York University
Background: Ledebouria Roth (Hyacinthaceae: Hyacinthoideae) is a largely African genus with, more or less, 40 species occurring in South Africa. The species was first collected in December 1990 by R. Archer [Archer, R.H. 503 (PRE)] and... more
have proved to be extremely rewarding.
This paper incorporates a role for expectations in the short-run behavior of labour supply decision, presents a theory introducing labour market expectations as a variable influencing labour supply, and discusses the relative merits of... more
This paper looks beneath the national unemployment numbers to examine in detail the dimension of Canada’s youth unemployment problem. After an outline of the empirical dimensions of youth unemployment in Canada, a theoritical framework is... more
Legal disputes over compensation paid almost a century ago in lieu of a cash flow stream spanning a few decades present a number of challenges. These difficulties involve interrelated conceptual issues as well as technical obstacles. The... more
There have been numerous historical claims by First Nations across Canada for damages resulting from the taking of land and the resulting loss of use of such land. Many of these cases have come before the courts. Generally in such cases,... more
Nota: Las reglas de escritura de las referencias bibliográficas pueden variar según los diferentes dominios del conocimiento. Este documento está protegido por la ley de derechos de autor. La utilización de los servicios de Érudit... more
- by Fred Lazar