Here is a community for furs with YouTube accounts who want to share their videos, furs who just like to browse YouTube, and furs who just want to see the latest funny, interesting, or unusual videos floating around these days but don't want to bother with a YouTube account.
As much as I like YouTube, their group interface is somewhat wanting... Not much in the way of flexibility. LiveJournal gives us a little better forum for discussion and moderation.
1. Try not to link directly to videos that aren't "safe for work."
2. No bashing anyone's videos.
3. No flame wars, trolling, or any other sort of drama, I will delete your membership!
4. Try to keep politics to a minimum, please.
5. Try to keep your posts "on-topic." I may allow off-topic posts at my discretion.
6. Try not to link to videos that promote bigotry or intolerance, or that contain excessive bad language, sex, or violence.
7. Try not to flood this group with videos we've probably seen many times before and on many other sites (such as that annoying video of Tom Cruise spazzing on Oprah).
8. DO try to link to original, unique, and clever videos (including original montages), especially videos with a FURRY THEME!