York University
Ideas about gender-about what men and women are and do-are deeply enfolded in the images and narratives that comprise the discourse of antisemitism. Because representations of Jews are inevitably gendered, it would be impossible to... more
The depiction of Jewish ritual on American television stands out from ordinary TV fare. Not surprisingly, since its early popularization the culture of television in America has been vaguely Christian. Vaguely, because television programs... more
the link between his different topics, despite the title, not always clear, the book is written with passion and a radical indignation at the unjust way in which many (especially in the Church) have caused great and continuing 'psychic... more
Ideas about gender-about what men and women are and do-are deeply enfolded in the images and narratives that comprise the discourse of antisemitism. Because representations of Jews are inevitably gendered, it would be impossible to... more
T his essay contributes to the decentring of vision that has been the project of much recent scholarship. Accepting Derrida's argument in Of Grammatology that the sound of the voice is not a sounding of presence, this essay nonetheless... more
One night, I dreamt my head was 1,000 feet wide. The expansion was executed between the outside edge of each of my eyes and the inside edge of each corresponding ear; the distance between my eyes remained the same, but that between my... more
In the context of the highly contested discourse of posthumanism, this essay examines Mark Hansen's attempt to give a robust account of technology in its extra-linguistic dimension by evincing an '''originary'' coupling of the human and... more
This essay examines the problem of medial specificity in music and sound art, giving particular attention to Seth Kim-Cohen's call for a non-cochlear sound art based on the notion of " expansion " that has been decisive in visual arts... more