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The global movement of Indigenous peoples has attracted the attention of a number of scholars, notably lawyers, anthropologists, and cultural theorists (Muehlebach 2003; Anaya 1996; Battiste 2000; Churchill 2003; Dei, Hall, and Rosenberg... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous PoliticsAustralian Indigenous Studies
The lack of scholarly analysis of the reconciliation process in Australia remains notable, given that the policy commanded so much public attention and political energy during the 1990s, A frequent lament for reconciliation under the... more
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      Indigenous PoliticsAustralian Indigenous StudiesReconciliation
This research investigates the application of an adaptive ecosystem approach to the problem of the Cooum River and environs in Chennai (formerly Madras), India. The Cooum River is an extremely polluted urban stream that flows into the Bay... more
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      Environmental StudiesSystems ThinkingUrban RegenerationEnvironmental Management
This paper discusses the integration of soft systems methodology (SSM) within an ecosystem approach in research to support rehabilitation and management of the Cooum River and environs in Chennai, India. The Cooum is an extremely polluted... more
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      Environmental StudiesSystems ThinkingEnvironmental ManagementSustainable Urban Environments
This paper examines the prospects for integrating Internet platform GIS or ‘web-GIS’ into environmental justice and related public health research. Specifically, we document the development of a web-GIS created for investigating... more
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      Public HealthWeb GISEnvironmental JusticeWeb-Based Application
The Cooum River is an extremely polluted stream that flows through Chennai, India. Past attempts to rehabilitate the river have focussed on physical interventions such as dredging. However, the problem continues to worsen. This research... more
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      Environmental StudiesSimulation (Simulation)Systems ThinkingEnvironmental Management
On December 26, 2004, a tsunami struck coastal areas in the Bay of Bengal. Among the communities affected were Pallavan Nagar and Anju Kudasai slums in Chennai India. These communities have been collaborating, with some success, on a... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchNutritionPovertyCommunity Development
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) exist to transform data into knowledge and present this knowledge in various formats for the purpose of supporting decisions. In doing so, GIS are portrayed as knowledge-based systems that are free... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPGISPublic Participation GISScience, Technology and Society
The study looks into the organising principles in the environmental characteristics of slums in Madras (now known as Chennai) using the data of the 1986 Survey of slums in Madras Metropolitan Area. There were 996 slums with and estimated... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographySpatial AnalysisUrban management
This article proposes a shift toward the integrated governance of watersheds as a basis for fostering health, sustainability and social–ecological resilience. The authors suggest that integrated watershed governance is more likely when... more
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      Ecosystem Dynamics in Social, Institutional, & Personal ChangeEcohealthWatershed HydrologyEcosystem health
The relationship between water resource management and the ‘upstream’ determinants of health is emerging as a new portfolio of research, policy and practice. This development is informed by growing attention to ecosystem management in the... more
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      GeographyWater resourcesEcohealthEnvironmental Health
The problems involved in the environmental management of Cooum River in Chennai, India, relate not merely to pollution and environmental degradation, but to a complex situation involving linkages between social, economic and physical... more
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      Remote SensingFood EngineeringEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental modeling
This paper presents the results of a workshop held in August 2002 in support of an action-oriented program of research that adopts an ecosystem approach to human health in Chennai, India. The workshop brought together stakeholders and... more
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      EcohealthEnvironmental HealthSustainable Urban EnvironmentsSlum Development
Executive Summary The links between ecosystem approaches to health, natural resource management and poverty reduction are being identified as important and relevant across an increasing number of disciplines and institutions. However,... more
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      Environmental StudiesWater resourcesEcohealthEnvironmental Health
In coupled social–ecological systems, the same driving forces can result in combined social and environmental health inequities, hazards, and impacts. Policies that decrease social inequities and improve social cohesion, however, also... more
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      Community ResilienceResilienceEnvironmental StudiesSocial-Ecological Systems
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computer-based tools used to collect, store, manipulate and display spatially-referenced information. They are used to support decision-making in a wide variety of contexts, including spatial... more
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      Human GeographyEconomic GeographySpatial AnalysisInternational Development
"Web-distributed tools that complement community-based environmental monitoring (CBEM) initiatives can improve processing of and access to information, supporting environmental education and better informing decision-making. To this end a... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEducationDesign
"An anthology of peer-reviewed work resulting from faculty-student collaboration in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University\ This is an edited volume highlighting collaborative research achievements among faculty and... more
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      InterdisciplinarityEnvironmental StudiesAlternative PedagogyInterdisciplinary Higher Education
"Excerpt from the introduction by Handy and Bunch: "Effective integration of knowledge requires a certain fluency in multiple academic disciplines, and an ability to bridge them. Beyond this, relevant application of knowledge to real... more
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      InterdisciplinarityEnvironmental StudiesPedagogyAlternative Pedagogy
As an ecologically significant area, the Alexander Skutch Biological Corridor in south-central Costa Rica is intended to protect biodiversity through sustainable land use management and ecological restoration. In support of this goal, in... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationScience Communication