York University
Economics and Social Science
Universities are facing a critical challenge; university citizenship has steadily declined over the last few decades. As a self-governing entity, most of the foundational elements of a university community are within its own control. As a... more
PROLOGUE "In the Ontario Budget 2004, the government said that in order to build a high-skill, high-wage economy, Ontario requires higher learning that is second to none. To assist in reaching that goal, the Postsecondary Review was... more
After years of cutbacks to housing programs in Canada, there has emerged a consensus that a progressive housing policy requires significant construction of new social housing units to address both the problems of housing affordability and... more
George Fallis ’ examination of the plight of the large, Anglo-American, research-intensive univer-sities has recently been reprinted in paperback making it more accessible to many of us who should be reading it. As Fallis notes, most of... more
George Fallis' examination of the plight of the large, Anglo-American, research-intensive universities has recently been reprinted in paperback making it more accessible to many of us who should be reading it. As Fallis notes, most of us... more
If journalism is the first rough draft of history, books like these-a conference volume, a collection of papers from a major research project, and a presidential memoire/analysis-are the second drafts. But these drafts are polished, the... more
am especially indebted to my colleague Barry Smith for his computer programming. 21his Gap allowance is equivalent to an income transfer program; cs is the lump-sum payment and c, the tax-back rate. The comparison between the... more
If journalism is the first rough draft of history, books like these-a conference volume, a collection of papers from a major research project, and a presidential memoire/analysis-are the second drafts. But these drafts are polished, the... more
PROLOGUE "In the Ontario Budget 2004, the government said that in order to build a high-skill, high-wage economy, Ontario requires higher learning that is second to none. To assist in reaching that goal, the Postsecondary Review was... more
After years of cutbacks to housing programs in Canada, there has emerged a consensus that a progressive housing policy requires significant construction of new social housing units to address both the problems of housing affordability and... more
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.... more
Universities are facing a critical challenge; university citizenship has steadily declined over the last few decades. As a self-governing entity, most of the foundational elements of a university community are within its own control. As a... more
PROLOGUE "In the Ontario Budget 2004, the government said that in order to build a high-skill, high-wage economy, Ontario requires higher learning that is second to none. To assist in reaching that goal, the Postsecondary Review was... more
He has written a number of books on housing economics and policy, including Housing Economics and Housing the Homeless and Poor (with Alex Murray), and published many articles in academic journals. He has been a consultant to national,... more