Rules: First ten applicants get in automatically but you still have to fill out the application. If you're going to join the community part of your job is to promote and keep it going so take that into consideration before you apply. You are also required to post pictures at least once every 2-3 weeks once you are accepted by a MOD.
Additional Rules: 1) Put all of the application under an lj-cut 2) To be sure you're reading the rules, make sure you write SO EFFING RAD somewhere in your post. 3) DO NOT post comments in anyones application form other than yours before you are accepted 4) promote like the livejournal whores that you are<3 5) After about two days you will be given one of the following stamps. NO ONE OTHER THAN MODS can stamp any applicant:
6) Don't start shit with the mods if they comment in a negative way because frankly, we could care less. kthxbye.
Application: 1-Name: 2-Age: 3-Location: 4-Accomplishments: 5-Most hated celeb & why: 6-Fav. bands & why: 7-Fav. books: 8-Fav. movies: 9-Fav. Tv shows: 10-How would you benefit this community?: 11-Views on gay marriages?: 12-Views on abortion?: 13-Views on pre-marital sex?: 14-Views on marijuanna?: 15-How did you find us?: 16-Hobbies: 17-Any last words? 18-Post at LEAST three good pictures:
Accepted, yay: _Your Mods' blindxhate wishin_you_well girl_sets_f1re ------------------------- A alicebmurder ------------------------- B ------------------------- C crossedxout ------------------------- D diceblue ------------------------- E ------------------------- F fillinthebl_nk ------------------------- G ------------------------- H hellwassocold ------------------------- I ------------------------- J ------------------------- K ------------------------- L letsjet_ ------------------------- M ------------------------- N ------------------------- O ------------------------- P purpletincup ------------------------- Q ------------------------- R ------------------------- S space_hopper ------------------------- T ------------------------- U ------------------------- V ------------------------- W ------------------------- X xshe_cries ------------------------- Y you_dear_only ------------------------- Z ------------------------- OTHER _xylophonetrees _fireincairo -------------------------
Rejected, yay: A all_mylove_life ------------------------- B ------------------------- C ------------------------- D ------------------------- E ------------------------- F ------------------------- G ------------------------- H ------------------------- I ------------------------- J ------------------------- K ------------------------- L ------------------------- M ------------------------- N ------------------------- O ------------------------- P ------------------------- Q ------------------------- R ------------------------- S ------------------------- T ------------------------- U ------------------------- V ------------------------- W ------------------------- X ------------------------- Y ------------------------- Z ------------------------- OTHER -------------------------