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During the past several years, point density covering topographic objects with airborne lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) technology has been greatly improved. This achievement provides an improved ability for reconstructing more... more
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      GeographyAlgorithmsTechnologyRemote Sensing
An automated method for boundary representation of building objects has been considered as a core processor for 3D city modelling. Since the reconstruction of generic building shape fundamentally depends on geometric features extracted... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingLiDARFeature Extraction
This paper introduced a developed object-based extraction tool for delineating the building footprints from high-resolution satellite image. The foundation of the algorithm is a scale-space analysis based on level set transformation... more
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      GeographyLevel SetFeature ExtractionGeomatic Engineering
The co-registration process between light detection and ranging point clouds and photogrammetric digital surface models data is analyzed and a semi-automated solution is implemented. For a robust 3D geometric transformation between the... more
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      Computer ScienceRemote SensingPhotogrammetryLiDAR
Wikification of GIS by the masses' is a phrase-term first coined by Kamel Boulos in 2005, two years earlier than Goodchild's term 'Volunteered Geographic Information'. Six years later (2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011),... more
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      Environmental ScienceComputer ScienceAlgorithmsGlobal Health
For more than two decades, many efforts have been made to develop methods for extracting urban objects from data acquired by airborne sensors. In order to make the results of such algorithms more comparable, benchmarking data sets are of... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceEvaluation
This study developed a new method to derive forest type information from large-footprint lidar data based on full waveform analysis. For this purpose, the raw waveform was decomposed into Gaussian components, and canopy return and ground... more
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      StatisticsRemote SensingStatistical AnalysisLiDAR
A lidar filtering technique is used to differentiate on-terrain points and offterrain points from a cloud of 3D point data collected by a lidar system. A major issue of concern in this low-level filter is to design a methodology to ensure... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingLiDARAutomation
Tree detection and reconstruction is of great interest in large-scale city modelling. In this paper, we present a marked point process model to detect single trees from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. We consider single trees in ALS... more
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    • Mathematics
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      Environmental ScienceComputer ScienceForestryLiDAR
The safety of powerline infrastructure significantly affects our everyday life and industrial activities. There are many factors and objects to threaten powerline safety, which include encroaching vegetation, tree healthiness, ambient... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceRemote SensingLiDAR
The demands for automatic point cloud classification have dramatically increased with the widespread use of airborne LiDAR. Existing research has mainly concentrated on a few dominant objects such as terrain, buildings and vegetation. In... more
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      Computer ScienceRemote SensingLaser ScanningGeomatic Engineering
This study presents a hybrid framework for single tree detection from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data by integrating low-level image processing techniques into a high-level probabilistic framework. The proposed approach modelled tree... more
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This study aims to introduce new methods for classifying key features (power lines, pylons, and buildings) comprising utility corridor scene using airborne LiDAR data and modelling power lines in 3D object space. The proposed approach... more
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      Computer ScienceLiDAR
Since the introduction of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) know as an alternative aerial-based data acquisition tool, the requirement of the 3D model reconstruction in both urban and power-line scenes has dramatically increased. Especially,... more
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      Computer ScienceLiDAR
The specific requirements of UAV-photogrammetry necessitate particular solutions for system development, which have mostly been ignored or not assessed adequately in recent studies. Accordingly, this paper presents the methodological and... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalytical ChemistryPhotogrammetryEnvironmental Monitoring
With rapid urbanization, highly accurate and semantically rich virtualization of building assets in 3D become more critical for supporting various applications, including urban planning, emergency response and location-based services.... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalytical ChemistryLiDARMedicine
This paper proposes a new algorithm to generalize noisy polylines comprising a rooftop model by maximizing a shape regularity (orthogonality, symmetricity and directional simplications). The nature of remotely sensed data including... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceLiDARPoint Cloud
In this work, the co-registration steps between LiDAR and photogrammetric DSM 3Ddata are analyzed and a solution based on automated plane matching is proposed and implemented. For a robust 3D geometric transformation both planes and... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
The increasing use of electrical energy has yielded more necessities of electric utilities including transmission lines and electric pylons which require a real-time risk monitoring to prevent massive economical damages. Recently,... more
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      GeographyComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceLiDAR