University of West Bohemia
New Technologies for the Information Society
The omitting presence of a baseline (background, systemic noise, mobile phase) in liquid chromatography -mass spectrometry (LC-MS) measurements impedes objective analysis. Therefore, there is a demand to remove its contribution from the... more
Mass spectrometers are sophisticated, fine instruments which are essential in a variety applications. However, the data they produce are usually interpreted in a rather primitive way, without considering the accuracy of this data and the... more
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in tandem with mass spectrometry (MS) is widely used in chemical and biochemical analysis of the content of measured samples, especially in so-called omics science. Currently, there are... more
This paper is focused on applying image analysis algorithms in biological field. Nowadays, all the modern measurement equipments produce a large amount data in digitally form including microscopes. Developing of automatic or... more
Time-lapse microscopic movies are being increasingly utilized for understanding the derivation of cell states and predicting cell futures. Often, fluorescence and other types of labeling are not available or desirable, and cell... more
The construction of state trajectory of the cell is not a simple task. It must be decided what are the state variables. Since we work with coloured images, it sounds logical to start with the trajectory in RGB colour space. Each axis is... more
The main goal of this paper is to explore the methods of genderdependent acoustic modeling that would take the possibly of imperfect function of a gender detector into consideration. Such methods will be beneficial in realtime recognition... more
Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) are often used in various data processing and classification tasks to model a continuous probability density in a multi-dimensional space. In cases, where the dimension of the feature space is relatively... more