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This paper describes Bob Wiseman’s allegorical piece, Uranium, arguing that it accesses emotion to alter the consciousness of percipients. Audiences respond with unusual intensity to Uranium’s tragic environmental narrative. By using... more
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      PuppetryEnvironmental StudiesMelancholyEnvironmental Humanities
"Gnawa Diffusion est un groupe musical à succès de première et de seconde génération d’immigrants d’Afrique du Nord, qui a atteint une importante renommée en Afrique du Nord, au Moyen-Orient et en Europe au cours des deux dernières... more
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Hip-hop group the Divided Kingdom Republic (dkr) present a fascinating opportunity to examine how the struggle for creative authenticity and signature sounds within the boundaries of pop music can push artists to engage their indigenous... more
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      EthnomusicologyTransnationalismZimbabweHip hop
Ethnomusicological institutions transform traditional Zimbabwean musics into what is practiced in North America and understood by thousands as “Shona music.” This process produces a false narrative within North America of endangered and... more
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      EthicsEthnomusicologyInternational TradeEcomusicology
Symposium Theme ! The Ecomusicologies 2013 symposium is a featured event within the IMC World Forum, aiming to attract the interest of scholars, musicians, composers and others who may not have yet had an opportunity to engage with this... more
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    • Ecomusicology
Ecology, which has long functioned as a metaphor in musical scholarship, seems to be becoming a focus of attention in its own right. Advocates for threatened musical traditions frequently compare them to threatened species, urging us to... more
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    • Ecomusicology
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    • Ecomusicology
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      Performance StudiesEnvironmental StudiesEcomusicologyEnvironmental Theater
This dissertation concerns making music as a utopian ecological practice, skill, or method of associative communication where participants temporarily move towards idealized relationships between themselves and their environment. Live... more
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      Cultural StudiesEnvironmental PhilosophyPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
This article offers ways of considering the relationship between musicking, community, and place that arose from research with residents of Hornby Island, British Columbia. I advance a theory of vibe that captures how Hornby Islanders... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnomusicologyEthnographyIsland Studies
This article offers ways of considering the relationship between musicking, community, and place that arose from research with residents of Hornby Island, British Columbia. I advance a theory of vibe that captures how Hornby Islanders... more
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      Cultural StudiesArtEthnomusicologyEthnography
Gnawa Diffusion was a successful musical group of first- and second-generation North African immigrants that achieved significant fame in North Africa, the Middle East and Europe during the last two decades. Based in France, though from... more
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    • Art
This paper describes Bob Wiseman's allegorical piece, Uranium, arguing that it accesses emotion to alter the consciousness of percipients. Audiences respond with unusual intensity to Uranium's tragic environmental narrative. By using... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental HumanitiesEcomusicologyDuke University
Over the past decades, a phenomenon of «discovering» hidden Jewish communities in Spain and Portugal has developed, leading to functioning Jewish communities in some cases, and festivals promoting imagined Jewish communities in others. In... more
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This monumental, hefty volume is the work of someone who passionately loves musical tradition, and believes in documenting and disseminating it; it is hard to believe that the author's full-time "official" profession has nothing to do... more
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This volume, in Spanish, is another welcome example of Weich-Shahak's continuing work documenting, disseminating and providing accurate information about Judeo-Spanish song. Over eighty Moroccan Judeo-Spanish romances are fully... more
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    • Art
This solid two-volume set offers a welcome and long-overdue collection of essays on various aspects of literatura de cordel and almost 500 pages of facsimiles from the pliegos collection of the Imprenta Hernando housed at the CSIC in... more
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This paper is an overview of my current research on the survival o f the Judeo-Spanish traditional song among Sephardic communi ties in M ontreal and Toronto. It is only recently that serious re search on Canadian Sephardic communities... more
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Judeo-Spanish Sephardic ("Ladino") songs have been sung, remembered, composed, and adapted around the Mediterranean, from the late-fifteenth-century expulsions from Iberian lands to festivals of new Ladino songs. This reflective survey... more
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