York University
Nobody makes better use of the aesthetic analogy than David Hume in his Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (1751). Hume argues that the pleasure we feel in the beautiful is analogous to, and continuous with, our pleasure in... more
It is one thing to take up a much-loved novel and sink into it again, finding all the old familiar faces and visiting again the old familiar places. It is another thing entirely to reread Pride and Prejudice in the company of Patricia... more
Hina Nazar is associate professor of English and Interpretive eory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her publications cover the elds of eighteenth-and nineteenth-century British ction, Enlighten ment moral and political... more
This issue of AVANT is dedicated to hauntology, an approach originally defined by Jacques Derrida as a "logic of haunting" that is "larger and more powerful than an ontology or a thinking of Being," and that "harbor[s] within itself, but... more
Taking as examples selected gothic works of recent American fiction-Gerald Vizenor's Darkness in Saint Louis Bearheart (1978; 1990); Patricia Highsmith's Tales of Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes (1987) and Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac... more
In Cities of the Dead, Joseph Roach speculates that "Modernity itself might be understood as a new way of handling (and thinking about) the dead" (1996, p. 48). Roach (following Foucault) argues that a whole array of rationalized spatial... more
A rthur Redding begins Radical Legacies by noting the increasing distrust and alienation faced by public intellectuals. Redding argues that today's intellectuals are too often pressed into advancing the popular will of the era. Redding... more
The link between memory and place has historically attended the study of memory in every sense: in its contents (our attachment to memories of home); in its practices (place as an aid to rote memorization); in its externalizations... more
The deictic, as place of ethical and aesthetic encounter, has been taken up for its play across various forms, including film, painting, and photography. ‘‘Calling on Witnesses’’ explores the particular case of the ethical appeal of the... more