Gail Fraser
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Papers by Gail Fraser
environments. We identified 26 papers and technical reports that surveyed sediment samples from
72 production or exploration platform sites to assess the zone of influence of sediment contamina-
tion and biological effects on benthic communities. While oil-based fluids are now rarely used in
the marine context, their release has had large-scale (out to 6 km) and persistent (decadal time
scale) impacts on benthic communities. The zone of influence of water-based drilling fluids as
determined by sediment barium concentration was larger (2 to 20 km) than for synthetic-based
fluids (200 to 2000 m). The zone of biological effects on benthic community diversity and abun-
dance ranged from 100 to 1000 m for both water and synthetic fluids. Effects include changes in
benthic species diversity, abundance and alterations to community structure. Functional changes
included a loss of suspension-feeding species and increases in deposit feeders and polychaetes. In
general, this review demonstrates a loss of benthic biodiversity and suspension-feeding commu-
nities due to oil exploration and production and the potential for large-scale effects on sensitive
communities such as deep-sea, coral and vegetated habitats. Current research gaps and priorities
are identified.
environments. We identified 26 papers and technical reports that surveyed sediment samples from
72 production or exploration platform sites to assess the zone of influence of sediment contamina-
tion and biological effects on benthic communities. While oil-based fluids are now rarely used in
the marine context, their release has had large-scale (out to 6 km) and persistent (decadal time
scale) impacts on benthic communities. The zone of influence of water-based drilling fluids as
determined by sediment barium concentration was larger (2 to 20 km) than for synthetic-based
fluids (200 to 2000 m). The zone of biological effects on benthic community diversity and abun-
dance ranged from 100 to 1000 m for both water and synthetic fluids. Effects include changes in
benthic species diversity, abundance and alterations to community structure. Functional changes
included a loss of suspension-feeding species and increases in deposit feeders and polychaetes. In
general, this review demonstrates a loss of benthic biodiversity and suspension-feeding commu-
nities due to oil exploration and production and the potential for large-scale effects on sensitive
communities such as deep-sea, coral and vegetated habitats. Current research gaps and priorities
are identified.