York University
In 1965, the UK designer F.H.K. Henrion was commissioned by the General Post Office to survey the state of design within the organization. The survey report was to form the basis for commissioning a new corporate identity, or ‘house... more
Facing increased calls for “practical skills,” the arts and humanities are under immense pressure to demonstrate their value to a public that demands measurable metrics. As a response, graphic design has adopted the language of “research”... more
Briefly stated, a critical practice is one that examines and engages the normative standards of a given discipline. This paper will examine a context for critical positioning in graphic design, one which fulfills design’s communicative... more
Between 1859 and 1860, Charles Baudelaire penned “The Painter of Modern Life.” His essay is an extended series of observations on the emergence of modernity in what was at the time contemporary society for Baudelaire. Nearly 150 years... more
This paper will highlight an instance of entrenched creative inertia in academia and the process involved in overcoming this roadblock. Specifically, creative inertia is a problem which can occur in any institution irrespective of size.... more
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the creation of narrative structures outside of print-based media. The projects are not specific to any particular “use value,” i.e. film credits for a particular movie, or a mock... more
The path a student takes is undoubtedly a slow and methodological journey and the educational journey of the type designer perhaps among the slowest. That Gerrit Noordzij has had an influence on contemporary type design is indisputable.... more
Paper presented at Contesting Absences: Exploring Unexamined Influences, ACSA West Regional Meeting, Eugene OR, 15–16 October 1999. Critical objection to the simulacrum, or "false copy," has a long history in the visual arts beginning... more
Paper presented at Triangulating the Bodies of Architecture, 1996 ACSA Northeast Regional Meeting, Buffalo NY, 4–6 October. Conventional architectural discourse on representation operates between two poles of a binary system. In one... more
Follow-up interview to a letter published in Emigre no.65, Fall 2003: 124–127. An interview focusing on the value of design theory and criticism in graphic design.
Special Feature: Edward Fella This issue of IDEA features Edward Fella’s unique typographic works in extraordinary volume with an Introduction by Lewis Blackwell and the essay “Lettering Beyond the Borders: The Art of Ed Fella” by David... more
I am a junior faculty member now teaching graphic design but I began my studies in architecture. Today, working towards my tenure requirements at a large university, I am asked to provide some biographical information whenever a piece of... more