Fourth International Trilobite Conference. Trilo 08. Toledo, Spain, 2008. Post-Conference Field Trip. Lower and Middle Cambrian trilobites of selected localities in Cadenas Ibéricas (NE Spain), 2008
Primera edición, primera impresión 52 pp.; 22 il.; 15,0 x 21,0 cm ISBN: 978-84-92522-01-9 Ficha c... more Primera edición, primera impresión 52 pp.; 22 il.; 15,0 x 21,0 cm ISBN: 978-84-92522-01-9 Ficha catalográfica Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser reproducida o transmitida en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio sin el previo permiso por escrito del editor. / No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any mean without the previous, written permission from the publisher. Cover: view to the Southwest of Middle Cambrian outcrops at Rambla de Valdemiedes, near the village of Murero (Zaragoza, Aragón, NE Spain). Title page: sketch of the basal Middle Cambrian trilobite Acadoparadoxides mureroensis Sdzuy, 1959. Impreso en España (U. E.) -Printed in Spain CDU: 56 (460.224) (036) 565.393 56.017.2 56.017.4
Papers by Jorge Esteve
study allows us to recognize coaptative devices that show the possibility of a tight encapsulation enrolment. The coaptative devices are analyzed in cephalons, pigidia and almost completed outstretched trilobites of Bailiella levyi, Bailiaspis souchoni and Parabailiella languedocensis belonging to the same family. The coaptative structures analyzed show enough variability in cephalons and pigidia that allow suggesting several enrolment types within conocoryphids.
study allows us to recognize coaptative devices that show the possibility of a tight encapsulation enrolment. The coaptative devices are analyzed in cephalons, pigidia and almost completed outstretched trilobites of Bailiella levyi, Bailiaspis souchoni and Parabailiella languedocensis belonging to the same family. The coaptative structures analyzed show enough variability in cephalons and pigidia that allow suggesting several enrolment types within conocoryphids.