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This paper argues that the S* robot control architecture of Tsotsos [1997] is well suited to intelligent control of planetary rovers. Behaviour-based systems 0perate well in unknown environments, but cannot support deliberative... more
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      Intelligent ControlBehavior based roboticsSpecification LanguageHybrid System
In an ongoing project, we aim at assisting disabled children at play. To this end, we are developing a semi autonomous robotic wheelchair. It is equipped with several visual sensors and a robotic manipulator and thus conveniently enhances... more
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      Face RecognitionSupport Vector MachinesRobust controlGesture Recognition
While current robot middleware projects address functional concerns of robot control, middleware should also support the needs of task-directed perceptual processing. S* is an approach to intelligent control that addresses this concern in... more
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      Intelligent ControlMiddlewareRobot ControlSoftware Framework
In images of real visual scenes, contours are often fragmented by occlusion, shadows and low re ectance contrast. In order to infer shape from contour, the human visual system must selectively integrate fragments projecting from a common... more
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      PsychophysicsVisual SearchVisionForm perception
An outline drawing often serves as an excellent depiction of a visual scene. Somehow, our visual system can form two-and tbreedimensional percepts solely from onedimeosional contour information. In ma~mati~, contour &sure plays a key role... more
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      TopologyVisual SearchVisionForm perception
We used a visual-search method to investigate the role of shadows in the rapid discrimination of scene properties. Targets and distractors were light or dark 2-D crescents of identical shape and size, on a mid-grey background. From the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysicsComputer Science
Real-time monitoring system µPMU hardware and software design Error and phasor estimation Computational time minimization This article presents a roadmap for distribution grid µPMU hardware and software design consideration and... more
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      StandardsReal Time Embedded SystemsPhasor Measurement units
In this paper we investigate automated theorem proving systems represented as finite classes of resolution proof systems. We call such classes resolution approximations. For many first-order logics, theorem proving based on such... more
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    • First Order Logic
The properties of monotonic inference systems and the properties of their theories are strongly linked. These links, however, are much weaker in nonmonotonic inference systems. In this paper we introduce the notion of an axiomatic variety... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophySemantic AnalysisLinguistics
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      Philosophy and Religious StudiesMathematical Sciences
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    • Multidisciplinary
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyPhilosophical LogicMany-Valued Logic
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    • Pure Mathematics
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      Philosophy and Religious StudiesMathematical SciencesCumulant
Inkjet printing is a promising technique for printed micro-electronics due to low cost, customizability and compatibility with large-area, flexible substrates. However, printed line shapes can suffer from bulges at the start of lines and... more
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    • Inkjet printing
Hybrid organic/inorganic solar cells have been fabricated and studied. The aim being to take advantage of the beneficial properties of both organic and inorganic materials. In this work we studied hybrid n-GaAs/Polymer photovoltaic... more
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      People with DisabilitiesWeb Navigation
For many users with a physical or motor disability, using a computer mouse or other pointing device to navigate the web is cumbersome or impossible due to problems with pointing accuracy. At the same time, web accessibility using a key-... more
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      Web AccessibilitySpeech RecognitionPeople with DisabilitiesWeb Navigation
Current Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems designed to recognize dysarthric speech require an investment in training that involves considerable effort and must be repeated if speech patterns change. We present CanSpeak, a... more
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      Automatic Speech RecognitionSpeech RecognitionSystem DesignUser Study