York University
This multi-voiced paper considers the role of language and linguistic heterogeneity in relation to larger discourses and processes of internationalization and globalization in Canadian higher education by examining two particular... more
Objective: To evaluate the use of dabigatran versus warfarin on time to elective direct current cardioversion (DCCV). Methodology: This retrospective observational study was conducted at a single Veterans Affairs hospital in the... more
Disclaimer: Statements of fact and opinion in the articles, notes, perspectives, and so on in the Islamophobia Studies Journal are those of the respective authors and contributors. They are not the expression of the editorial or advisory... more
In this paper, I will explore how links between migration, official language proficiency and labour market needs are being forged within the context of an increasing neoliberal agenda for immigration. Specifically, I will examine how the... more
Teacher presence is crucial in the success of online English language learning. This presentation will share Canadian research findings highlighting strategies to use online teacher presence to engage learners and build cohesive learning... more
This paper will review a three-part pedagogical framework to effectively integrate online intercultural English language exchanges into classroom teaching. After reviewing the benefits and challenges of online intercultural exchanges, a... more
In this paper I discuss the role of social presence in ESL/EAL technology- mediated language learning (TMLL), instructional design and pedagogy, and the crucial role that social presence plays in deepening learner engagement and learning... more
This article shares pedagogical insights from a qualitative study examining the use of immersive social virtual worlds (SVWs) in language teaching and learning. Recognizing the language learning affordances of immersive virtual... more
This article shares pedagogical insights from a qualitative study examining the use of immersive social virtual worlds (SVWs) in language teaching and learning. Recognizing the language learning affordances of immersive virtual... more
Technology use in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programmes is seen as a strategy to support pedagogical innovation and intensifying growth in post-secondary international student enrolments. This article discusses government-funded... more
This chapter examines the pedagogical potential of immersive social virtual worlds (SVWs) in language teaching and learning. Recognizing the language learning affordances of immersive virtual environments, this research examines a study... more
This research reports results from a survey of274 core French teachers across Canada to define teachers' belief systems towards computer technology, teachers' experiences with computers, and factors contributing to the use of... more
Literary and cinenatic texts about Ccrlrm loft-wing tenorism have bed almost exclusively a part of a disti{ctly West Ceman culhral memory. This essay exdines two film lexls, both prcductioDs lor tclevision, whjch spproach lhe lopic &om m... more
This article discusses German-language science fiction films and examines their narratives of generational conflict and their visions of the future within the context of contemporary European cultural discourses. In recent years, European... more