Books by Kateřina Šebková
The goal of this work is mainly to monitor and evaluate the potential of the digital terrain mode... more The goal of this work is mainly to monitor and evaluate the potential of the digital terrain model of the Czech Republic (the fifth generation) to search and documentation of archaeological immovable objects. For my own research of this work was chosen as the monitoring area extraregion deserted medieval village Javor and the nearby burial mounds Javor-Hádky in region of Rokycany. Important for this work was using programes ESRI ArcMap, Surfer and Access, monitoring the visibility of objects in digital terrain models, monitoring the vegetation and describing found objects.
Papers by Kateřina Šebková
Identifizierung der unbeweglichen archäologischen Denkmäler auf dem Außengebiet des untergegangen... more Identifizierung der unbeweglichen archäologischen Denkmäler auf dem Außengebiet des untergegangenen mittelalterlichen Dorfes Javor und des Hügelgräberfeldes Javor – Hádky mit Hilfe des flugzeuggestützten Laserscannings
Books by Kateřina Šebková
Papers by Kateřina Šebková