York University
1. Introduction An efficient black layer coating is required for the manufacture of diffraction gratings with a holographic technique. In this process two s-polarized, 413-nm-wavelength laser beams impinge onto an aluminum substrate... more
The importance of measurements of the vertical distribution of odd nitrogen in studies of ozone chemistry and climate change has long being recognized. In this paper, we use the optimal estimation method developed by Rodgers (1976, 1990)... more
This paper provides an overview of the measurement systems available to make observations of the chemistry of the ozone layer. The characteristics and applications of the data collected are considered. Models provide insight into the... more
The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) satellite was launched on 12 August 2003. Its two instruments measure vertical profiles of over 30 atmospheric trace gases by analyzing solar occultation spectra in the ultraviolet/visible and... more
This paper presents extensive bias determination analyses of ozone observations from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) satellite instruments: the ACE Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) and the Measurement of Aerosol... more
Vertical profiles of NO 2 and NO have been obtained from solar occultation measurements by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE), using an infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer, ACE-FTS, and an ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared... more
The first three Canadian Arctic ACE validation campaigns were held during polar sunrise at Eureka, Nunavut, Canada (80 • N, 86 • W) from 2004 to 2006 in support of validation of the ACE (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment) satellite... more
The MANTRA (Middle Atmosphere Nitrogen TRend Assessment) 2004 campaign took place in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan, Canada (52 • N, 107 • W) from 3 August to 15 September, 2004. In support of the main balloon launch, a suite of five zenith-sky... more
Low-resolution atmospheric thermal emission spectra collected by balloon-borne radiometers over the time span of 1990-2002 are used to retrieve vertical profiles of HNO 3 , CFC-11 and CFC-12 volume mixing ratios between approximately 10... more
The purpose of this study is to perform a global search of the upper troposphere (z≥10 km) for enhancements of nitrogen dioxide and determine their sources. We have searched two years (May 2003-May 2005) of OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph... more
Abstract. We have developed models of physically-based cloud and ocean surfaces for use in photochemical models. These surface models are described in terms of a flux albedo and a normalized reflection function. Through these, the... more
The vertical distribution of stratospheric nitrogen dioxide was measured during the Atmospheric Environment Service STRATOPROBE projects in August of 1975 and 1976. Vertical profiles of NO2 are determined by measuring the NO2 absorption... more
A mechanism for the conversion of stratospheric N20 S to HNO 3 by the reaction of N20 S reaction R3. with aqueous aerosol in the winter polar stratosphere is proposed to explain the observed deficit amounts of dinitrogen pentoxide and... more
Measurements of ozone, water vapour, nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide taken during the STRATOPROBE flight of October 23, 1980 from Palestine Texas at 32øN are presented. The measured ratio of HN03 to NO2 is in good agreement with that of... more
It has been more than 20 years since the Brewer reference triad was established by Environment Canada at Toronto. The triad serves as a reference for traveling standard instruments that are used to calibrate Brewer spectrophotometers... more
During winter/spring 96/97 ozone levels over the Eureka NDSC observatory (80øN,86øW) were measured using a lidar, sondes, and a Brewer spectrophotometer. Column C10 measurements were also made using an FTIR system. Measurements show that... more
The first measurements of the spectral flux on a homontal surface, limb brighiness and apparent surface brightness •th the NASA ER-2 research aircraft were made during the Stratospherie Photochemistry, Aerosol and Dynamics Expedition... more
ER-2 aircraft observations of OH and HO2 concentrations in the upper troposphere during the NASA/STRAT campaign are interpreted using a photochemical model constrained by local observations of 03, H20, NO, CO, hydrocarbons, albedo and... more
The 2004 Canadian Arctic ACE Validation Campaign was conducted to provide correlative data for validating measurements from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) satellite mission. These measurements were made at Eureka, Nunavut... more