naser a elsawy by Naser Elsawy
2005 Medical Doctorate in Anatomy &Embryology (Radiological study of extradural space structure a... more 2005 Medical Doctorate in Anatomy &Embryology (Radiological study of extradural space structure and measurements of the lumbosacral region of the normal human vertebral column

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, Jan 7, 2017
Status epilepticus (SE) is considered one of the major serious forms of epilepsy with high mortal... more Status epilepticus (SE) is considered one of the major serious forms of epilepsy with high mortality rate. Since the currently available antiepileptic drugs have low efficacy and high adverse effects, new more efficient and safe therapies are critically needed. There is increasing evidence supporting dietary and alternative therapies for epilepsy, including the ketogenic diet, modified Atkins diet, and omega-3 fatty acids. Recent studies have shown significant prophylactic and therapeutic potential of vitamin D (vit-D) use in many neurological disorders. Therefore, in the present study, the neuroprotective effects and mechanisms of vit-D alone or in combination with lamotrigine have been evaluated in the lithium-pilocarpine model of SE in rats. Rats were divided into five groups: normal group, SE group, lamotrigine (25 mg/kg/day) pretreated group, vit-D (1.5 mcg/kg/day) pretreated group, and group pretreated with vit-D and lamotrigine for 2 weeks. At the end of treatment, SE was ind...

IOSR Journals , 2019
The Gracilis muscle anatomy has been documented by some authors, statistical and observations dat... more The Gracilis muscle anatomy has been documented by some authors, statistical and observations data has been described, but it need re-explored for many metrical and non-metrical parameters, so the purpose of this study was to explore the morphological, parameters, topography and identify the vascular pedicles ofGracilis muscle including their number, caliber,and their locations. Alsothe whole length of Gracilis muscle in relation to the length of the lower limb and gender. The study was conducted on 46 preserved formalin fixed adult human cadaveric lower limbs (26 left and 20 right), The Gracilis muscle was exposed, dissected and studied regarding its origin, insertion, parameters and the number and points of entry of the supplying neurovascular pedicles and diameters of arteries just before entry to the Gracilis muscle.Gracilis muscle mean of total length, fleshy part length, overlap length, tendon length were 46.73±3.91, 21.29±3.57, 11.63±3.45 and13.82±1.52 cm respectively.The mean width of Gacilis fleshy part: near origin, at middle and before overlap part were 3.38±0.61, 2.66±0.48, 1.82±0.43 cm respectively. Gracilis muscle thickness mean of fleshy and tendentious parts were 0.69±0.18, 0.29±0.04 cm respectively. The number ofneurovascular pedicles entering to Gracilis were 1 to 3, accompanied by two-venacommitant.The main artery diameter mean was 0.17±0.03 cm. The nerve supply to Gracilis muscle entered with the main proximal vascular pedicle or near it.There is statistically difference only at FP width at middle in the left lower limb.There were highly correlation between FP width at middle, FP width before tendon and total length of lower limb. The present study concluded thatanatomical and morphometric analysis of the Gracilismusclereveals variation in different individuals as well as in different gender and this must be considered in reconstructive and plastic surgery.
Systemic Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Male Albino Rats Soft Tissues, 2021
This review showed that the cerebellum of sodium fluoride treated animals exhibited degenerative ... more This review showed that the cerebellum of sodium fluoride treated animals exhibited degenerative changes especially in Purkinje cell layer, while the molecular and granular layers were less affected Ultra-structurally, increased the nuclear membrane irregularity, dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum and vacuolated mitochondria of Purkinje cells were observed

Peripheral neuropathy is a serious diabetic complication. It is accompanied by progressive nerve ... more Peripheral neuropathy is a serious diabetic complication. It is accompanied by progressive nerve fiber loss, which may be attributed to ongoing axonal degeneration of the Wallerian type or dying back type or secondary to severe demyelination. To study the role of fibroblasts and macrophages of the inner nerve sheath in the healing of diabetic peripheral nerves, sixty-six albino male rats aged between 30 and 40 days (weighing 200 g to 250 g) were used in the present study. The right and left sural nerves of 60 rats were obtained from diabetic animals. The right and left sural nerves of 6 normal rats were used as a control. Three weeks after induction, the endoneurium showed channel-like spaces that were lined by fibroblast-like cells and collagen bundles. These channels contained degenerated myelin and were connected with the perivascular and subperineurial spaces. Some of the flattened fibroblast-like cells were arranged in several layers in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces, forming barrierlike cellular sheets localizing the endoneurial edema in these spaces. Fibroblast-like cells also wrapped the regenerating nerve fibers by their branching cytoplasmic processes. At the end of the third week, the flattened fibroblasts formed nearly continuous sheets in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces. Macrophages were frequently noticed between these cellular barrier-like sheets and in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces. Conclusion: The endoneurial fibroblast-like cells form barrier-like cellular sheets that localize endoneurial edema in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces and create endoneurial channel-like spaces containing degenerated myelin and endoneurial edema, helping resolve such edema.

To investigate the efficacy of the multi-wave locked system laser therapy on the regeneration of ... more To investigate the efficacy of the multi-wave locked system laser therapy on the regeneration of peripheral nerve injuries by evaluating the functional, electrophysiological, and morphological changes of the crushed sciatic nerve in Wistar rats. [Materials and Methods] Sixty male Wistar rats (200-250 g) were randomly assigned to control negative, control positive, or laser groups and subjected to no laser therapy or crushing, to crushing without laser therapy, or crushing followed by multi-wave locked system laser therapy five times/week for four weeks (power=1 W, energy density=10 J/cm 2 , total energy=100 J), respectively. Functional, electrophysiological, and morphometric analyses were performed before and 7, 15, 21, and 28 days after crushing. The sciatic functional index, compound motor action potential amplitude, motor nerve conduction velocity, and nerve and myelin sheath diameters were measured. [Results] The sciatic functional index value decreased significantly, while the compound motor action potential amplitude, motor nerve conduction velocity, nerve diameter, and myelin sheath diameter increased significantly in the laser group post-treatment compared to the values in the control groups. [Conclusion] Multi-wave locked system laser therapy was effective in accelerating the regeneration of crushed sciatic nerves in Wistar rats.

The antiurolithic activity of Origanum vulgare on rats treated with ethylene glycol and ammonium chloride: possible pharmaco-biochemical and ultrastructure effects, 2021
Introduction: Origanum vulgare (OV) Linn is one of the conventional remedies for urolithiasis. ... more t
Introduction: Origanum vulgare (OV) Linn is one of the conventional remedies for urolithiasis. Hence, we tested the potential
antiurolithic effect of OV active extract, in order to rationalize its medicinal use.
Materials and methods: The in vivo study was of male Westar rats receiving lithogenic treatment consisting of two 0.75% ethylene
glycol injections with a 1 day interval and then in drinking water given for 3weeks along with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) from the 2nd
day to the 7th day.
Results: The active ethanolic extract of OV treatment (20mg/kg) reversed toxic changes including loss of body weight gain and
appetite, raised serum urea and creatinine levels, and raised blood pressure compared to controls.
Conclusion: The acquired data thus suggested that OV showed antiurolithic effects against renal calcium oxalate crystal deposits by
combined mechanisms acting on multiple sites through hypoxaliuric, hypocalciuric, and antioxidant effects.
Keywords: Ammonium chloride; Ethylene glycol; Origanum vulgare; Pharmacobiochemical effects

Background: NSI which is known as Needle Stick Injuries can cause accidental exposure to serious ... more Background: NSI which is known as Needle Stick Injuries can cause accidental exposure to serious blood borne diseases. It is very common in HCWs (Healthcare Workers). The nurses who have temporary disability are more able to get needle stick incidents and occupational accidents. But these injuries and NSI can cause this temporary disability turn into permanent disability because of the transmission of diseases like AIDS and serum hepatitis. Nurses are the important part of any hospital and they play an important role in preventing and managing NSI. Aim: The aim of this study and research is to judge the knowledge and skilled practices of the nursing staff about NSI (Needle Stick Injuries). Methods: The sample comprised of total 150 nurses including both females and males collected from Emergency Room, Hemodialysis Unit, ICU (Intensive Care Unit), Surgical and Medical Wards of Al-Lieth General Hospital. Results: Our study exposed that the age of the 52.7% nurses were 25 to 30 years and the age of the 2% of the nurses were <20 years. There was a difference between total score of nurse's knowledges and their practices about NSI. 88% of the nurses had knowledge and skilled practices while rest of the nurses had no knowledge and no skilled practices about NSI preventions and management. Conclusion: The NSI between nurses and the practices of recapping needles increases the probability of NSI. The nurses had knowledge and skilled practices while only some of the nurses had incompetent practices about NSI preventions and management.
Review: Current Trends of Assessments in Medical Education with Special Referes to Preferred Tools in Anatomy Examinations, 2020
Validity of key features for a family medicine pilot exam at the College of Physicians and Surgeo... more Validity of key features for a family medicine pilot exam at the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. J Coll Phys Surg Pakistan. 1995;5(6):256-260. 5. Allen D and Tanner K. "Putting the horse back in front of the cart: using visions and decisions about high-quality learning experiences to drive course design." CBE Life Sci. Edu. Vol.6, 2007: 85-89.

The risk for type 2 diabetes among offspring with a single diabetic parent was 3.5-fold higher an... more The risk for type 2 diabetes among offspring with a single diabetic parent was 3.5-fold higher and for those with two diabetic parents was 6-fold higher compared with offspring without parental diabetes. The study designed to evaluate the changes in serum level of magnesium, triglyceride, and cholesterol as well as, fat mass, fat percentage and body mass index in healthy offspring of diabetic parents as early predictors for development of diabetes. Twenty-eight children with their age range 5-12 years, eighteen of them were offspring of diabetic parents and ten sex and age matched offspring of normal parents as controls. Serum level of magnesium, cholesterol and triglyceride were measured by colorimetric enzymatic method. Calculation of body mass index, fat mass and fat percent were done using body composition analyzer BC-418.There was non-significant difference in serum levels of magnesium, cholesterol and triglyceride of offspring of diabetic parents when compared with control group. In addition, there was non-significant difference regarding BMI, fat mass and fat percentage between the studied groups. Negative non-significant correlation between magnesium and each of T.G, BMI and fat mass in offspring of diabetic parents was found. The negative non-significant correlation between magnesium and each of T.G, BMI and fat mass could highlight their possible significant role in pathogenesis of any future metabolic abnormality in offspring of diabetic parents.

The objective of the study was to investigate the efficacy of three energy densities 4, 10, and 5... more The objective of the study was to investigate the efficacy of three energy densities 4, 10, and 50 J/cm 2 of pulsed Nd:YAG laser for the treatment of crushed sciatic nerve in Wister rats by evaluating changes in the sciatic functional index and the electrophysiology.A total of 180 Wistar rats were involved in the study. Rats were randomly assigned to five groups. Rats were subjected to the sciatic nerve crushing. Control negative (CONT-ve), which received no crushing; control positive (CONT+ve), which received crushing with no laser; and HILT-4, HILT-10, and HILT-50 groups, which received pulsed Nd:YAG laser (10 Hz, 360 mJ/cm 2 ) with energy densities 4, 10, and 50 J/cm 2 , respectively. The SFI, the amilitude of compound motor action potential (CMAP) and sciatic motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured before and after seven, 14, and 21 days after crushing. For the SFI and electrophysiological analysis, repeated measures ANOVA is used, followed by Bonferroni's repeatedmeasures test. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. After one week, there was no significant difference in SFI, CMAP, and MNCV among the three laser groups with significant changes between them and CONT-ve and CONT+ve groups. There was a significant increase in either CMAP amplitude or MNCV after 14 days with significant decrease in the SFI after 21 days among all treatment groups. The pulsed Nd:YAG laser applied with energy densities 4, 10, and 50 J/cm 2 significantly decreased the SFI and increased the CMAP and MNCV of the crushed sciatic nerve in Wister rats. Among laser doses, the difference in the rate of recovery in the electrophysiology was found after two weeks while in the SFI after three weeks. The improvement after the nerve injury was time and dose dependent.
Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy on Healing of Corneal Wound Induced by Alkali Burn in Rats, 2019
Background: Chemical injury is the common cause of corneal damage. Alkali exposure cause defectiv... more Background: Chemical injury is the common cause of corneal damage. Alkali exposure cause defective clarity and impaired vision with lack of satisfactory therapy. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) are multipotent self-renewal cells and they give a hope for better treatment of many diseases. Aim of the Review: This review aimed to show the role of subconjunctival administered BM-MSCs therapy on alkali-induced corneal burn in rats, and its effect on the damaged corneal epithelium and the area of corneal neovascularization (CNV). Conclusion: Subconjunctival injection of MSC transplantation could accelerate corneal wound healing attenuates inflammation and reduces CNV in alkaline-burned corneas.

Determination of Body Fat Percentage by Body State Devices and Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry, 2019
Background: Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is the most accurate technique in determining... more Background: Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is the most accurate technique in determining fat percentage but it is unpotable, expensive, unavailable for general applicability. Objective: This study aimed to find the most accurate and easiest technique as alternative to DEXA for quick determination of body fat%. This study examined the accuracy of three models of Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technique (Fat Loss Monitor-Body Composition-Body Fat Analyzer) in determining the body fat percentage with using DEXA as a reference standard. Subject and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out during the period from (28-9-2017) to (5-4-2018) among a random sample of (53) volunteers female student in Umm Al Qura University from Faculty of Applied Medical Science aged between (20-39 years) from different level of education. All subjects were generally healthy, data was collected through a structured questionnaire compose of three section. Demographic data was collected and anthropometric Short Research Article Mostafa et al.; AJMAH, 17(2): 1-12, 2019; Article no.AJMAH.53250 2 measurements were evaluated as well as body composition (Only body fat%) using DEXA, body composition monitor, fat loss monitor and body fat analyzer. Results: BMI classification of the total 53 subjects was including 8 healthy females, 17 overfat, 25 obese and 3 underweight. The fat% result from DEXA and body fat analyzer was significant difference at (P < 0.05). Fat percent result from DEXA and Body Composition device was non-significant difference at (P>0.05). The fat% result from DEXA and Fat Loss Monitor device was significant at difference (P<0.05). Conclusion: The most accurate of BIA technique was the Body Composition device compering to DEXA.
Role of Fenugreek Seeds on both Ovarian and Vaginal Cytology on Rat's Reproductive System: Histological Review, 2019
Background: Reports in the published literature indicate that fenugreek seeds possess significant... more Background: Reports in the published literature indicate that fenugreek seeds possess significant medicinal effects. The present review showed that fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-graecum L) seeds contain rich number of steroids and have an estrogen and progestogen like effect. Objective: Objective of this review was to evaluate the effects of fenugreek seeds on rat's reproductive system. Conclusion: This review revealed that that fenugreek seeds contain estrogen like action.

Nutritional Status, Anthropometric and Biochemical Profile of Down Syndrome Children with Cancer at King Abdullah Medical City Hospital in Makkah, 2019
Background: Down syndrome children with cancer are susceptible to nutritional depletion due to th... more Background: Down syndrome children with cancer are susceptible to nutritional depletion due to the combined effects of the malignant disease and its treatment. The assessment of the nutritional status of pediatric oncology patients on admission to hospital is crucial, as nutritional status is known to influence treatment and clinical outcomes. Objectives: This study aimed at assessing the nutritional status, life style, anthropometric and biochemical profile of children with cancer. The study was carried out at the at oncology department at King Abdullah medical city hospital in Makkah on 100 children having cancer and receiving treatment compared with non-cancer controls using a descriptive design, by using anthropometric parameters and prealbumine level. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study on 100 Down syndrome children under 15 years with or without cancer was conducted to determine their nutritional status. The children comprised 50 patients with cancer (cases) and 50 controls seen at Down syndrome children's outpatient clinic with minor illnesses. An interview questionnaire and a physical assessment sheet collected data. Which included three parts; the first one covered the clinical examination; the second part was for anthropometric measurement and the third part was for laboratory investigations. Results: Indicated that leukemia and lymphoma are the commonest cancers and chemotherapy is the therapy mostly used. Children suffer many gastrointestinal symptoms as anorexia, nausea and Original Research Article ElSawy; AORJ, 2(1): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AORJ.53277 2 vomiting. The majority have abnormal anthropometric measurements, hemoglobin and serum prealbumin levels. It can be concluded that the majority of the children were suffering from anemia and malnutrition. Conclusion: The prevalence of malnutrition in Down syndrome children with cancer is high. Arm anthropometry in conjunction with prealbumine accurately characterizing the nutritional status. Down syndrome children with cancer were significantly more malnourished than those without cancer and will require nutritional support to reduce the morbidity and mortality arising from such illness.

Therapeutic potential of the dual peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)/ agonist aleglitazar in attenuating TNF-mediated inflammation and insulin resistance in human adipocytes, 2019
Aleglitazar, is a novel promising drug, that related to peroxisome proliferator-activated recepto... more Aleglitazar, is a novel promising drug, that related to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARα&γ) agonists which shows an ant-diabetic and anti-inflammatory characteristics. The goal of this study is to evaluate anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties of Aleglitazar in arthritis models induced in experimental animals and to conclude the comparative ulcerogenic potential of diclofenac in type 2 diabetes animals. The anti-inflammatory characteristics of Aleglitazar will be investigated in Carrageenan-induced hind paw edema as acute inflammation. The Aim of the review: This study aims to assess anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activities of aleglitazar in arthritis models induced in experimental animals. It is to determine comparative ulcerogenic potential diclofenac in type 2 diabetic animals on gastric mucosa in rats.

Anatomical and Morphometric observations of Gracilis Muscle and its Vascular Pedicles;A Cadaver Study, 2019
The Gracilis muscle anatomy has been documented by some authors, statistical and observations dat... more The Gracilis muscle anatomy has been documented by some authors, statistical and observations data has been described, but it need re-explored for many metrical and non-metrical parameters, so the purpose of this study was to explore the morphological, parameters, topography and identify the vascular pedicles ofGracilis muscle including their number, caliber,and their locations. Alsothe whole length of Gracilis muscle in relation to the length of the lower limb and gender. The study was conducted on 46 preserved formalin fixed adult human cadaveric lower limbs (26 left and 20 right), The Gracilis muscle was exposed, dissected and studied regarding its origin, insertion, parameters and the number and points of entry of the supplying neurovascular pedicles and diameters of arteries just before entry to the Gracilis muscle.Gracilis muscle mean of total length, fleshy part length, overlap length, tendon length were 46.73±3.91, 21.29±3.57, 11.63±3.45 and13.82±1.52 cm respectively.The mean width of Gacilis fleshy part: near origin, at middle and before overlap part were 3.38±0.61, 2.66±0.48, 1.82±0.43 cm respectively. Gracilis muscle thickness mean of fleshy and tendentious parts were 0.69±0.18, 0.29±0.04 cm respectively. The number ofneurovascular pedicles entering to Gracilis were 1 to 3, accompanied by two-venacommitant.The main artery diameter mean was 0.17±0.03 cm. The nerve supply to Gracilis muscle entered with the main proximal vascular pedicle or near it.There is statistically difference only at FP width at middle in the left lower limb.There were highly correlation between FP width at middle, FP width before tendon and total length of lower limb. The present study concluded thatanatomical and morphometric analysis of the Gracilismusclereveals variation in different individuals as well as in different gender and this must be considered in reconstructive and plastic surgery.
Ethyl benzoate bearing pyrrolizine/indolizine moieties: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities, 2019
Ethyl benzoate bearing pyrrolizine/indolizine moieties: Design, synthesis and biological evaluati... more Ethyl benzoate bearing pyrrolizine/indolizine moieties: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities

Bone mineral density and body composition in Saudi adult females, 2019
Background: Low bone mass often leads to osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fractures. Body ... more Background: Low bone mass often leads to osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fractures. Body composition is a new aspect may contribute to imbalances that lead to decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and general bone health.
Objective: To determine the relationship between body composition and BMD for adult females in Western Region, KSA. Methods: A cross-sectional study has been conducted on a convenes samples of one hundred adult females. Data were collected through an interview using especial questionnaires. Body composition was measured with the Bodystat®1500 and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used to determine the visceral fat; Bone mineral density was measured by using the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
Results: Based on WHO diagnostic criteria, osteoporosis was present in 2%of samples while osteopenia represented 34% of the cases. Meanwhile there was a highly positive significant association (p<0.01) between bone mineral density and each of weight, waist, hip, MAC, fat%, fat weight, lean weight, dry lean, body water, BMI, visceral fat. As for spinal BMD, There was a positive significant correlation (p<0.01) between it and each of weight, MAC, fat weight, lean weight, dry lean, body mass index, Bone mineral density.
Conclusion: A significant portion of adult females is at high risk of development of osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fractures. So young women are in particular need to be aware of their vulnerability to osteoporosis. They can take steps early to slow its progress and prevent complications.

Olea europaea subsp. Cuspidata and Juniperus procera Hydroalcoholic Leaves’ Extracts Modulate Stress Hormones in Stress-Induced Cystitis in Rats, 2019
Objective: To study the effect of Saudi medicinal plant in stress‑induced cystitis in experimenta... more Objective: To study the effect of Saudi medicinal plant in stress‑induced cystitis in experimental rats. Materials and Methods: Seventy‑two
female Sprague Dawley rats (200–250 g) were divided into eight groups of 9 rats each. Group 1 and 2 are controls assigned nonstressed and
stressed, respectively. Other six groups received different treatments for 2 weeks. After the 14 days of treatment, each group was exposed to
water‑immersion restraint stress (WIRS) for 30 min. Blood samples were collected to measure the corticotropin‑releasing hormone (CRH) and
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels. The rats were sacrificed, and their urinary bladders were isolated immediately for a histological
and immunohistochemical examination. Results: Rats exposed to WIRS had lesions in the urinary bladder, with a significant increase in
plasma CRH and ACTH levels in comparison to the nonstressed controls. Bladder cut sections in stressed rats showed no gross structural
abnormality in smooth muscle and connective tissue ratio. There were noticeable variations in mast cell (MC) infiltration and activity with
a loss of more than 20% of cellular staining and a significant increase in the number of red blood cell‑filled blood vessels. Our findings
showed that supplementation of Olea europaea leaf extract (OEE) or Juniperus procera leaf extract (JPE) reduced the MC infiltration and
significantly reduced stress hormones compared to the stressed controls. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that OEE/JPE alone
and their combination have a potential protective effect against stress‑induced cystitis in rats. The underlying mechanism of the present study
also resulted in a decrease in CRH and ACTH stress hormones.
naser a elsawy by Naser Elsawy
Introduction: Origanum vulgare (OV) Linn is one of the conventional remedies for urolithiasis. Hence, we tested the potential
antiurolithic effect of OV active extract, in order to rationalize its medicinal use.
Materials and methods: The in vivo study was of male Westar rats receiving lithogenic treatment consisting of two 0.75% ethylene
glycol injections with a 1 day interval and then in drinking water given for 3weeks along with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) from the 2nd
day to the 7th day.
Results: The active ethanolic extract of OV treatment (20mg/kg) reversed toxic changes including loss of body weight gain and
appetite, raised serum urea and creatinine levels, and raised blood pressure compared to controls.
Conclusion: The acquired data thus suggested that OV showed antiurolithic effects against renal calcium oxalate crystal deposits by
combined mechanisms acting on multiple sites through hypoxaliuric, hypocalciuric, and antioxidant effects.
Keywords: Ammonium chloride; Ethylene glycol; Origanum vulgare; Pharmacobiochemical effects
Objective: To determine the relationship between body composition and BMD for adult females in Western Region, KSA. Methods: A cross-sectional study has been conducted on a convenes samples of one hundred adult females. Data were collected through an interview using especial questionnaires. Body composition was measured with the Bodystat®1500 and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used to determine the visceral fat; Bone mineral density was measured by using the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
Results: Based on WHO diagnostic criteria, osteoporosis was present in 2%of samples while osteopenia represented 34% of the cases. Meanwhile there was a highly positive significant association (p<0.01) between bone mineral density and each of weight, waist, hip, MAC, fat%, fat weight, lean weight, dry lean, body water, BMI, visceral fat. As for spinal BMD, There was a positive significant correlation (p<0.01) between it and each of weight, MAC, fat weight, lean weight, dry lean, body mass index, Bone mineral density.
Conclusion: A significant portion of adult females is at high risk of development of osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fractures. So young women are in particular need to be aware of their vulnerability to osteoporosis. They can take steps early to slow its progress and prevent complications.
female Sprague Dawley rats (200–250 g) were divided into eight groups of 9 rats each. Group 1 and 2 are controls assigned nonstressed and
stressed, respectively. Other six groups received different treatments for 2 weeks. After the 14 days of treatment, each group was exposed to
water‑immersion restraint stress (WIRS) for 30 min. Blood samples were collected to measure the corticotropin‑releasing hormone (CRH) and
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels. The rats were sacrificed, and their urinary bladders were isolated immediately for a histological
and immunohistochemical examination. Results: Rats exposed to WIRS had lesions in the urinary bladder, with a significant increase in
plasma CRH and ACTH levels in comparison to the nonstressed controls. Bladder cut sections in stressed rats showed no gross structural
abnormality in smooth muscle and connective tissue ratio. There were noticeable variations in mast cell (MC) infiltration and activity with
a loss of more than 20% of cellular staining and a significant increase in the number of red blood cell‑filled blood vessels. Our findings
showed that supplementation of Olea europaea leaf extract (OEE) or Juniperus procera leaf extract (JPE) reduced the MC infiltration and
significantly reduced stress hormones compared to the stressed controls. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that OEE/JPE alone
and their combination have a potential protective effect against stress‑induced cystitis in rats. The underlying mechanism of the present study
also resulted in a decrease in CRH and ACTH stress hormones.
Introduction: Origanum vulgare (OV) Linn is one of the conventional remedies for urolithiasis. Hence, we tested the potential
antiurolithic effect of OV active extract, in order to rationalize its medicinal use.
Materials and methods: The in vivo study was of male Westar rats receiving lithogenic treatment consisting of two 0.75% ethylene
glycol injections with a 1 day interval and then in drinking water given for 3weeks along with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) from the 2nd
day to the 7th day.
Results: The active ethanolic extract of OV treatment (20mg/kg) reversed toxic changes including loss of body weight gain and
appetite, raised serum urea and creatinine levels, and raised blood pressure compared to controls.
Conclusion: The acquired data thus suggested that OV showed antiurolithic effects against renal calcium oxalate crystal deposits by
combined mechanisms acting on multiple sites through hypoxaliuric, hypocalciuric, and antioxidant effects.
Keywords: Ammonium chloride; Ethylene glycol; Origanum vulgare; Pharmacobiochemical effects
Objective: To determine the relationship between body composition and BMD for adult females in Western Region, KSA. Methods: A cross-sectional study has been conducted on a convenes samples of one hundred adult females. Data were collected through an interview using especial questionnaires. Body composition was measured with the Bodystat®1500 and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used to determine the visceral fat; Bone mineral density was measured by using the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
Results: Based on WHO diagnostic criteria, osteoporosis was present in 2%of samples while osteopenia represented 34% of the cases. Meanwhile there was a highly positive significant association (p<0.01) between bone mineral density and each of weight, waist, hip, MAC, fat%, fat weight, lean weight, dry lean, body water, BMI, visceral fat. As for spinal BMD, There was a positive significant correlation (p<0.01) between it and each of weight, MAC, fat weight, lean weight, dry lean, body mass index, Bone mineral density.
Conclusion: A significant portion of adult females is at high risk of development of osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fractures. So young women are in particular need to be aware of their vulnerability to osteoporosis. They can take steps early to slow its progress and prevent complications.
female Sprague Dawley rats (200–250 g) were divided into eight groups of 9 rats each. Group 1 and 2 are controls assigned nonstressed and
stressed, respectively. Other six groups received different treatments for 2 weeks. After the 14 days of treatment, each group was exposed to
water‑immersion restraint stress (WIRS) for 30 min. Blood samples were collected to measure the corticotropin‑releasing hormone (CRH) and
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels. The rats were sacrificed, and their urinary bladders were isolated immediately for a histological
and immunohistochemical examination. Results: Rats exposed to WIRS had lesions in the urinary bladder, with a significant increase in
plasma CRH and ACTH levels in comparison to the nonstressed controls. Bladder cut sections in stressed rats showed no gross structural
abnormality in smooth muscle and connective tissue ratio. There were noticeable variations in mast cell (MC) infiltration and activity with
a loss of more than 20% of cellular staining and a significant increase in the number of red blood cell‑filled blood vessels. Our findings
showed that supplementation of Olea europaea leaf extract (OEE) or Juniperus procera leaf extract (JPE) reduced the MC infiltration and
significantly reduced stress hormones compared to the stressed controls. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that OEE/JPE alone
and their combination have a potential protective effect against stress‑induced cystitis in rats. The underlying mechanism of the present study
also resulted in a decrease in CRH and ACTH stress hormones.