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      Postmodern danceTrisha Brown
On ne peut bien sûr que se réjouir du vif regain d'intérêt, tant artistique qu'universitaire que les opéras de Francesco Cavalli connaissent depuis quelques années. Il n'en reste pas moins que le long hiatus qu'ont connu les... more
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      Baroque operaCasting In Baroque OperaCavalli and Baroque Opera
Nordic Network for Early Opera and Nordic Network for Vocal Performance Research, in collaboration with Scuola di Music Antica Venezia, are delighted to invite you for a research seminar in Venice 15 June around the theme of vocality,... more
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      Early MusicMusicologyOperations ResearchVoice (Music)
Book chapter
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... Actors Deborah Hay and Patrick Galligan have catapulted out of the clenching tensions of Still Life here and morphed into Louise and ... zeppelin floats lazily by, wafting us into an Ionesco-like absur - dity reminiscent of Rhinoceros... more
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Artigo sobre os cruzamentos entre dramaturgia e espaco cenico numa convocacao da tradicao do teatro ocidental. Exposicao do ponto de vista do critico de teatro.
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      SociologyLanguage Culture and CommunicationCultural Trends
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      PsychologyScientific Exploration
At the time of this writing, a Google Scholar search of the term "Shakespeare Authorship Question" (SAQ) returned 264,000 results. These range from reasonably impartial papers in peer-reviewed journals [e.g.
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      PsychologyScientific Exploration
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      HistoryAsian TheatreAsia PacificArt Theory and Criticism
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      Landscape EcologyOrnithologyContemporary ArtScience-Fiction
ELIZABETH A. POVINELLI is an anthropologist, queer theorist, and filmmaker, whose ground-clearing work has developed a critical theory of late liberalism that would support what she calls “an anthropology of the otherwise.” Unfolding... more
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      False MemorySnakesAlphabetSwans
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      Contemporary ArtModernismLos AngelesNight
ELIZABETH A. POVINELLI is an anthropologist, queer theorist, and filmmaker, whose ground-clearing work has developed a critical theory of late liberalism that would support what she calls “an anthropology of the otherwise.” Unfolding... more
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      Art HistoryVisual Arts
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In recent years, accomplished artist, musician and composer Raven Chacon has been busy with multiple large-scale installations and performances that propelled him to the forefront of America's experimental music scene, a trajectory... more
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      MusicSound ArtNoise (Experimental Music)
Recording medium and Acousomatics.
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      Radio And Sound StudiesSoundscape StudiesSound Art