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The article investigates the semantic and syntactic structures of sentences with deadjectival causative verbs in modern English. The analysis of these structures and their interrelations has been conducted at two levels – surface... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language Processing
The objective of this article is to elaborate on the significance of linguistic aspects of causation in legal reasoning in Modern English. More specifically, this article elaborates on semantic aspects of causation in legal reasoning.... more
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The article aims to reveal the semantic structures of the causative verbs in modern English, particularly with reference to the characteristics of the verbs meaning “to kill” and the way of expressing the main meaning of “to cause to... more
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The article aims to suggest a new classification of modern English causative verbs, namely those meaning “to kill”. The author suggests classifying these verbs according to three features – with reference to some instrument/tool (pointing... more
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The overarching objective of this article is to contemplate on the significance of questioned document examination in forensic linguistics. Questioned document examination (QDE) is a forensic linguistics discipline pertaining to disputed... more
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The article discusses ways of expressing causation in Modern English. Causation finds its grammatical expression in nearly all languages though the ways of its expression may vary. Causation is one of the ways of causing which expresses... more
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Conditioned by current research and technological achievements, economic systems have undergone a range of structural transformations. Respectively, the targeted state policies in SMART specializations and investments in the processes of... more
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The current article discusses the advantages of endowment funds of higher education institutions in the context of financing higher education in the Republic of Armenia (RA). The endowment funds can significantly support the RA HEIs to... more
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      BusinessAntiquarianism in the eighteenth century
The article touches upon fundamental definitions, concepts and components of educational security. It also discusses internal and external threats to educational security as well as the importance of educational security from the... more
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The 21st century has witnessed arduous efforts of world polities to endure the ups and downs of globalization and has coerced many economies to step into the age of knowledge-based economies, subsequently triggering substantive changes in... more
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    • Globalization
International audienceIncreasing the efficiency of Armenian higher education system and its continuous improvement are necessary conditions for development of knowledge economy in the country and boosting through it the competitiveness of... more
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    • Knowledge based economy
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