisions are explained.
This paper introduces medicine in the ancient Mesopotamia. Focus is placed mainly on the course of the treatment process, which was divided into the stages of diagnostics, prognosis, etiology and actual treatment. In the field of diagnostics, Mesopotamian physicians carefully monitored and recorded all sorts of symptoms; they could detect even the clinical picture of the disease and could recognize typical symptoms leading to the death of patient. The aim of the whole diagnostic process was to specify the prognosis of the patient. Within the etiology (cause of illness) stand out the typical phrases „hand of god“, „hand of ghost“, „hand of man“ that present not only assumed or personified cause of diseases, but the important criterion for classification of diseases as well. The therapy is divided into three components: pharmaceutical therapy (using lot of natural materials and drugs), psychosomatic therapy (magical procedures) and mechanical therapy (bandages, surgery). These therapies were used in mutual combination making up the holistic therapy based on phytopharmacy, placebo effect and the activation of the autoimmune system.