York University
Gender inequality is an acute and persistent problem, especially in developing countries. This paper argues that gender discrimination is an inefficient practice. We model gender discrimination as the complete exclusion of females from... more
Los Documentos de Trabajo se distribuyen gratuitamente a las Universidades e Instituciones de Investigación que lo solicitan. No obstante están disponibles en texto completo a través de Internet: http://www.fedea.es.
This paper studies whether the gender composition of recruiting committees matters. We make use of the exceptional empirical evidence provided by Spanish public examinations, where the allocation of candidates to evaluating committees is... more
Many factors influence the likelihood of citizens turning out to vote. In this paper we focus our attention on issue voting, that is, on the likelihood that different policies offered by politicians affect the probability of voting. If... more
Este trabajo analiza la selección de la élite de una sociedad; en particular, la selección de las altas capas del funcionariado. Con la aparición de las sociedades modernas, se crearon mecanismos para la educación y evaluación de la élite... more
This paper investigates the reasons behind the low representation of women among legislators. Using data from Spain, we find that parties tend to nominate female candidates to poorer positions on the ballot. We examine whether this is due... more
Abstract We look into the potential existence of a ostate nobilitypin top civil service in Spain. With that aim we exploit the surname information of 21,000 members and 85,000 candidates for positions in the eleven main Corps of the... more
Abstract This paper challenges the view that the gender gap in pay and promotion is partially due to menps overconfidence. Here we use a unique database with information on over 75,000 individuals taking all the major public examinations... more
Abstract This paper analyzes the relevance of ballot order in Spanish Senate elections. We use data from elections held between 1996 and 2008, when the order of parties on the ballot was random. We find that ballot order significantly... more
Abstract: It is well known that incumbent politicians tend to receive more votes when economic conditions are good. In this paper we explore the source of this correlation, exploiting the exceptional evidence provided by the Spanish... more
This paper argues that sex discrimination is an inefficient practice. We model sex discrimination as the complete exclusion of females from the labor market or as the exclusion of females from managerial positions. The former implies a... more
We analyze the interaction between electoral competition and voters' decision to vote. We show that when voters consider both the benefits and the costs of voting, politicians offer differentiated policies to motivate citizens to vote. In... more
This is a book review of Ebenezer Obadare's ''Humor, Silence and Civil Society in Nigeria.'' It examines conceptual issues around the role of civil society in Nigeria, the nexus (or lack thereof) between ngo's and civil society, and the... more
This paper addresses macroeconomic issues of the debate over high technology and unemployment.
This study investigated the ways in which family members of students in a Hawaiian language immersion program were involved in their children's education and identified the effects of and barriers to involvement. A sociocultural... more
- by Rebecca Ji
This paper introduces a trust model for mobile ad hoc networks. Initially each node is assigned a trust level. Then we use several approaches to dynamically update trust levels by using reports from threat detection tools, such as... more
dintre temele favorite ale keynesiștilor este cea legată de consum. Neapărat trebuie să continuăm consumul susținut ca să scoatem economia din criză. Neapărat trebuie să ne împrumutăm de la bancă pentru a consuma și a readuce economia pe... more